Hey Eddie, I’ve been waiting for 7 years for you to fix the property tax debacle in Pa. Think you might live up to your “top priority” from your campaign in 2002 and get on that one day?
Fast Eddie has no intention of fixing anything, except making sure he is Gov fo’ Life.
Hey, I got relatives in Pennsylvania, which is a truly beautiful state with hills and streams and wonderful hunting and fishing, but I have to ask,
How the heck do you put up with this pompous fascist fathead “Fast Eddie” Rendell? “Philadelphia rules!” is not an answer.
I hunted in PA knowing that semiautos are OK to own but not to hunt with.
Sure love it here in gun friendly South Carolina.
Hey, cut Eddie some slack! As soon as he gets slots approved in Pennsylvania he will address the property tax debacle! sarc/off
Eddie promised to lower property taxes in 2002 and during his last 7 years my prop taxes have gone up 42% with no major improvements. Bottom line, Eddie is a lying SOS who adheres to only one thing and that is the party line.