There is nothing liberal or tolerant about a “Liberal”
“Liberal” = Commie
Simple they despise things they cannot control.
They have no principles and do not understand why they matter.
They should not underestimate the determination of True American Patriots.
The move to ban guns has always been to eliminate that potential as future attempts were made to deny individual liberty and freedom.
We call them liberals today, and they've gone by other names and titles, but it all boils down to those that wish to enslave and those that will not be enslaved.
Man's freedom is a natural law and right from God and no man can take that away without cause.
They that attempt that are violating the law of God.
Liberals don't despise us, they fear us.
We listened to their ranting for 8 years because it was their right to speak. Now their man has won, as he likes to say, so they should be happy. But they’re not. If they thought the grass-roots tea parties were truly ineffectual, they wouldn’t say a word. They are nervous, because they know they’re not the populists they claim to be. They don’t speak for “the people” at all, and now that they’ve won the Congress, the WH, and the courts, their true colors are showing. And all they can do is insult and harass. They have no argument. Good - I hope they keep talking.
It’s because liberals are focused on people instead of message. THey are addicted to flesh and violence inherently and they do not like when the addiction products that terror violence produce gets stopped. It’s their right, you know, to treat us to “be in their shoes” and addicted to violence like them.
The old devil get by trick strikes again and fools libs.
Maybe she forgot that her Messiah said something to the effect that his parents met during the civil rights demonstrations in the South, when in fact he was born before they even occurred. (More recently, Obama said that he was three months old when the Bay of Pigs invasion occurred, whereas he hadn't yet been born.)
Maybe she forgot when Joe Biden said that Franklin Roosevelt went on television to reassure the American people in the immediate aftermath of the stock market crash which ushered in the Great Depression, when in fact Herbert Hoover was president at the time and television was only in its early experimental stage.
Maybe she forgot when Hillary Rodham Clinton said she was named after noted mountain climber Sir Edmund Hillary, despite her being born about six years before the latter made a name for himself by becoming the first to reach the top of Mt. Everest.
By contrast, the Boston Tea Party did occur and was indeed a tax protest, despite the fact that Garafalo doesn't recognize it.
No, it's the left that collectively has to have historical ignorance and amnesia, because without their historical revisionism their agenda doesn't fly with people who know real history. Garafalo's rant this week is a classic case of leftist projection of their own inadequacies onto their opponents!
I wonder if there’s a chance that something will happen to her on “24”, maybe she’s another one from the other side,well let me restate that she is from the other side
The "racism" charge by the Left was as predictable as night follows day. If you told this nitwit Garofalo that there were black, Hispanic, and Oriental participants and speakers at the Tea Parties, and that nothing close to a racist word was spoken anywhere, she'd retort that the minority participants were mentally ill, suffering from Stockholm syndrome.
It's her man Obama himself who ran the racist campaign last year when he constantly used the line that he doesn't look like any past presidents - for starters.
Since Mr. Dunham is half black and half white does that make me half a racist? /wit
find out what a liberal govt looks like, view this vid. Taxes are the symptom not the disease, loss of the republic is the disease. Might be the most important video you view!
The video is a description of the 5 supposed forms of government, from 100% government control (Communism, fascism, totalitarianism etc) to 0% government (anarchy) it obliterates all forms of government as only temporary and futile except for 2, oligarchy and republic. It does this in a clear concise manner, which effectively shows even a grade schooler about them. It then, in the last few moments, explains Rome, its beginning as a republic, and its morph into a democracy. The parallels are well put, and clearly where this country is today. It is an excellent way to spread the word to those who have never been taught proper history, and that is alot of people since they have been re writing it for so long now.
I have been posting this sucker all over all day, and sometimes I forget that some are stuck at work, so I have included the above basic description of the video, however it does not do the video justice. I beg, implore and urge all to view it who have not. THIS is the reason we are so angry. Taxes are a symptom, losing our republic is the disease!!!!!
They’re like spoiled children who “hate” their parents.
They think it’s ok to be cool and nonconformist and yet when they get their asses in trouble, the parents/patriots will be there to protect them.
Oh yeah, and provide for their needs too
“Keep at it America. We are not slaves to their leftist vision of what America would become.
Just keep in mind that the more we win on substance the more they will scream like stuck pigs.
Then again some pulled pork on July 4th does sound mighty tasty!”
Great quote. Love it. The drivebys just can’t take it that they are people with discernment who aren’t drinking their kool-aid.
Self respect?
Logical thought patterns?
The ability to reason?
The wheel?
Opposing thumbs?
Pretty much everything you don't have?
Hey Jeanine, you fascist, rednecks have rights because they're people and they're citizens. You hate them because they're more religious than urban elitist liberals and they have the right to VOTE. You hate them because they won't become like you and have the right to disagree with you. You fascist Hollywood liberal.
Modern “progressivism” is the antithesis of patriotism. Quite simple.
Liberals hate anyone who challenge their perceptions of superiority.They also hate people they can’t intimidate or frighten