I know the liberal MSM has brought this on themselves - but I still feel breakfast is coffee and a newspaper...
“breakfast is coffee and a newspaper...”
We are a dying breed, friend. I get up at 5:00 AM Sunday, brew a pot of Maxwell House and fire up my pipe. Grab the Arkansas Democrat Gazette and read the paper in my garage. Sitting there with my pipe full of Prince Albert, a big mug of black, steaming coffee and the feel of the Ark. DG in my hands, I feel completely satisfied. My family is still asleep, I am alone in the morning stillness with only my thoughts - and it occurs to me: Although I have only a modest home in a subdivision, and neither fame nor fortune, right now I am completely satisfied. God has truly Blessed me, we should all feel so rich. And to think a simple pipe, cup of coffee and a newspaper has put me in such a mood.—JM