Excellent. Great day. I was most impressed by how many young people were there. Not just to hang, but with signs and costumes.
Cottonwood, Arizona 300 or more one hour rally at Noon
There were a lot of young people at the Salt Lake City Tea Party, too, actively participating, with signs, t-shirts, and all. I talked to a couple young men who were handing out flyers, encouraging people to read “Atlas Shrugged.” He was a little surprised to find I’ve read the rest of Ayn Rand’s books, including some he’d never heard of. I told him, if he likes Rand, he needs to check out Eric Hoffer.
Denver had a great rally. I made the first hour and thanked the 4 motorcycle cops sitting on Colfax, just calmly watching. Then I had to follow some old dude (okay, mid 50’s, same as me) walking down the street, complaining that we haven’t even given bimbo a chance yet. But I was good, no trouble.