“I guess you like the idea of eliminating the middle class and becoming a 3rd world country?”
kelelone and a few others who post here seem to be either trolls or deluded into thinking that they are SO special and bright and competitive and flexible that so called ‘free trade’ will never have a negative impact on them.
No, I dont like the idea of eliminating middle class jobs. But at the same time, I dont like this bizarre dictatorial streak which seems to be advocating a closed economy.
Yes, Id like to see production happening in the US. Yes, Id rather not have to buy a bike made in China for my kids, Id rather not have to worry that its made out of old recycled hypodermic syringes, yes Id rather not talk to tech support in “Hyderabad” as old whiskers seems to think Im from, Id rather not do any of those things.
But hey- talk is cheap. Are you guys willing to work in manufacturing? Would you work in a call center? Dyou know anyone who would? Are you willing to pay the extra cash which will be passed on to you as the salary of an american worker?
Personally, I wouldnt mind. Its a small price to pay. But I know that most people would.
And I didnt see the bit about TARP funds. If thats the case, then its wrong, but I think those funds come with riders that disallow beneficiaries from hiring foreigners, so I think theres some mistake somewhere.
If a normal company is making a profit, and wants to hire someone it thinks will benefit it, I think its the height of hypocrisy to want the government hand out of your pocket and your life, and then to advocate just such draconian laws.
And to Algernon: Im no troll. Been here for a while. Nor am I delusional.