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2 posted on 04/14/2009 2:08:59 PM PDT by GOP_Lady
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To: GOP_Lady

Obama Report on “Right-Wing Radicals” Timed for Tea Parties
April 14, 2009


RUSH: I had a report, I got this at 2:30 yesterday afternoon. I just didn’t have a chance to work it in yesterday. It’s this Department of Homeland Security report, it’s nine pages, I’ve got the PDF here, and, by the way, this speech of Obama’s and the DHS report yesterday are timed for one reason and that’s the tea parties tomorrow. This speech, the primary purpose of this speech is to take any glow off the tea parties. The media is going to report on this speech later this afternoon and tell you about how great the economy is doing, how on top of it Obama is, how it’s going to be a little while before it rebounds but it’s coming back, and in having used that as the setup, they’ll then go to videotape of the tea parties where they’ll try to mock what’s going on with these people, just agitators with no real reason behind what they’re doing. So this speech is designed to totally blunt the tea parties, which are grassroots affairs that will happen all over America tomorrow. The DHS report, this comes from the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano. Now, when you read this whole thing, and it doesn’t take long to read it, it’s only nine pages, you can go to various places and read summaries of it as well. For example, there is no proof here, no proof offered, no evidence offered that anything they project is true.

Let me give you one. “The Department of Homeland Security assesses that right-wing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to exploit their skills and knowledge derived from military training and combat. These skills and knowledge have the potential to boost the capabilities of right-wing extremists including lone wolves or small terrorist cells to carry out violence. The willingness of a small percentage of military personnel to join right-wing extremist groups during the 1990s because they were disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war is being replicated today.” They even quote Timothy McVeigh in this report. This is the Democrat Party Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano put this together. There is not one instance they can cite as evidence where any of these right-wing groups have done anything. I’ll tell you what this is on the par of. Remember in Missouri where the state police put out a pamphlet warning local police departments in Missouri that if anybody had an NRA bumper sticker on their bumper or a pro-life bumper sticker, that they were potential members of the right-wing militia.

We had a call from Michelle yesterday in Pensacola, Florida, and she’s agreed to let us call her back sometime during the program today. She’s upset because Obama is trying to unify us all, trying to bring us all together, and why am I opposed to this? Well, here’s a clear example. Ed Morrissey at Hot Air today writing about this suggested that Janet Napolitano needs to resign and that Obama needs to withdraw this report. I read things like that and I understand where Ed’s coming from, but I don’t believe for a minute Obama had nothing to do with it. Obama, he provides the vision, he says so; he puts the members of his cabinet there. The idea that Barack Obama is not a partisan, that he’s a unifier, how can anybody today still go for that? The only way they can is to remember what he said during the campaign, but ignore what he’s doing as president. ‘Cause this thing, this Department of Homeland Security report is nothing more than a partisan hit job filled with lies and innuendo that portrays any conservatism as right-wing extremism. I’ll read you a couple of excerpts of this just so that you get the idea.

“Rightwing extremists are harnessing this historical election as a recruitment tool. Many rightwing extremists are antagonistic toward the new presidential administration and its perceived stance on a range of issues, including immigration and citizenship, the expansion of social programs to minorities, and restrictions on firearms ownership and use. Rightwing extremists are increasingly galvanized by these concerns and leverage them as drivers for recruitment. From the 2008 election timeframe to the present, rightwing extremists have capitalized on related racial and political prejudices in expanded propaganda campaigns, thereby reaching out to a wider audience of potential sympathizers.” What you have here is Barack Obama, forget Napolitano, it’s his administration, he provides the vision, he puts people in these positions that he wants to do his bidding. This is Barack Obama, and this is an effort to stifle what anybody would consider to be normal political dissent. He is characterizing those of you who oppose an expanding government, huge socialistic tendencies, legalization of illegals for the purpose of making them Democrats, we are now right-wing extremists and we are arming up, and this report is to warn other law enforcement agencies of the dangers posed by right-wing extremists.

The thing came out last week on April 7th. Roger Hedgecock and a couple people found it, made it public yesterday afternoon. As I said, I got my copy at 2:30 in the afternoon. This is being made and widely disseminated now on the day prior to the tea parties as well. Here’s another excerpt. “Rightwing extremist chatter on the Internet continues to focus on the economy, the perceived loss of U.S. jobs in the manufacturing and construction sectors, and home foreclosures. Anti-Semitic extremists attribute these losses to a deliberate conspiracy conducted by a cabal of Jewish ‘financial elites.’” Right-wing extremist chatter is spreading this kind of stuff around? “These ‘accusatory’ tactics are employed to draw new recruits into rightwing extremist groups and further radicalize those already—” So you have a report from Janet Napolitano and Barack Obama, Department of Homeland Security portraying standard, ordinary, every day conservatives as posing a bigger threat to this country than Al-Qaeda terrorists or genuine enemies of this country like Kim Jong Il. They wouldn’t write anything about Jim Jong Il like this. They wouldn’t write anything about Osama Bin Laden like this.

Don’t forget, this is the same bunch that once suggested the speech code in which references to jihad and Islamofascism were to be purged. We were not to discuss terrorism with those words. It was not to be discussed in the country; it was not to be discussed in the government. The same people who wanted to purge references to jihad or Islamofascism are now out with this report, which is a genuine hit job on standard run-of-the-mill, mainstream ordinary Americans. “DHS/I&A will be working with its state and local partners over the next several months to ascertain with greater regional specificity the rise in rightwing extremist activity in the United States, with a particular emphasis on the political, economic, and social factors that drive rightwing extremist radicalization.” That’s just a portion of it; it’s nine pages long. Homeland security warning of radicals on the right, defined as groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority. Anybody opposed to federal authority, expanding federal authority will now be tagged as a member of right-wing extremist groups.


RUSH: Have you ever noticed...? You look at this DHS report. We’ve made comment on this before. Wouldn’t it be nice if the liberals of America actually acknowledged our real enemies the way they acknowledge conservatives?

I mean, the language they use in this report to describe conservatives... We hear all the time that the left is a bunch of pacifists, make-love-not-war types. They don’t want violence. They just want to get along, and why can’t everybody just be happy together, and yet when you read what a typical leftist like Obama or Janet Napolitano put together in this Department of Homeland Security report, you conclude nothing else that they are extreme partisan radicals, and they’re ready to go to war with a domestic enemy, conservatives, that they consider to be a greater threat than Iran, than China, than North Korea, than Venezuela, Russia, or any other nation that threatens the United States. Conservatives are the biggest threat to America. That’s the message coming out of Washington from Obama and Janet Napolitano.


RUSH: Marian in Fox Island, Washington. It’s great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. This is not my grandpa’s America, and DHS is talking about me. I’m heartland America, and I am not a right-wing extremist, but I feel like King Olaf during the Second World War, he wore a Star of David to put himself with the people who were being oppressed, and I feel like putting an arm band on saying right-wing extremist to let people know who they’re talking about.

RUSH: Well, I understand your anger about this, but this is the Obama administration. They say Janet Napolitano, but this is what Obama thinks —

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: — it’s what Bill Ayers thinks; it’s what Jeremiah Wright thinks.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: He populates his administration with these people, and it’s clear that they consider people like you to be a greater enemy than genuine threats to our freedom and existence.

CALLER: Exactly.

RUSH: This is playing to, of course, the left-wing fringe base that voted for Obama. You could wear a T-shirt, you could wear anything you want, right-wing extremist and so forth, and it would just be said by those who saw you that, “Finally they’re admitting it.” They wouldn’t get the humor of it.

CALLER: That’s true.

RUSH: But you’re right to be offended by it. By the way, if you read the whole thing, there’s not one bit of evidence. It’s all speculation. It’s an intelligence report from the Department of Homeland Security, and there’s not one bit of evidence. They even go back and quote Timothy McVeigh in this thing.

CALLER: Well, King Olaf did it for a reason, to let the Jews know that they were not alone, and probably something like that, if we did that, it would let other people like us know that we’re not alone. And I resent them taking America away from me. I grew up in the same America that you did, Rush, and I feel the terrible loss of it.

RUSH: A lot of people do, and that’s why the tea parties are starting tomorrow. This intelligence report from DHS is the same party, same political party that made up intelligence and politicized intel. To me it isn’t shocking, it’s brazen. The fact that Obama thinks this is not surprising; the fact that his Department of Homeland Security would put it out as openly as this is a little surprising.


RUSH: I think I’ll send Janet Napolitano a quick little note saying, “Madam Secretary, given your latest report from the Department of Homeland Security, don’t close Guantanamo Bay, Club Gitmo. Keep it open so you can ship all the right-wing extremist Americans, former military members down there when you capture them engaging in whatever anti-American activity you dream up.”


RUSH: San Jose, California. Susan, welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program. Nice to have you with us.

CALLER: Oh, thank you. I called because you were reading the report from Homeland Security, and I wanted to say, I think I completely agree with it.

RUSH: Okay. I’ll bite. Tell me why.

CALLER: Well, because, you know, we’re the people that want to go back to the Constitution, that, you know, really love our freedom and understand that it’s being taken away, and therefore we pose an enormous threat to the government. We’re the people buying guns and storing ammunition and preparing for the time when we have to fight the government off.

RUSH: Wait a minute, though. I understand the point you’re trying to make, but that’s not extremism.

CALLER: Well, to them it is.

RUSH: But it’s not. They don’t get to define the terms. We are not extremists. Those of us who want to protect the founding of this nation and preserve it as it was when we were born and grew up, we are not extremists. They are the extremists. They’re not right about this. This is an effort to criminalize political dissent, standard, ordinary everyday political dissent. This is an effort to criminalize it and to categorize it as something people need to be afraid of and perhaps defend themselves against, which is a crock.


RUSH: This is Rob in North Dakota. It’s nice to have you on the program, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. How you doing, man? It’s an honor to talk to you.

RUSH: Thank you very much.

CALLER: I’m giving you a call on this thing, this right-wing extremism thing that we’ve apparently come up with, and we got document a while back, I work for the government as well, and something of that nature that came out. Apparently it’s public knowledge now, but I couldn’t believe what I was reading. I’ve been in the agency for almost 20 years and —

RUSH: Wait, now. Wait. Whoa, whoa. Which agency?

CALLER: Customs and Border Protection.

RUSH: Customs and Border Protection. Are you referring to this Department of Homeland Security thing about right-wing extremism?

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: So how long ago did you get it?

CALLER: A couple days ago.

RUSH: Okay, yeah. It came out, yeah, couple days ago. So... Okay. Now that I know what you’re talking about.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: What’s your reaction to it? You couldn’t believe what you were reading?

CALLER: I couldn’t believe what I was reading because the thing that we stand for as God-fearing Americans and the things that our Constitution... I’m reading this document and I about fell out of my chair because apparently if you believe in some of these things you’re this right-wing extremist crazy person, and there was mention to white supremacy and things like that in there, and I thought it was kind of interesting.

RUSH: Oh, there’s all kinds of things like the shooter.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: There’s one incident cited: the shooter in Pittsburgh that shot three cops.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: This report cites him as being a Looney Toon that believed that the Jews were trying to control the world with a one-world government —

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: — and that he was opposing the constitution because he was one of these wacko believers, and so that, to Janet Napolitano and Obama, a shooter like that, that’s what they think a mainstream conservative is.

CALLER: Right. And that’s what just throws me for a loop, because it’s like if you are a conservative person, you know, we’re back to this right-wing conspiracy thing from the Clinton era, and they’re using that terminology. When I read that that was the first thing that caught my eye, that title up on the page, I said, “What is this?” And then it had an official seal and all these things on it. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. So, I don’t know what to think of it.

RUSH: You don’t know what to think of it?

CALLER: (laughing) Well, I do but it’s just very shocking because I can’t believe we’ve gone this far over the bubble that... I mean, it’s like, “How do we regain our ability to bring it back a little bit?”

RUSH: To me, it’s not so far how we’ve gone over the bubble. I know you mean America, but I think it’s a very instructive and teachable moment. All these poor people that think Obama’s about unity and solving all of our problems and bringing us all together. This guy’s like every other politician. He’s about wiping out his political enemies — and unfortunately, he considers conservatives in the United States to be a bigger threat to his country and him than people that want to blow up our country. I think it’s helpful in the sense that people can get an idea of just who this man is, ‘cause it’s not Janet Napolitano. Janet Napolitano wouldn’t put something like this out unless it was approved, because this is so extreme itself that this wouldn’t go out unless it had Obama’s imprimatur. It’s what we’re up against. It is finally words on paper what the extreme left in this country actually thinks of us. And for that reason, it’s somewhat helpful. But the danger in it is, is that it creates a circumstance where law enforcement officials can now treat people who are engaged in the time-honored art of just standard political dissent, of being right-wing extremists prone to military acts, militia acts like, violence, and so forth. They can be spied on, monitored, and this sort of thing. It’s no accident this comes out a week before the tea parties that are slated to kick off tomorrow.

3 posted on 04/14/2009 2:09:27 PM PDT by GOP_Lady
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To: GOP_Lady

nice job, GOP LADY, THANKS!

6 posted on 04/14/2009 2:11:40 PM PDT by peace with honor
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To: GOP_Lady

Lost in the insanity of all this and all that has been happening, is the persistent lie the Left insists on disseminating, and which appears in the report, that Conservatives are against “immigration”, rather than “ILLEGAL ALIENS”.

9 posted on 04/14/2009 2:12:51 PM PDT by Canedawg (If astronauts discovered a fetus on Mars, would Dems admit there is life on Mars?)
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To: GOP_Lady

Rick Perry Stands Up for Freedom
April 14, 2009


RUSH: In light of all that’s happening, Obama’s speech on the economy justifying the basic destruction of the US free market — which is what this speech is. It’s the only way to describe it: the justification of the destruction of capitalism, the free market as we’ve known it, and this inflammatory report from the Department of Homeland Security calling mainstream conservatives right-wing extremists, militia members, tarring and feathering returning veterans as becoming right-wing extremists and warning everybody to be on the lookout for these people on the eve of these tea parties. I want to go back to last week, last Thursday. The governor of Texas, Rick Perry, held a press conference to announce that he supports the House Concurrent Resolution 50 in Support of States’ Rights under the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution. He’s all upset about the bailout money, TARP money, the stimulus money. This is great stuff. Here’s the first of several bites from the governor of Texas.

PERRY: The federal government has become oppressive. I believe it’s become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of its citizens, and it’s interference with the affairs of our state. Millions of Texans just like yourselves that are tired of Washington, DC, trying to come down here and tell us how to run Texas. (applause) We think it’s time to draw the line in the sand and tell Washington that no longer are we going to accept their oppressive hand in the state of Texas. There is a point in time where you stand up and say, “Enough is enough,” and I think Americans and Texans especially have reached that point.

RUSH: Amen, bro. That’s the governor of Texas, Rick Perry. He was on with Larry Kudlow last night. Question: “Three Texas tea parties. You have ten rallies being planned just in the Metroplex area itself of Dallas. I just want to ask you, Texas one of the e best state economies in the country, you got relatively low unemployment. What are they doing? Why are they doing this tax revolt thing in Texas?”

PERRY: We want to deep it that way, and the message is for Washington, DC: Here in Texas we keep our taxes low, our regulatory climate fair, our legal system that doesn’t over-sue, and a good, accountable public school system — and then we believe in getting out of the way and letting the private sector do what it does, which is create jobs. Somewhere between 70 and 80% of all the jobs created last year in America were created in Texas.

RUSH: Now, what this is about is Texas and all the other states are being forced to take a percentage of all the stimulus, the Porkulus package money, and a number of governors have said they don’t want it. Bobby Jindal said, “I don’t want it, ‘cause this is going to end up costing us money. The unemployment demands they’re putting here, the way we run the system.” Mark Sanford of South Carolina doesn’t want it and Governor Perry in Texas doesn’t want it. They do not like the idea that the federal government, under Obama, is now telling the states what they have to do. It’s unconstitutional, and that’s why Perry is speaking up.


RUSH: I have a couple more Rick Perry sound bites from last night with Larry Kudlow. Perry has just described how conditions in Texas are not as bad as they are around the country, but yet there are a lot of tea parties planned for Texas. Kudlow says, “Why are these people in Texas dissatisfied, then? What are they yelling at?”

PERRY: They’re sending Washington the message. I mean, we’re still part of the union down here in Texas, and our folks would like to keep it that way, but we see some things going on that are peculiar. They’re frustrating. Part of my message is going to, “Be loud and be consistent and keep sending the message to Washington, DC.” We understand that you can’t tax and spend your way to prosperity. Washington needs to quit spending money. Let the private sector have the freedom to grow, and we’ll grow our way out of this recession, but you can’t spend your way out of it spending money out of Washington, DC.

RUSH: That’s not what the President said. President Obama said today you can. In fact, President Obama in his speech today ridiculed the whole notion that government shouldn’t spend during a recession. He said that was just stupid. He said, people saying that, it’s laughable. He didn’t say crazy, but it’s what he meant. “I can’t believe it, people are saying Washington and government shouldn’t spend in a recession. Why, that’s absolutely incorrect!” So he disagrees with Governor Perry, that the more spending is better. Remember, now, the Obama administration thinks the only reason FDR failed with the New Deal ending the Depression was they “didn’t spend enough soon enough,” which is, of course, historically inaccurate and economically incorrect. But what’s true and accurate and right no longer matters. The facts — what’s true, what’s historically accurate; what is, according to scientists of economics; what works and what doesn’t — none of that matters. Whatever Obama says, that’s the new reality. Finally, Kudlow says to Governor Perry of Texas, you got one of the few states left in the union with no personal income tax. You have no corporate income tax, so far as I know. You do have a 6.25% sales tax. Has that gone up?”

PERRY: No, it hasn’t, and I don’t think you’ll see people talking about raising the sales tax. The key is here, we have created a real business climate. You mention the Art Laffer in your section before. Art did a comparable between California and Texas, and he said, “Look, it’s even close.”

RUSH: So Governor Perry not on board with anything that’s happening out of the Obama administration. I guess, according to the Department of Homeland Security report, Governor Perry is a right-wing extremist and is encouraging militia groups to form. He’s out there... With what Governor Perry is saying, according to Janet Napolitano and Obama at the Department of Homeland Security, Governor Perry is actually trying to recruit right-wing extremists to oppose our brave new president and his massive plans to create a utopia here on earth!


12 posted on 04/14/2009 2:13:49 PM PDT by GOP_Lady
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To: GOP_Lady

President Obama Ordered the Killing of Three Black Muslim Kids
April 14, 2009


RUSH: You know what we have learned about the Somali pirates, the merchant marine organizers that were wiped out at the order of Barack Obama, you know what we learned about them? They were teenagers. The Somali pirates, the merchant marine organizers who took a US merchant captain hostage for five days were inexperienced youths, the defense secretary, Roberts Gates, said yesterday, adding that the hijackers were between 17 and 19 years old. Now, just imagine the hue and cry had a Republican president ordered the shooting of black teenagers on the high seas. Greetings and welcome back, Rush Limbaugh, the Excellence in Broadcasting Network and the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies.

They were kids. The story is out, I don’t know if it’s true or not, but apparently the hijackers, these kids, the merchant marine organizers, Muslim kids, were upset, they wanted to just give the captain back and head home because they were running out of food, they were running out of fuel, they were surrounded by all these US Navy ships, big ships, and they just wanted out of there. That’s the story, but then when one of them put a gun to the back of the captain, Mr. Phillips, then bam, bam, bam. There you have it, and three teenagers shot on the high seas at the order of President Obama. David “Rodham” Gergen was discussing the ramifications of this last night. Let’s go to sound bite eight. We’ll use number eight. He was on Anderson Cooper 360 last night. Cooper said, “Does Obama need to move forward in this —” by the way, the Somali merchant marine organizers have hijacked four more ships today, four more ships have been hijacked.

It was three earlier today. They’ve hijacked an additional one now for a total of four today. And, of course, we predicted this yesterday. While bestowing upon Obama all the brilliance and credit he deserved for a brilliant operation, we were very much concerned here that this kind of action against three young teenagers, black Muslim teenagers on the high seas could anger the pirates, merchant marine organizers even more and heighten and increase hijack activity. The left itself warned us of this in Iraq, they said all we’re doing is creating more terrorists. So apparently we’ve created more hijackings on the high seas, in the Gulf of Aden by teenaged black Muslims, the merchant marine organizers. Here’s David “Rodham” Gergen responding to Anderson Cooper’s question. “Does he need to move forward in this situation? Does he need to resolve the question of these other pirates, their hideouts along the coast there in Somalia, or does he just kind of move on and hope it doesn’t happen again?”

GERGEN: The natural temptation is to want to go in with military force and clean out those nests of pirates and just demolish them for even touching an American in the way they did, but there are some complications. Anderson, in his case this is complicated by his diplomatic outreach to Muslims. He’s done a good job laying the groundwork, reaching out in Turkey as we saw a few days ago. If he over-responds to this, if he uses force against Muslims in what seems an excessive way, it could totally undercut his own efforts.

RUSH: It was a risk that he took, no question. But of course until David “Rodham” Gergen mentioned it last night, nowhere else in the Drive-Bys was the fact that they were Muslims mentioned. That’s why the use of the word pirates continues. The defense secretary, Robert Gates, said there is no purely military solution to merchant marine organizing in the region. “As long as you’ve got this incredible number of poor people and the risks are relatively small there’s really no way, in my view, to control it unless you get something on land that begins to change the equation for these kids.” A Pentagon spokesman confirmed Gates’ quotes which were first reported in the American Forces Press Service. There’s nothing really we can do until we go in there and nation build is what he’s saying. We gotta go in there and take care of the situation on land and build up their economy such that these kids don’t feel the need to become merchant marine organizers. (interruption) What, Mr. Snerdley, you have a question here for your host? Hm-hm. Hm-hm. Hm-hm. That was then, and this is now.

Mr. Snerdley is incredulous over the comments of the defense secretary that we can’t stop piracy in a military way, there’s no military solution. He pointed out that we have done it before, 200 years ago, and for the longest time there wasn’t any piracy. Well, it’s different now, Mr. Snerdley. There is no pure military solution to this, just like there’s no military solution to terrorism. There’s no military solution to anything is what you must take from this. The Obama administration, no military solution to anything, which is, of course, one of the foundational building blocks of liberalism, the military only screws things up. Al Sharpton, the head honcho of the National Action Network on his syndicated radio show yesterday.

SHARPTON: The so-called pirates, they call themselves voluntary Coast Guard in Somalia, which may be more apt.

RUSH: Well, there you have it, from one of America’s true leaders of the civil rights movement, the black community, they’re not even pirates. They are voluntary coast guards. So in fact what we have here, according to the Reverend Sharpton, these young kids, black Muslim kids, three of which were ordered shot by President Obama on Sunday afternoon, they’re just a voluntary Coast Guard trying to protect Somalia, they’re just patrolling off the coast of Somalia as sort of a voluntary National Guard, so-called pirates, they’re not really pirates, according to reverend Sharpton. He’s confirming me, Mr. Snerdley. Don’t look so incredulous. They’re just community organizers and they have decided to organize out on the high seas as a means of protecting their beloved country, is all this is about.

A story from the Xinhua News Agency in Beijing, and there’s a picture of it here: “Thousands of dolphins blocked the suspected Somali pirate ships when they were trying to attack Chinese merchant ships passing the Gulf of Aden, the China Radio International.” I guess the ChiComs here are unaware of the Somali pirates’ brilliant business plan, and the Chinese are very happy. “The Chinese merchant ships escorted by a China’s fleet sailed on the Gulf of Aden when they met some suspected pirate ships. Thousands of dolphins suddenly leaped out of water between pirates and merchants when the pirate ships headed for the China’s. The suspected pirates ships stopped and then turned away. The pirates could only lament their littleness before the vast number of dolphins.” This is a China news story, as it’s written. The pirates lament their littleness compared to the dolphins, but they apparently see no such littleness compared to the US Navy. It’s true, got a picture here, unless it’s been Photoshopped, lots and lots of dolphins just surfacing between the giant Chinese ship and the Somali merchant marine organizers. We always knew, we’ve always been told the dolphins are smarter than the rest of us, and apparently the dolphins in the Gulf of Aden are tired of all the piracy, or tired of something, and so they wanted to stop it. Mort Kondracke last night on Fox’s Special Report with Bret Baier, had a discussion here about Obama and the Somali merchant marine organizers.

KONDRACKE: I think Obama did the right thing. I was in church with him on — same church as — on — on Sunday, and he looked like very preoccupied and now it’s — it’s — it’s apparent why because he was thinking what was going on in the — in the — off Somalia.

RUSH: I was in church with him on Sunday, he looked very preoccupied. He may have looked preoccupied in church on Sunday. Now we know why. He was worried about the order he had given to wipe out three teenagers on the high seas, black Muslim teenagers. I think the way he looked in church, Mort, probably confused that nobody was screaming about how evil America is. That’s what he’s used to hearing in church, and he obviously didn’t hear that.


RUSH: West Hempstead, New York. This is Carl. Thank you for waiting, sir. You’re next on the Rush Limbaugh program.

CALLER: Good to talk to you again, Rush. It’s been years. Listen, as I understand it and as I’m reading here on the Internet, this ship that was attacked by the Somali pirates was carrying food aid to Somalia. Well, you know, how about treating Somalia much of sub-Saharan Africa like one would street a strangler vine. If it becomes a problem, simply stop watering it.

RUSH: It is true that the ship was delivering food. It was on a mercy mission to some Muslims. You might be right it was to Somalia, and much of sub-Saharan Africa.

CALLER: Yeah, it was Kenya and Somalia.

RUSH: Kenya!


RUSH: Well... Kenya?

CALLER: Yeah, apparently. Yeah, that’s what the news is reporting.

RUSH: And?


RUSH: Kenya?


RUSH: Kenya? You’re serious about this?


RUSH: Well, you know, Kenya, there’s a bunch of Obama relatives that live there. He’s got his brother, George Onyango who lives in the hut, and we learned last week, and I did not mention this. But we learned last week that he’s got another half-brother who’s been charged with sexual assault or something.

CALLER: In England.

RUSH: Can you imagine if a family member of George W. Bush had been charged with sexual assault.

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: Well, it was on a mercy mission, but the Somali merchant marine organizers are out for ransom money.

CALLER: Well, it appears to me to be anti-Darwinian to be feeding our enemy. Simply cut ‘em off and let evolution take its course.

RUSH: No, you don’t understand. You don’t understand. I’m glad you called and said this to give me the opportunity to explain. We don’t have enemies. Well, we have enemies, but we have enemies because of us. We have made them our enemies by being a superpower, by having such a big military, by having such a big economy, by having so much prosperity, by having so much freedom, by feeding the world, by outperforming every other civilization in the history of human existence. We are the problem. We have only been able to do this, you see, by stealing from the Somalis and stealing from the Kenyans. We have stolen all of the resources of the world to use ourselves in a selfish effort to make ourselves bigger than anybody else. And so it is guilt that forces us to send food and good wishes to our enemies like this. This is the way the left thinks. Remember, the United States is the problem in the world.

The US military is the problem in the world. The United States has created all this strife, and since we’re ones... It’s just like domestically, the rich are only rich because they’ve taken what’s not theirs from the poor — who never had anything in the first place, but still, they say that the poor is poor because everything that was theirs was taken from them. Same thing exists in the world. Kenya is poor and Somalia is poor because we, the United States, for over 200 years have raped the world of its resources. This is what liberals think. We’re guilty! To be an American is to be guilty, and so of course we’re going to send ships and the military around the world on Meals on Wheels programs. And we have to understand. That’s why I’m stunned that President Obama did this. If he knew that it was just three black Muslim teenagers in that pirate ship that were gunned down... Again, you let George Bush’s Navy gun down three black teenagers out there in the open seas, and I guarantee there would be hell to pay and war crimes trials.


RUSH: I stand corrected. I’m using the guidance provided for me by Victor from Boca Raton, Florida, the Russian caller. If only President Obama had known that the three Somali community organizers are actually young black Muslim teenagers, I’m sure he wouldn’t have given the order to shoot. That’s the correct way to look at it: If only Obama had known. Okay. So it’s no big deal.


RUSH: I’m just sitting here reading an AP story out of Nairobi, which is in Kenya. I swear, reading this story you would think that the Somali merchant marine organizers actually have a spokesman. I don’t know where AP gets this information about them. Let me give you an example: “U.S. and French naval attacks on Somali pirates raised fears Monday for the safety of scores of foreign sailors still held hostage and sparked a debate on safeguarding shipping. The most likely outcome, though, is business as usual for,” the merchant marine organizers. “Pirate leaders in Somalia have vowed to retaliate for the killing of three [young teenage] pirates by [the Obama administration] sharpshooters in the daring rescue of American captain Richard Phillips—” No, it doesn’t really say that. I put it in there myself. “The International Maritime Bureau said it supported the U.S. and French action, but also cautioned it may spark retaliation by pirates,” which it has. Four more ships were hijacked today.

“Vilma de Guzman, the wife of Filipino seafarer Ruel de Guzman, held since Nov. 10, said, ‘Those released are lucky, but what about those who remain captive?’” Now, without any quote, without any attribution to anybody in the pirate community, comes this next sentence. “The pirates’ primary concerns, however, are economic, and they have no interest in escalating violence.” Who wrote this piece? Tom Maliti of the Associated Press. I guess the Associated Press is the spokesman for the pirate community because this is a PR job for the pirates, but there is no quote. How does this guy know the pirates’ primary concerns are economic and they have no interest in escalating violence? No, they just hijacked four more ships today. “Pirates armed with assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades typically speed toward a ship in skiffs and use ropes and hooks to get aboard without shooting. Within days, a ransom of $1 million to $2 million is delivered, by sea or air, and the ship and crew are released.” No big deal!

“No shot is fired. No one is harmed. Hostages have even told of being fed “sumptuously,” with pirates billing the shipping companies for the food.” (laughing) The pirates are billing the shipping companies! (laughing) There’s gotta be a return address. If you are the pirates and you’re billing the shipping companies for the food, the shipping companies have to have some address to send the money back, if they’re stupid enough. This is absurd! It is an AP story that’s a puff piece PR piece press release for the pirates. It gets even better. “That, and the ransom, are paid by insurance companies.” The food’s paid for by the shipping fleet, the ransom’s paid by insurance companies. Big deal. Nobody’s hurt here. There’s no harm. “Last year, premiums for passage all along the East African coast shot up —” Premiums! Premiums for passage. It’s like the fee you pay to go through the Panama Canal, yes. “Premiums for passage all along the East African coast shot up in August and September when there was an increase in hijackings, then fell in January when bad weather saw little pirate activity.”

President Obama vowed on Monday the resolve to halt the rise of piracy. “That could herald ‘a new chapter in the piracy saga,’ said Crispian Cuss of London’s risk mitigation Olive Group. The pirates had ‘a really good year last year, they took a lot of ships, made a lot of money and almost all hijackings were resolved peacefully.’” Had a great year. That’s right, they have a great business model. This is being written about as though it’s a tourist attraction. For those of you with giant yachts, go out there and watch all this, watch the hijackings, watch the brilliant business model in action, watch the captain and the crew be taken hostage, watch the ransom air dropped, watch the crew released. Imagine, because you won’t see the crew eating sumptuous meals paid for by the shipping companies who are billed for this by the pirate community. I think the cruise lines ought to start selling cruises over to this area, Gulf of Aden, just to watch this. “Join us on a five-day hostage cruise, get fed sumptuous food, enjoy a high seas adventure. We, too, might be hijacked but don’t worry, the cruise line will feed us well because the pirates will bill them for it. The pirates will get a ransom, and we’ll watch this brilliant business model unfold.”

Noel Choong of the piracy watchdog — oh, did you know there was a piracy watchdog? I didn’t until just now. The piracy watchdog International Maritime Bureau, another bureaucracy that does nothing but watch. And here’s the quote from Noel Choong of the piracy watchdog International Maritime Bureau: “We do not approve or support that crews be armed. Once you start arming the crew, then the pirates will start shooting the crew, even an unarmed crew.” No, no. If the crew is armed they can’t be unarmed at the same time. Oh, well, let me start again. “Once you start arming the crew,” said Noel Choong, “then the pirates will start shooting the crew, even an unarmed crew. Once that is done you will have more problems because the crew will start shooting at other (non-pirate) ships.” So the International Maritime Bureau theorizes that if you arm the crew of the peaceful cargo ships trying to deliver their mercy mission food to starving Africans and others, if you arm the crew, they will start shooting other ships. Meanwhile, the pirates, all they want to do is hijack you, take you there, feed you well, bill the shipping company for it, get the ransom, and let you go.


21 posted on 04/14/2009 2:24:07 PM PDT by GOP_Lady
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To: GOP_Lady
I hope everyone had a great day and is in a "RUSH" groove!

24 posted on 04/14/2009 2:35:16 PM PDT by GOP_Lady
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