Well, I live in Massachusetts, and the Democrats here are rattlesnakes, they don’t let go for anything, and play hardball, so I find wimpy, bipartisan, reach across the isle Republicans as clueless dolts that in the words of Yogi Berra, ‘don’t know how to play the game.’
As flaky as Newt was, compare him to Fat Dennis “Coach” Hastert, whom I believe was the longest ever Speaker of The House, and is remembered, right so, for nothing, other than spending.
Michael’s, pre Newt minority leader. Doormat.
HW Bush. Doormat.
Condi Rice. Doormat.
McCain. Nutter.
Mitt. Flip Floppy.
Lott. Nutter.
Palin, Jindal, Flake.... New Names, New blood.
I’ve been reading your posts for awhile. It seems to me that your vision of an “acceptable” candidate would appeal to perhaps 5 percent of the Republican Party.
Don’t take it personally. Just an observation.