As I have said in at least 2 posts on this thread, I don't have a problem with the family reunification laws. They are not the problem, unless you attach them to a massive amnesty program. I see no reason to repeal it. I would rather have the mothers or sisters or brothers of those legal immigrants that followed the law than the lawbreakers who think they are entitled amnesty.
Then you don't get out very much, do you?
Lose the snide comments.
Bush's immigration reform bill was not the only one proposed. I leave it to you as an exercise to look up reform bills sponsored by people like Tom Tancredo who favor tighter immigration laws and lower legal immigration numbers.
As I said, "I've never seen one proposed provision within 'Comprehensive Immigration Reform' legislation that corrected those issues." Now you cite Tancredo. I would ask what bill that Tancredo introduced was ever referred to as "Comprehensive Immigration Reform." I have also never heard anyone to say that "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" would include lowering the number of legal immigrants -- care to offer a citation on that one?
FYI, the welfare spending on poor legal immigrants dwarfs any amount spent on illegals.
And your point is? We should get rid of legal immigrants and keep the illegal ones because they are cheaper? And what happens when the illegals become legal through amnesty or the fraudulently named "path to citizenship" proposals? Kabooom! Watch the welfare roles explode!
Our immigration system is not "broken" as our liberal media keeps telling us -- the laws are just not enforced. There is only one reason for "Comprehensive Immigration Reform," IMO. It is to push Amnesty.
FAIR, the immigration lobbying group with whom Tancredo and other restrictionists are affiliated, refers to its agenda as an "immigration reform agenda."
They generally don't use the adjective "comprehensive," though, you're right. Neither did Romney.
And your point is? We should get rid of legal immigrants and keep the illegal ones because they are cheaper?
No, my point is that our legal immigration policy is just as big a problem as our illegal immigration problem. To fix it we need reform, though a different sort of reform than what Bush and McCain are proposing.
That's why it's stupid to say that anyone who favors reform automatically favors what Bush and McCain proposed.
And what happens when the illegals become legal through amnesty or the fraudulently named "path to citizenship" proposals? Kabooom! Watch the welfare roles explode!
I agree. It will make the problem much worse. But just because the Bush-McCain reform idea is bad doesn't mean all reform ideas are bad.
Take a look at FAIR's reform agenda. I think you will agree with most of it.