When are they going to stop sending their children to public schools, where the damage begins? When are they going to realize that "free and compulsory education" is a form of welfare, with the usual evil consequences?
60's Radicals have taken over everywhere I guess
Dear Community: In the last few weeks a number of people have asked me about the meaning and goals of socialism. Partly this is a response to charges that President Obama is actively creating socialism in the United States.
Most Americans have little or no knowledge about socialism, communism, and Marxism. These topics are generally forbidden and discouraged in our educational system. Questions abound in the U.S. about these ideologies and alternative economic systems..
For example, is the Peoples' Republic of China communist? Was the Soviet Union really communist? How can Communist China be the fastest growing capitalist economy in the world, until recenct months??
Did you know that at various times over half of Western Europeon voters have voted for socialist candidates and that at least six of these nations are ruled by socialists or social democrats currently? And these six nations have an average standard of living higher than that of the United States?
Did you know that a guiding principle of most socialists is democracy at all levels of society. So why not learn about actual socialism instead of depending on Fox News? This next Fall Term I will offer a course called Introduction to Marxism and Socialism and we will explore all of the above questions and much more.
The course is open to everyone whether you are taking it for credit or not. For forty years I have been a democratic socialist and one of my special academic interests is the development of what is know as "Neomarxism." I am clearly aware of the various strengths and weaknesses of Marxist analysis and the prospects of socialism.
But I truly believe it is time for us to have an intelligent discussion/discourse on the insights available for a more democratic and humane society for the future. Surely it is time to at least rethink the dominant ideologies of our society (laissez faire, neoliberalism, trickle down, etc.). There must be an alternative to predatory corporate capitalism and the awful party dictatorships justified by Stalinism and Maoism.
So please join us in the fall for this provocative course and feel free to contact me for information and possible enlightenment anytime on the pros and cons of "real" socialism.
All the best, Dr. Dean M. Braa .......
Not everyone can afford to send their children to private schools and not everyone can home school their children. I certainly would not have been able to when my kids were school age.