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Obamateurism of the Day: OBAMA says he doesn't speak Austrian ^
| April 6, 2009
| Ed Morrissey
Posted on 04/06/2009 9:14:47 AM PDT by Tolik
George Bushs critics rightly roasted him for his tortured syntax and waterboarded grammar, and used it to make the claim that the graduate of both Harvard and Yale was an idiot. Well, perhaps, but I dont recall him ever claiming that Austrian was a language. It takes a highly-esteemed intellect, it seems, to miss the fact that
Austrians mainly speak German:
Obama: It was also interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. Theres a lot of I dont know what the term is in Austrian wheeling and dealing and, you know, people are pursuing their interests, and everybody has their own particular issues and their own particular politics.
Austrians speak German and Italian primarily, as well as French and Im sure some Austrians speak languages ranging from Albanian to Swahili, being an intelligent and cultured people. However, none of the speak Austrian, because it doesnt exist.
I got a deluge of e-mails on this, so thanks to all who sent the tip. Other bloggers on this Obamateurism:
Update: LGF claims they have a clip of Bush bowing to Abdullah, but hes actually bending down to receive a medal from the Saudi king. Bush is much taller than Abdullah, which would have made it impossible for Abdullah to get the medal around his neck otherwise. We can question whether Bush should have accepted a medal from the Saudis, but he wasnt greeting Abdullah with a bow.

Got an Obamateurism of the Day? If you see a foul-up by Barack Obama, e-mail it to me at with the quote and the link to the Obamateurism. Ill post the best Obamateurisms on a daily basis, depending on how many I receive. Include a link to your blog, and Ill give some link love as well. And unlike Slate, I promise to end the feature when Barack Obama leaves office.
Illustrations by Chris Muir of Day by Day.
Barcepundit: OBAMA SAYS he doesn't speak Austrian. It's unknown if he can speak Argentinean or Brazilian but, to his credit, his American is way better than his English.
TOPICS: Editorial; Front Page News
KEYWORDS: austrian; bho44; gaffe; obama; obamateurism
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posted on
04/06/2009 9:14:48 AM PDT
To: Tolik
America owes Dan Quayle an apology.
posted on
04/06/2009 9:16:00 AM PDT
Jeff Chandler
(" the non-objective, imbalanced filter of the echoes in the western media.")
To: Tolik
*lol* i´m austrian too and even i don´t speak austrian.
To: Tolik
Ooooooooooh! He’s soooooo worldly, intelligent and articulate! /s *snort*
posted on
04/06/2009 9:17:14 AM PDT
("The smallest minority on earth is the 'individual'." ~ Rush Limbaugh)
To: Tolik
Next Teleprompter line:
posted on
04/06/2009 9:17:21 AM PDT
To: Jonny foreigner
You, ignorant you, </sarcasm>
posted on
04/06/2009 9:17:52 AM PDT
To: Tolik
I’ve also noticed that the word ‘vulnerable’ had now officially become ‘vunnerable’ under this president......
posted on
04/06/2009 9:18:21 AM PDT
(FR. ....Monthly Donors Wanted.)
To: Tolik
Pardon my Austrian, but 0bama is an #$@&*#$!
To: Tolik
Everyone know that the Austrians speak Australian!
posted on
04/06/2009 9:19:17 AM PDT
To: Jeff Chandler
Nah, Obama means well. That’s all that is important, don’t you know?
posted on
04/06/2009 9:19:28 AM PDT
To: Jonny foreigner
posted on
04/06/2009 9:19:48 AM PDT
(I hope that they fight to the death and both sides win.)
To: Above My Pay Grade
That was Greek too me. :^)
posted on
04/06/2009 9:20:02 AM PDT
To: Jonny foreigner
re: speaking “Austrian”
Yes, but maybe you need to speak “Austrian” because after all the “smartest man in the world” already thinks that you do!
Just make up a new language and Obama will feel better.....
I just hope he doesn’t get too confused about what language people in England speak......
“I don’t know how you folks say it in English but.....”
England and America, two peoples separated by a common language (I think Churchill said that?).
posted on
04/06/2009 9:21:58 AM PDT
(Obama Grovels Before Saudi King --- Our Founders are Spinning in their Graves)
To: Jeff Chandler
America owes Dan Quayle an apology. A comic once joked about Dan Quayle saying he did not speak Latin when visiting Latin America, but it was a joke and not a fact. Regardless, the media reported that as a fact hundreds of times over many many years.
posted on
04/06/2009 9:23:08 AM PDT
Always Right
(Obama: more arrogant than Bill Clinton, more naive than Jimmy Carter, and more liberal than LBJ.)
To: relictele
I thought Australiens were exstinky during the last great Asteriodian Impacto?
I wonder if he can speak Eyetailian?
posted on
04/06/2009 9:23:56 AM PDT
Young Werther
(Julius Caesar (Quae Cum Ita Sunt. Since these things are so.))
To: Tolik
I’m sure he’s fully fluent in Arabic though.
posted on
04/06/2009 9:24:35 AM PDT
Sig Sauer P220
(Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people ----- Thomas Jefferson)
To: patton
etzat ma klur.
*lol* is this the secret austrian languange?
because sorry i didn´t understand a single word ;-)
To: Tolik
Obama is the biggest scam artist in all of human history!
Take a classic ghetto jive talker Three Card Monte hustler-idiot, give him an affirmative action Harvard socialist education, and... voila... you have Obama!
To: Jonny foreigner
Yes it is, and demonstrated by your bard, Klaus Lage.
“Jetzt ist es mir klar”, in German.
posted on
04/06/2009 9:29:07 AM PDT
(I hope that they fight to the death and both sides win.)
To: Jonny foreigner
Hey, I speak Austrian!:
Bama-osay is-say an-say ool-fay.
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