we can agree to disagree, that is one of the reasons FR is so great. I understand your Ideas. I am aware of the distinction between firing functions a bit. I have rolled my own ammo for 46 years now and acquired to many weapons to count damn near.....collectors, safe queens, casual target, centerfire handgun and rifle competitions, trap on occasion, hunting and personal protection, (home d. and carry.) most of my own ‘smith work also .45acp refers to .45 Automatic Colt Pistol. that is where the automatic, as in referring to the loading function, meaning comes from as I understood it. the .45acp does not use a clip, it uses a detachable magazine. I do have two older collector mil. rifles that if/when fired do use stripper clips to feed the weapons internal box magazines. a clip feeds the magazine, a magazine feeds the weapon (in most instances, some variations) is an old saying. no matter what you shoot tho, firearms are a heck of a fun hobby. it is a hobby that has never gotten old for me, and helps burn up the retirement hours to boot. stay safe bill.
Thanks bobby.