Well, lets hang on a sec....
If "probably" <> "Palin knew"....
Then "Pretty Sure it's Biden's daughter" isn't a bit more definitive.
Agreed, but if someone started implying that I was doing cocaine and was shopping around a video, and it wasn’t me, I’d either be suing them for libel and extortion, or my father would have any of a number of federal law enforcement agencies coming down on them over some exaggerated charge that this whole hoax was just a way to extort from the federal government. So far, silence from the Biden’s. There is a difference between what two teenagers do behind closed doors and what a 24 year old does at a party with dozens of people there. Do you think if Levi had a videotape of he and Bristol and was shopping it around that the media would be keeping away from it because, although it looked like her, we can’t really say for sure? No way, they’d have it on You-Tube and say we’d let the people decide.