Thread by topher.
SANTO DOMINGO, April 17, 2009 ( - The Cardinal Archbishop of Santo Domingo condemned pro-abortion legislators and doctors for being "butchers and merchants of life" in his Easter homily last Sunday as a battle heats up over a new constitutional provision to protect the right to life from fertilization.
"We know that there are butcher doctors, there are legislators who like to trade in life, there are people who have authority who make a living from that," said Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez, adding that "we will be upfront, always upfront, clashing."
"We are here to tell you, 'yes to life, no to death,' definitely," he said, and added that abortion is a "crime," that it "exploits women" and that it is "terrorism."
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Thread by me.
Health Service paramedics have been told not to resuscitate terminally-ill patients who register on a controversial new database to say they want to die.
It has been set up by the ambulance service in London for hundreds of people who have only a few months to live so that they may register their 'death wishes' in advance.
It is believed to be the first in the country, but other trusts around the country are expected to follow suit to comply with Government guidelines which state that patients' wishes should be taken into account, even at the point of death. . .