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To: hiredhand
So my question is...have you guys ever seen the sort of junk like what I'm describing come out of a stock after being wet? Also bear in mind that these were wrapped in sheets and the sheet was fairly tight up against the rifles, so I'd say there was NO air movement over the surface.

It just seemed strange. It didn't seem like the sort of stuff that would come out of a grease impregnated stock just because it got wet.

Oil floats on water, so it may have been the lighter oils separating from the grease or cosmoline. Also, it may not have been entirely due to the water. How warm did it get where the rifles were stored?

One of the popular ways to blot cosmoline out of old military stocks is to put them in a large black plastic garbage bag with plain clay kitty litter (not the clumping stuff). Tie the bag closed and sit it outside in the summer sun for a week or so. The heat will make the grease ooze out of the wood, and the kitty litter soaks it up. Works like a charm, especially if you remember to rotate the stock inside the bag to promote even heating. There's a stock refinishing forum on the "milsurpshooter" website which gives more details and suggestions.

Brownell's also sells a finer-grained powder called "whiting" which works the same way.

Beware of the oven cleaner method; it tends to leave light-colored wood with a slight greenish tinge.

26 posted on 03/30/2009 11:19:17 AM PDT by Charles Martel ("Endeavor to persevere...")
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To: Charles Martel
The rifles were in a camper and it was HOT...then it cooled off and rained, so it's entirely possible that it was pooled on the wood (I've seen it before!) just before they got wet. I left them wrapped in the old sheets because these things are KNOWN to weep grease.

I left one of the stocks next to a wood stove for a month and grease never did stop coming out of it. It seems to pretty much through and through.
41 posted on 03/30/2009 12:25:55 PM PDT by hiredhand (Understand the CRA and why we're facing economic collapse - see my about page.)
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