Posted on 03/28/2009 5:22:44 AM PDT by cc2k
Republican National Committee logo. (PRNewsFoto/Republican National Committee)
WASHINGTON, March 28 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following was released today by the Republican National Committee:
U.S. Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) delivers the weekly Republican address. Enclosed below is a link to the audio file, YouTube link to the video, and text of the address. Please note that the YouTube link will go live once the embargo is lifted.
NOTE: The address is embargoed until 6:00 a.m. on Saturday.
Audio of the address is available here.
Video of the address is available here.
"Hello, I'm Judd Gregg, Senator from New Hampshire. We all know these are difficult times. People are worried about keeping their jobs, paying their bills, the value of their homes and the cost of sending their kids to college. It's hard.
"Thus I appreciate, as do all Americans, the efforts being made by our President and his seriousness about addressing these issues.
"But what concerns many of us are his proposals in the budget he recently sent to the Congress that dramatically grow the size and cost of government and move it to the left.
"It is our opinion that this plan spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much.
"You may have heard this before that the budget of the President spends too much, taxes too much and borrows too much.
"What do we mean? Well, let me give you a few examples.
"In the next five years, President Obama's budget will double the national debt; in the next ten years it will triple the national debt.
"To say this another way, if you take all the debt of our country run up by all of our presidents from George Washington through George W. Bush, the total debt over all those 200-plus years since we started as a nation, it is President Obama's plan to double that debt in just the first five years that he is in office.
"He is also planning to spend more on the government as a percentage of our economy than at any time since World War II.
"His budget assumes the deficit will average $1 trillion dollars every year for the next 10 years and will add well over $9 trillion dollars in new debts to our children's backs.
"He also is proposing the largest tax increase in history, much of it aimed at taxing small business people who have been, over the years, the best job creators in our economy. And further, he is proposing a massive new national sales tax on your electric bill. So that every time you turn on a light switch in your house, you will be hit with a new tax -- and it averages over $3,000 per household.
"These are staggering numbers and represent an extraordinary move of our government to the left.
"The President to his credit is not trying to hide this; in fact he is very forthright in stating that he believes that by greatly expanding the spending, the taxing and the borrowing of our government, this will lead us to prosperity.
"Here of course is where we differ. We believe you create prosperity by having an affordable government that pursues its responsibilities without excessive costs, taxes or debt. That it is the individual American who creates prosperity and good jobs, not the government.
"We believe that you create energy independence not by sticking Americans with a brand new national sales tax on everyone's electric bill, but by expanding the production of American energy, such as environmentally sound off-shore drilling, nuclear power, wind, solar while also conserving more.
"We also believe you improve everyone's health care not by nationalizing the health care system and putting the government between you and your doctor, but by assuring that every American has access to quality health insurance and choices in health care.
"We believe that you run a sound and affordable government not by running up the national debt to historic levels and unsustainable levels while over-taxing working Americans and spending as if there is no tomorrow, but rather by working on limiting the growth of government in a manner that is affordable not only today but for the next generation through limiting spending and addressing core issues like the cost of entitlements.
"Our nation has an exceptional history of one generation passing on to the next generation a more prosperous and stronger country, but that tradition is being put at risk. The dramatic move to the left and the massive increase in the size and cost of the government, proposed by the budget of President Obama, will lead to an immense national debt that not only threatens the value of the dollar and puts at risk our ability to borrow money to run the government. But it will also place our children at a huge disadvantage as they inherit this debt which will make their chances of success less than those given to us by our parents. It is not right for one generation to do that to another generation.
"Rather, we believe that if you properly steward the responsibilities of the government, if you do not spend too much, if you do not tax too much, if you do not borrow too much, we can leave our children a better nation where they will have even greater opportunity for prosperity, peace and freedom.
"Thank you for taking the time to listen, and have a great weekend."
Paid for by the Republican National Committee. 310 First Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003 -- (202) 863-8500 -- Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
SOURCE Republican National Committee
True but Republicans are not forcing the Dems to run up the biggest deficit of all previous presidents put together. This is the Donkey show 100%.
“Again, it would be better if our last Republican President didn’t run up the debt during his 8 year administration.”
IF GWB walked on water, the New York Times would accuse him of being a non-swimmer.
The last 2 years of Bush’s administration was with the DEMOCRATS in Congress, and Bush was unwilling to spend as much as Pelosi that he vetoed several spending bills, but they STILL came back to spend more. In fact the $430 billion spending bill the Congress just passed and obama signed was a runaraound because Bush refused to sign off on that much spending.
I am rather tired of us Republicans parroting the biased DNC talking points like its valid. Bush was not as big a spender as we make him out to be ... now that a REAL BIG SPENDER is on the scene to show how its really done! We are talking double digit spending increases for each year the Democrats are in charge.
The problem is that GOP spending irresponsibility is on the level of the flu the Democrats on the level of cancer and you are calling them both illnesses.
“A debt to GDP ratio of 12% is way too high. “
I think you mean deficit - to -GDP. and yes, that is fiscally INSANE and even the EU President said so.
President Bush and the Republicans in their last budget had a deficit of $200 billion. That level is a sustainable level overall, aka ‘not bad’. That was 2006.
Since 2006, when the Democrats took Congress, the fiscal position has gotten worse and worse and worse and Obama is driving us off a cliff.
we only play into the Democrats hands to allowing the pathetic excuse that Bush did it too. Obama will have a deficit of almost $2 trillion next year - that is MORE THAN 6 YEARS OF Bush+GOP Congress deficits. The scale cannot even be compared. We are going from high deficits to GIGANTIC ECONOMY-DESTROYING MONSTER DEFICITS.
Yes, you are right about it should be deficit ...
I think the best attack is what Judd Greg used today ... 5 years Obama doubles the debt, in tens years Obama will triple the debt. Or another way to put it is take all the debt until he was elected and in 5 years Obama will double that debt.
There is no prosperity in that, only ruination.
The more I think about it, the deficit to GDP ration is likely meaningless to normal folks.
The fact is that both parties have been fiscally irresponsible. Republicans used to be the party of fiscal discipline. Under the first 6 years of Bush, they gave up that claim. Have you forgotten this:
WOSG wrote:
I am rather tired of us Republicans parroting the biased DNC talking points like its valid. Bush was not as big a spender as we make him out to be ... now that a REAL BIG SPENDER is on the scene to show how its really done! We are talking double digit spending increases for each year the Democrats are in charge.
The problem is that GOP spending irresponsibility is on the level of the flu the Democrats on the level of cancer and you are calling them both illnesses.
From Big Spending Bush and GOP (CATO institute, May 3, 2005)The Republicans can say, "We're just the biggest spenders in the last 30 years, not the biggest spenders ever." But the most of the current Republican party leadership can no longer make a credible claim to being smaller government, fiscally responsible stewards of the taxpayers' money. They had a chance to show that, and they chose to spend irresponsibly instead.President Bush has presided over the largest overall increase in inflation-adjusted federal spending since Lyndon B. Johnson. Even after excluding spending on defense and homeland security, Bush is still the biggest-spending president in 30 years. His 2006 budget doesnt cut enough spending to change his place in history, either.
Total government spending grew by 33 percent during Bushs first term. The federal budget as a share of the economy grew from 18.5 percent of GDP on Clintons last day in office to 20.3 percent by the end of Bushs first term.
I see your point comparing Republican spending to "the flu" and Democrat spending to (presumably terminal) cancer. But people still die from "the flu." We need a choice that represents good health, not just a less severe (but still potentially deadly) disease.
WOSG wrote:
The last 2 years of Bushs administration was with the DEMOCRATS in Congress, and Bush was unwilling to spend as much as Pelosi that he vetoed several spending bills, but they STILL came back to spend more. In fact the $430 billion spending bill the Congress just passed and obama signed was a runaraound because Bush refused to sign off on that much spending.
It took Bush 6 years and the loss of the Congress to the Democrats for him to finally find his veto pen. As long as it was Republicans being irresponsible, Bush the GOP leader was fine with it. That's not a Democrat talking point. That's a historical fact.
I'm not sure what the answer is. But the GOP did create a major problem for themselves by giving up the high ground on fiscal discipline during the first Bush term.
Such matters therefore are quantitative and I'll leave a graph of quantifying the difference between Bush's fiscal imprudence (which while not good made no threat to our fiscal security) and the massive bankruptcy that Obama has planned:
“The federal budget as a share of the economy grew from 18.5 percent of GDP on Clintons last day in office to 20.3 percent by the end of Bushs first term.”
While going in the wrong direction, this is not a huge leap considering that we went from an underfunded military to having a multiple-front war on our hands by 2004. Note also that CONGRESS writes the budget and it was a GOP Congress that set the spending in 1999 and 2000 and was underspending what Clinton wanted. It was Bush himself in 1999 who critiqued the Republican fiscal prudence and called his way “compassionate conservatism” (the tipping point was sept 1999, which you can mark down as when the GOP took the wrong turn on fiscal responsibility). One Bush fiscal extravagance that bumped up the total spending was Medicare drug benefit, but the Democrats wanted and voted for a benefit that would have COST TWICE AS MUCH. IN 2005 and 2006 the spending increases were NOT HIGH. That was the last GOP influence.
Yet next year, Obama will make that leap to over 27% a higher number than in the past 60 years, highest in our history save for WWII - and I dont see us with 12 million men in uniform next year like we had in WWII.
The real story is that Bush walked the GOP down the path of ‘triangulating’ the GOP into fiscal imprudence as a failed political strategy to grab the center. It failed politically in part because YOU CAN NEVER COMPETE WITH DEMOCRATS ON SPENDING PANDERS - THEY WILL ALWAYS, ALWAYS OUT-SPEND REPUBLICANS. Even now, the Democrats spread the lie that Bush was for doing ‘nothing’ on education, katrina, health care, etc. - despite the hundreds of billions Bush DID spend. And the Democrats will continue to tax, borrow and spend until the nation is bankrupt, while lying about the Republicans all alont the way. They will lie by saying that Republicans *both* underspent and were deficit spenders - its contradictory but dont ever think a Democrat is logical.
Bush aside, most of the GOP office holders in the past 2 decades were and are responsible fiscally, far more so than Democrats. It’s wrong to obscure this fact and it only helps the Big Govt Party.
“As long as it was Republicans being irresponsible, Bush the GOP leader was fine with it. “
Last point: I think the more correct way of putting it is this:
“As long as it was Bush the GOP leader being irresponsible, Republicans were fine with it. “
Quite frankly, the leader was Bush and he bears most of the responsibility for the spending levels, and he dragged other Republicans along. The medicare drug benefit is a case in point, where the White House twisted arms to pass it.
Republicans went along out of loyalty that was in retrospect misplaced.
It’s a small but important point, because the jist of what I am saying is not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. If we understand the dynamics and leaders who made it happen, we can shape up the GOP. Bush is gone. So is hastert and others, like Sen Stevens, who were part of the big-spending GOP caucus. Many Republican leaders went astray, but most Republicans are not naturally fiscally irresponsible and many were trying to do the right thing throughout. Club for Growth was cheering this dissident fiscally responsible conservatives the whole time - folks like Rep Pence, Rep Flake, Rep Shadegg, Sen DeMint, Sen Coburn, etc.
For half of Bush’s first term, the Democrats ran the Senate, making budgets bipartisan. Note again ... “His 2006 budget doesnt cut enough spending..” from your source. The fact that the GOP Congress in 2006 realized and decided to start cutting spending is an indicator of what I mean. Too little too late and now we need to rebuild the credibility with a unified voice on fiscal responsibility.
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