I'm really tired of this canard.
If they are outgunned it is because the Government refuses to arm their cops. Also, since Mex. has no posse comitatus the military can do some of the fighting.
Mexico's mistake is to continue to treat this as a police matter and not a military matter. This is an internal war and needs to be treated as such.
Wake up America, We Passed NAFTA in order to insure the Free Flow of Contraband across the Mexican Border. Thats Why the Fed doesnt want a border fence or Border security. it would seriously hamper their illegal fund raising. The Drug War is the number 1 reason we willnever have any Border Security, We Need the War on Drugs more than anything else. 90% of all Controlled Substances come in thru Mexico, If we closed the Border the War on Controlled Substances would be over immediately. Do you honestly believe we are gouing to FIRE 75-85% of the Jack Booted Thugs out there pretending to be Peace Officers?? We have entire Cities dependent on Civil Asset Forfeiture. We need the War on Controlled Substances to continue at all Costs. Dont believe?? look up the Kerry Commission Report from the 80’s, or how about Attorney General William French Smith receiving SPECIAL PERMISSION to Import Cocaine on Military transport planes, so they could sell it and supply the sandinistas or the contras in Nicaragua ( i forget which side we were on)