I hope you are happy with that arrogant, mealy-mouthed lying pos that occupies the People’s House
Att'n: gondramB -- Above see a timely and shining example of what I was telling you in my post #179 above -- a Romney supporter displaying ugly pettiness in blaming those who reject Romney for Obama's presidency. It is an ideal illustraion of why Diogenesis and other Romney rejectors -- called "Romney haters" by Mitt supporters -- get so ticked off when we see well-meaning, gullible conservatives praise Mitt "Eddie Haskell" Romney when he whispers sweet nothings in their ears and tells them what they want to hear.
The behavior of Romney supporters speaks volumes about Mitt Romney. They are poor losers, bad sports, whiny finger-pointing bitter people who blame Romney's loss on everybody and everything but Romney and Romney's political record. If Romney's record of expanded government interference in free markets and personal morality wasn't enough to reject him flat out -- and it is -- the behavior of his supporters WOULD be enough. And it is. Thanks to Jim Robinson, Free Republic is able to reveal, in post after post after post authored by Romney supporters, ample evidence that Romney is bad for the GOP and his supporters are a liability to whoever embraces them.