It's this combination that is dangerous grounds.
Why just politicians? Should each church record the politics of each parishioner?
What if other groups wished to ex-communicate other politicians for their political stands? This "Official Ex-Communication" that some clamor for also has a history of abusive tendencies. The Church does not want to create conditions for political wars among and between parishes.
Abortion has become politics; but its root is spiritual. The Church is right to tread carefully on the politics. Their proper role is to address the root, and in the Church's view this means they have separated themselves from the Church and the Body of Christ. This means the cannot recieve the Body of Christ without seriously harming themselves by doing so.
They are outside the Church yet have a clear path back, as always: true repentance.
How this is done is within the proper role of the local Bishop of the parishioner.
The Pope's proper view, IMHO, is that her bishop has acted properly, he doesn't need my approval and there is nothing to disapprove.
Disciplining those commiting blatant and persistent public evil in order to teach what the Church believes wouldn’t be shocking to me. Baby butchery will never be seen for what it is by badly edjumcated Catholics unless the bishops act like they believe what they say it is.