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Conservatives Underestimate the Forces Against Them - Do We Really Want a Solution? ^ | March 23, 2009 | Jeffery J Cole

Posted on 03/24/2009 2:27:34 PM PDT by Arrowhead

Given the topic title, I could write a book easily, outlining the many pricks (not in the vulgar sense) raging against the conservative movement. And in the course of understanding our problem, I believe the very premise of this argument goes without saying: that we conservatives do not understand our problem and thereby, underestimate the forces working against us.

So, it is my intent to share some of my observations based upon 25 years of political activism and organizing, and to breakdown this problem into succinct categories. Also, I want to offer a solution to all this as I see it; because, what good is constant harping about a problem without a proposed solution?


1. The Williamsburg Resolve

In the wake of the 1994 elections, when the incumbent replacementrate jumped to 20%, dubbing that election year as "The Republican Revolution," thirty sitting Republican Governors met in conference in Williamsburg Virginia and drafted a document that surmised:

Federal action has exceeded the clear bounds of its jurisdiction under the Constitution and thus violated the rights guaranteed to the people.

Even the staunchest left-winged radical cannot deny how government has usurped its power. And it does not take a Sherlock Holmes to find a smoking gun for Americans to see the crimes that have been committed against them by their government. It is self-evident!

2. Cause and Effect

With regard to the big picture, we can easily examine government abuse of power in terms of its effect on one swing of the pendulum, and the Cause of that Effect on the other. For conservatives, half of our problem can be attributed to only hacking at the branches, the effects, of this problem. So, let us examine the effects first.

EFFECTS (The Branches of Evil): Bigger Government; The Income Tax; Interstate Regulation; Low-Income Welfare; Dumb-downed Education; Abortion; Breakdown of the Family

Conservatives have, for the most part, taken a defensive posture for every one of these issues. As such, we have not gained any ground whatsoever fortifying these issues against forces who seek to control them. Why? I am sure the answers are as variable as my bank account. But the answer is quite simple:

CAUSE (The Root of Evil): United Nations, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, Council of Foreign Relations, International Financial Cartels (banks and insurance companies) & Multinational Corporations (industrial cartels).

I purport that conservatives have not, or will not, look at the Cause of these Effects. To understand the whole problem, as opposed to half of it, conservatives must examine the Cause. Without a proper understanding of the Cause, conservatives will neither have a proper perspective of the Effects nor will they know how to battle the problem as a whole.

I would also purport, conservatives real fight is not against the liberals: It is against themselves. We are divided into two categories with respect to association with the Cause and the Effect. Those "conservatives" who are associated with the Cause literally hate the conservatives who are associated with the Effect. The only time there is a show of cordiality from the Cause "conservatives" is during election season. They know they cannot win without grassroots conservatives. The sad truth is that those of us real conservatives have been fooled into thinking that big (global) business is conservative. It is not! The Cause is neither conservative nor liberal; neither capitalist nor communist.

As an aside, you will find that liberals have the exact same problem. The difference? They know it! They see and know the Cause and they deal with it. Literally! They have succesfully implemented campaigns specifically to deal with drawing in grassroots liberals to their causes. As such, the Cause rewards liberals because the liberals are on board with their devised machine to control the masses. However, true conservatives are not. And this is why we are not rewarded by the Cause.

It is time for us grassroots conservatives, we Effect conservatives, if you will, to look at the Cause for what it really is: The "love of money," the "root of all evil." We have to ask ourselves: Are we going to continue hacking at the branches (the effects) of evil? Or, will we band together in a concerted effort and strike at the root (the Cause).

3. Congressional Control & Accountability

If true conservatives can grab this Cause by the horns by acknowledging that we are onto them, we will begin to understand that our battle with Congress should not be against them, but FOR them. Congress' head is turned to satisfy the demands of the Cause. The Cause is better equipped to fund their evil designs through congressional campaigns and lobbying. The Cause buys both sides.

We must win back the hearts and minds of Congress! How?


1. Create an Independent Movement

Actually, the movement is already started. It has even reared its head in such national actions such as the Amnesty Bill last year. And a more recent move was against AIG. Here we have two examples, one good and one bad, where conservative and liberal came together and said enough is enough. I call one good and one bad because of the reaction by Congress. They voted down a bad bill on one, which is good, but the reaction to AIG is not good, as their proposed actions is a usurpation of federal power.

The problem with independent actions like this is the reaction we get from Congress may not be good. So, it is imperative that true conservatives get a hold of this independent Spirit, harness it, and direct true conservative, Liberty-oriented principles through the actions themselves.

The actions can be categorized into two modes: Defensive and Offensive. Our actions with both modes must meet a common goal (more on that later). Defensive actions are when the Movement says we do NOT want a certain bill passed. Offensive actions are when we demand that this Law or that Law be repealed.

There are two main objectives to this approach: One, to change the mentality of Congress back to "Congress shall make no Law..." from "there ought to be a law." And the other, to start the cycle of moving government action back within its limits as prescribed by the Constitution.

2. Government Action

It goes without saying that if we want to move government action back within its limits as prescribed by the Constitution, we should identify exactly the actions to which they are prescribed. This is essential to identify those laws that are outside congressional purview and to repeal those laws forever. And here they are:

A. To coin money and regulate the value thereof. This essentially gets rid of the Federal Reserve, the income tax system, and puts direct accountability of congressional money policies to the People. The change in the attention from managing bloated, unconstitutional programs like welfare, education, and social security to managing money of constitutional means will be a worthy result. Also, any money needing borrowed can be done interest free (as a side note, the objective, however, should be to live within our means and not borrow at all-in other words, as commerce or economies of scale grow, so does the money supply). The desired effect here is: With direct oversight by the People, Congress will be forced to live within their constitutional means.

B. To provide a national defense. Notice the Constitution does not provide for a global defense. Expounding on each term...

GLOBAL: We have no constitutional business for any of our troops to occupy other countries. We must bring them home.

DEFENSE: Congress has no constitutional authority to authorize pre-emptive strikes against any country. They only have authority to declare war upon countries that have taken pre-emptive strikes against us. Also, what of the notion of having troops protect our borders? What on earth are they for if not to protect our borders? I maintain that border patrol is not a police function. It is a military one. There should be a federal easement around the perimeter of this whole nation. This would fall under the constitutional jurisdiction of providing for a defense.

C. To regulate international commerce. Notice the Constitution does give the federal government authority to regulate interstate commerce unless that commerce traffics across federal territory within any given state. The Constitution gives the federal government authority to enter into treaties with other nations concerning trade, commerce, and port logistics as long as it does not infirnge upon the Rights as enumerated in the Bill of Rights or violates the Supreme Law of the Land: the Constitution. So, any US company engaged in international business is subject to regulation by the federal government. Entering treaties with other countries must foster the exericise of Rights; not impede upon them.

And FOLKS, THAT IS IT! As an agent to the People, these are the only actions by which the Federal Government has any authority. By seeing the true scope of what they are allowed, by default, we see the true scope of their violations. Obviously, we have a lot of work to do.

3. Focused Action

The People have shown from the Spirit of Independence that we can force Congress to our bidding when there is a show of demand. Notice, the Amnesty Bill from last year: We got what we wanted and hardly any money was spent on our part doing it. Just some phones calls, letters, emails, and faxes and we made Congress bend to our will.

However, the focus here is twofold: We focus our actions and prioritize them by manner of effect; starting with those that are grossly in violation. On the defense, we adopt the mannerism of Ron Paul: We vote "NO" on any proposal, any bill that does not meet constitutional muster. And on the offense, we demand a repeal on laws that are repugnant to the Constitution. One by One.

4. Neural and Viral Communications

As we speak, I am associated with a small group of organizers and tech experts who are seeking to create a state-of-the-art political communications network. It seeks to tie in actions with the best of Twitter, LinkDn, MySpace, Facebook, Skype, etc. The objective from the neural end is to spread specific, targeted actions as quickly as possible. And from the viral end, to discount, attack, and stifle the liberal/socialist propaganda machine with the truth. We are seeking to tie in this communications network that includes all independent/freedom-oriented organizations and their rank-n-file into unified, concerted actions.

Whether we succeed or not is beside the point. The point is this is the kind of network we need. The objective is to focus on the tool and not building another organization. Lord knows we have enough organizations.

The objective is to have a tap into every organization, every PAC group, and every local, state, and national public official's contact list. The objective is to create a utility whereby the tool makes use of the tools already in existence: The computer, the fax machine, the pager, the landline, and especially, the cell phone.

We must band together in our actions with a communications network, neural in its intent and viral in its effect. This is how we win the hearts and minds of Congress.

5. Elections

Democrats and Republicans do not have any control over the elections. Independents do! They have been in control for at least twenty nine years. As an independent movement, we have already conquered the elections. But, what and how we win is crucial.

The What: We want in writing from all candidates that their actions in Congress will promote and work toward moving government back within its constitutional limits.

The How: We want our ranks explosive enough to affect an incumbency replacement rate of 30% or more each election.

To make that effective, we do need to increase our ranks as independent voters. Just the mere act of changing our registration status will send a succinct message and a good start. But we have to go beyond that. For instance:

We should have a "throw the bums out" campaign every election if Congress fails to act upon our bidding. We will need to create voter friendly & unfriendly lists, focusing our election actions upon those unfriendly incumbents. And we will have to create grassroots phone calling, and door knocking to get the independents, or sympathetic Republicans and Democrats out to vote.

6. Dwell Upon Common Principles

There are common principles that will unite most of us. This is not an attempt to list all of them, but, here are a few:

A. We choose freedom over money and security. B. We choose independence over party loyalties. C. We choose to expect "where much is given, much is required." D. We choose to return to a nation of Laws.

With respect to "C" the beginning of our nation, it was international commerce that funded the government. Since there was an expectation that the federal government existed as a result of international business, and since international enjoyed the making of profits through the labor of Americans, and the government officials operations were conditioned to see that that business takes place, it was commerce that ultimately paid for the protected and regulated services of the federal government. However, over time, the relationship between government and international business became cozy and government yielded their constitutional duty to allow international commerce to pass the buck to the People in the form of income taxes and all the myriad of other fees and duties imposed upon Americans today. The same can be said for interstate commerce and property taxes upon homesteads on the state level. At one time education was paid for by corporations because it was corporations that directly benefit in the name of profits. However, under the auspices of federal usurpations , states allowed corporations within their jurisdiction to pass their corporate liabilities in the form of property taxes upon homes, violating a Right upon which all other Rights are hinged: The Right to OWN your home without any government encumbrance.

With respect to "D"...too many laws can destroy the rule of law as much as not having enough laws to rule out the enemy who seeks to destroy our Lives, our Liberties, and our individual pursuits to Happiness. But to get back to this will depend on where we are in our individual attempts to eradicate the evil that gives us cause.

So, to close, I ask you...

Are you hacking at the branches, or are you striking at the root?

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Government; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: conservatives; resistnet
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To: Excellence

bfl? Sorry Excellence, I know I need to brush up on my acronyms.

21 posted on 03/26/2009 6:49:50 AM PDT by Arrowhead
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To: estrogen; Osage Orange
I think there are enough of the “silent majority” that all want to be proactive but don’t know how.

I agree. That is why I think this article presents some good ideas about creating the right kind of tool. I believe our ranks are viable enough for meaningful action; we just do not have the right tool.

What we need to do is march on Washington DC on July 4th in the 100’s of thousands and then they have to listen to us

I think that is because our virtue disallows the use of taxpayer dollars to make such events successful. Remember the Million Mom March? I attended the countermarch put on by the Second Amendment Sisters, but made my way over to enemy territory to get a first-hand look. They had about 75,000 people there (though they lied on national TV news and said they had 750,000...puke), but they were all bused in by non-profit lefties. Much of the money they received was from "education" grants from the federal government, no thanks to Hillary and her ilk.

As an aside, a compadre here at FreeRepublic and I managed to ruin the last ten minutes of Rosie O'Donnell speech by just being there. Within a 30 minute time frame, we were heckled, chanted, and yelled at; had water thrown on us; I was spit on; I was slapped by one woman and punched twice by some squirmy little man; and the crowd intentionally compressed us in so hard, we could not make any more forward progress toward the stage where the REAL radical lefties were. We saw plenty of signs with guns in the red circle with a slash through it, but only two American flags, and one of those was disrespectfully displayed.

This is the same crowd we have in office now. Wolves in sheeps clothing.

Dang, I digressed so much, I almost forgot my original thought: While I believe marches are a waste of time and resources, if we were successful to get a few hundred thousand on the mall, we should make a bum rush on capital hill and literally flood the halls of Congress, pushing the security officers aside. Squeeze in all those elitist lobbyists just like the MMM crowd did my friend and me. No violence, but just a good old fashion squeezing.

22 posted on 03/26/2009 7:18:52 AM PDT by Arrowhead
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To: Arrowhead

bump for later.

23 posted on 03/26/2009 1:04:35 PM PDT by Excellence (What Madoff is to finance Gore is to global warming.)
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To: Excellence

Ahhhh, thanks. Learn something new every day.

24 posted on 03/26/2009 2:26:55 PM PDT by Arrowhead
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