hello and sorry to read about this ruling, but am not quite up to speed on all the facts
queens bench ruling against you based solely on a statement of claim seems like a reach, of course
but i’d like to know what was so controversial that someone (allegedly posted) on freedominion that someone sued you as sysops/owners ? is there a libel issue ? or is this one of those fasciist tribunal things? clearly coqb found something compelling, yes ? liberal judges suck but its canada, after all. like all bureaucracies everywhere they love to waste our time justifying their existence and protecting their paycheques, right ?
not trying to play devils advocate or anything but not sure what you are fighting for ? you guarantee your site users anonymity on the internet ?
i’d be willing to fight to the death to defend another’s rights to free speech, but thats the price of freedom. and that person would have to be willing to stand up and own their words.
to defend someone’s ‘right’ to anonymous freedom of speech is something else entirely. i’m not really sure how i feel about that...can someone more enlightened than i am explain to me why this is bad ?
To be succinct:
Rich, powerful people will be the only ones with "free speech".
Open your peasant yap - you'll have an expensive lawsuit shoved down it. Or the ones with the ultimate blank checkbook will come after you - the government.
People don't seem to understand that the Founders didn't have or envision a government with an unlimited budget for "rules enforcement".
We've inherited the traditional respect for government operations, but often fail to examine what's really going on.
Sometimes, government operatives don't do what's "right". That's when the blank checkbook becomes a problem.