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To: mc5cents

I know some Catholics who voted for Obama. They actually REFUSE to believe me when I tell them that Obama is pro-choice. They don’t want to be broken from the Obamamania fantasy. They are insane.

90 posted on 03/24/2009 9:05:48 AM PDT by Soothesayer (The United States of America Rest in Peace November 4 2008)
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To: Soothesayer
I know some Catholics who voted for Obama. They actually REFUSE to believe me when I tell them that Obama is pro-choice. They don’t want to be broken from the Obamamania fantasy. They are insane.

I used to attend an ecumenical prayer group which was mostly all Catholic, including some nuns. I am sorry to say that they were almost unanimously Obama supporters. Even after I said things about his abortion record and tried my best to get the world out, they refused to believe me.

I was so crushed that I just can't bring myself to attend any more. And I was seriously thinking of joining the church, but no more. Sorry, but they are basically communists, and they voted for the guy with the most radical abortion agenda ever.

How could they ? I just don't get it ! What about the "culture of life vs the culture of death ?"that the Pope so beautifully defined. It's not that important to them, I guess.

110 posted on 03/24/2009 1:48:36 PM PDT by Red Boots
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