The petitions are great. It would be better if some fat cats threatened to stop supporting ND football for a year or two.
This has done more to divide Catholics than just about anything Ive seen in recent times,
Catholics are already divided.
The Lord will come again, and the wheat will be separated from the chaff!!
Perhaps the University of Notre Dame should stop pretending that it supports Catholic doctrine and announce that it is a secular university and be done with it!
Academia cannot go a single day without honoring a murderer somewhere.
Quite apart from the abortion issue -- what on earth has Obama done to deserve an honorary doctorate?
“Fr. Jenkins took pains to explain to the student newspaper that his intention was to honor President OBama for something other than his absolute support for abortion on demand. He also said that he intended Obama’s appearance at the Notre Dame commencment to be an opportunity for “engagement” with the president on the abortion issue.”
He may well be sincere in his thinking, but you do not honor someone who holds the power to kill tens of millions of the most innocent among us with a degree!
Obama holds the power and he has shown us he does not care about human life by his actions in rescinding the conscience clause, and his human embryonic stem cell experimentation approval.
There is no discussion. There is only prayer at this point.
Freep-mail me to get on or off my pro-life and Catholic List:
Please ping me to note-worthy Pro-Life or Catholic threads, or other threads of interest.
Obama Says A Baby Is A Punishment
Obama: If they make a mistake, I dont want them punished with a baby.Sign these 4 petitions against Sebelius & Contact the Senators:
-- Contact your Senator here and Call your U.S. Senators & Sen. Brownback today at 202-224-3121.
-- Catholics Against Sebelius petition
-- Susan B. Anthony List petition
-- American Life League petition
-- Fact Check
-- e-mail 0bama
Call Sen. Brownback the Traitor
-- ALL's Judie Brown on Sen. Brownback: "I'll never use 'pro-life' to describe him again"
-- Brownback waffles but will vote to confirm Sebelius
-- Sam Brownback - the latest GOP traitor?
Read and pass around these two articles about Sebelius:
-- InsideCatholic.com: Obama's Choice of Sebelius Heats Up the Pro-life Battle
-- USA Today: Kansas Gov. Sebelius told not to take Communion
Call the RNC and ask Chairman Steele (who is Catholic and pro-life) to officially mobilize the party against the Sebelius nomination and to expose her radical pro-abortion views: 202.863.8500
Hat-tip to Coleus for assembling this data, THANK YOU!
signed the pettion yesterday
What am I missing here?
Church condemns abortion, Obama holds it up as a left wing sacrament.
Please pass the duct tape.
What needs to be done is a total boycott of Notre Dame football. It has sucked anyway in recent years, yet still enjoys radio and TV contracts with NBC. Don’t watch the games. Don’t buy the merchandise. Spread the word. Hit them where it hurts—football.
The campus could be shut down if enough people showed up.