Like it or not, we elect our representatives. If we don't like who's in right now, we should get our ducks in a row and vote him or her out. Term limits won't solve anything.
I trust you will be leading that effort in YOU congressional district.
“People get the government they deserve” Joseph D’Maistre
We HAD a shot at cleaning these places out this last election and, to borrow a phrase from the klintoon White House, WE BLEW IT!!!
While I, like many of you, am saddened that McCain and Palin couldnt keep the Marxist Obamessiah out of the White House, lets try to keep things in some kind of rational perspective: ACORN elected a president and vice-president, NOT a monarch.
For years, Ive been amazed at this idiotic quadrennial fascination with the beauty contest known as the (cue the trumpet fanfare) PRESIDENTIAL RACE. Our inattention and/or apparent desire for a king or a strong man dictatorship has allowed our system to morph to the present quasi-monarchy from its original foundations as a representative REPUBLIC.
People, the most important thing we can remember about all of this is that the Founders constructed the system to put AND KEEP — the KEYS TO THE FEDERAL CASH REGISTER ARE IN CONGRESS and current Gang of 535 could bring this out-of-control government spending and the steady usurpation of our freedoms to a screeching halt tomorrow at noon — IF they wanted to. Attila the Hun could occupy the White House and without the dough to hire the bureaucrats, buy the desks and computers, etc., etc. ad nauseum, Mr. Hun would be hamstrung. (See Article 1, Section 7 of the now largely moribund Constitution for details.)
But they DON’T — for a number of reasons: (And I cite the tax situation as but one example of the problem. Dont get me started on the ENERGY thing!)
1. They understand the need to vacuum the excess FRAUDS (Federal Reserve Accounting Unit Denominators) — there are no “dollars” circulating now! — out of circulation BEFORE the bulk of the dumb masses (say it really fast for maximum effect) catch on to the resultant inflation. If you question that statement, ask yourself why else would a criminal enterprise (the federal government) having the power to “create” “money” with the stroke of a pen NEED YOURS every April 15th?
2. The current Gang of 535 understands the need for the massive tax code (so-called because it is written in code by gnomes chained to posts in the cellars of K Street lobbying firms and understood only by their keepers) to reward their friends, punish their enemies and keep the rest of us under their thumbs with threats of draconian punishments should we run afoul of it. It is impossible to NOT run afoul of it.
3. While the dumb masses rant about the abusive practices of this top criminal enterprise’s subsidiary criminal enterprise (the IRS), members of the Gang can pose and posture for the cameras from time to time and declare that “something MUST be done to reign in the abuses of the IRS,” NOTHING WILL BE DONE until we clean house on Capitol Hill and get back to the HONEST, CONSTITUTIONAL MONEY called for at Art.1, Sect. 10. Theyve been playing a rigged game of 3 card-Monte with us for so long and getting away with it that, as Herman Cains book title declares They Think Youre STUPID. And, hell, for MOST of the dumb masses, theyre right.
And THAT process starts in YOUR STATE and CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT by finding and supporting decent candidates — at ALL levels — who will go to YOUR state capitol and Malfunction Junction and do that house cleaning. Not marching on Washington...not sending “money” to the RNC (LOL!)...not writing poison pen letters to these current jerks...but THROWING OUT THE CURRENT JERKS and doing it as many times as necessary to get it done.
A good news in the viability of this approach is that the controlled so-called national mainstream media have far less impact on these widely separated congressional races making it easier to get some good guys elected.
The bad news is that I can speak from personal experience about how the national PARTIES will survey all the contested congressional races and if they DO find a candidate they do not or think they cannot control running on their side, they’ll offer a “consultant” from headquarters to come in and ASSIST the campaign. In at least 4 cases with which I am familiar, the Republican National Committee TORPEDOED those campaigns so a good guy who might be more incined to harken to the Constitution before toeing the party line didn’t make it to D.C.
And for you who, like a sad number of the dumb masses, THINK YOUR GUY IS OK, go to THROWTHEMOUT at
for your guys voting record on taxes, spending or your personal hot button issues. You might be in for an unpleasant surprise.
I often get the strong sense that the American people have some sick and sophomoric yearning for a new ROYAL FAMILY or BENEVOLENT KING to make their lives what they themselves feel incapable of making them without some nanny-state sovereign. Throughout history, with few exceptions conspicuous because of their rarity, those systems nearly always become malignant and freedom founders and eventually fails. With the exception of America the IDEA, not the place most men who have walked the earth have lived as slaves.
As opportunities afford themselves (and this is one), I simply attempt to remind my fellow citizens of that history and what lies ahead if they continue in their ignorance of that history.
I could go on for volumes but you get the idea.
One final thought: With the exception of the guys who pass muster at THROWTHEMOUT, RE-ELECT NOBODY!!!!!
Standing by for a record breaking flaming by the fanatics.