Posted on 03/23/2009 12:03:27 PM PDT by kellynla
Thank you Quinn.
Other states just dont seem too understand that.
The Red part of the PNW is also locked and loaded.
The Blue strip is well just loaded. /sarc.
CWII Ping. This may be a first: sitting member of the House says his state may go to war or secede over various laws. Of course it’s not at all clear that the rest of Washington agrees with Inslee. If Washington seceded from the USA I’m sure many parts of Washington would secded from the state.
Or, perhaps as the Congressman suggests, we’ll come to blows and have another civil war. It’s interesting to see Representatives start to speculate like this, about something Archy, Travis and others have been speculating about for five years.
I think it does mark a very definate new low point in the Republic.
Personally before we have another secession argument I hope that the Reps bring back caneing. Charles Sumner’s savage beating at the hands of an outraged southerner was an act from a time when honor still mattered. I’d love to see some other Congressman take a walking stick to Harry the next time he spouts off with some idiotic crap. That would be too fun!
Nope. Cheaper to import. Ever worked on an oil rig? Apparently not.
We are off the Pacific coast, and there would be a civil war, said Inslee.
Some war that would be. Tree huggers, hippies, and the usual assortment of Granola People (nuts, fruits, flakes) from the Sheeples Republic of Eugene, The Peeples Republic of SF, Marin County Moms for the Marine Environment, blah blah, blabber, blabber.
Oh, don’t forget the “Folksong Army”.
Someone really, really, reallly should advise that Congresscritter that too much recreational alcohol/pharmaceutical intake must be avoided while Congress is in session.
As another poster whose name I cannot recall put it, “Does a bear take an obama in the woods?”
Doesn't sound like a bad idea, letting the Dems start it. They did start the last one and it didn't work out too well for them.
The addiction to oil consistently told to the American people by obama and his thugs made me sick. We support our families by driving to our jobs. We take our kids to school and functions.Corporations as you said make things out of oil. It is their livelihood. I think that is the whole point of obama's agenda. He wants the economy to collapse. Communist manifesto is creating a global climate scare. Universal health care is another agenda of communism.
You know your stuff and you sound like my husband. He says no matter what obama does oil companies will be around for a very long time. He says the country cannot run without them. I just hate to see people suffer for a agenda of destruction by some extremely evil people.
We should all start addressing them as Komrad!
“By any means necessary”. The old Malcolm X - Trotskyite communist Socialist Workers Party slogans.
Inslee - coming out of the closet?
During the Bush Administration when oil prices rose, the liberals proclaimed that his greed and interests in oil wells and companies (even though he had abandoned association) were the cause of skyrocketing prices. Of course - No one dared to question or report on how many Dems had interests in oil wells and companies -- either here or in the mid-East. Probably more than Republicans do.
Now the Dems are reversing Bush's decision to let us drill for our own oil...lower our dependency on foreign sources...and they will stop an effort that will also put many to work. Why? All so the Richest Democrat owners will profit. But the liberal sheeple never say a peep about Democrat ownerships in foreign oil.
like little mop dogs yappin on the just know eventually somebodys gonna get bit, then the stompin commences...
“2 articles today where commtards are openly speaking of physical conflict...theyre gettin more unhinged by the day...”
I would welcome it, but these coward libtards are all talk and no balls.
Follow the trail of OPEC contributions flowing to the democrats.
I had to Google. No, I’ve never heard the show.
guaranteed theve got plenty of cannon fodder in their ranks...being as though they do emulate the friggin ruskies and .02
No. I did pay attention in organic chemistry. It doesn't take much effort to observe the world around you and see what it would be like without oil. Did you ever see Kentucky Fried Movie? The vignette about zinc oxide comes to mind. Now, repeat that concept with oil.
Ah, that explains why the price of oil is moving up again.
Way to go, Democrat morons!
I feel so uneducated.
I thought the only “means” they had available to them were those powers and restrictions spelled out in the US Constitution.
Then again, I always have been old-fashioned that way.
Worth listening to!
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