To: reasonisfaith
Youre right that many criminal types would fight on the side of marxists trying to overthrow the US. But theres not that many of them. Not counting the 'foreign element'. Why would countries like Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico not send some "yutes" into the US to help out? Hell ... China, NK and Russia could send enough soldiers dressed as civilians to keep it going for a long time.
440 posted on
03/23/2009 2:30:41 PM PDT by
(Definition of a sucker: Pay your bills like a responsible adult to compensate for those who didn't!)
To: softwarecreator
I will never buy the notion that the socialists, the terrorists and the rest of the world’s losers could come over here and defeat us.
Sorry, you just don’t get it.
451 posted on
03/23/2009 2:39:58 PM PDT by
(Liberals have neither the creativity nor the confidence to understand the truth of conservatism)
To: softwarecreator
Why would countries like Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico
If that ever happened they would feel the wrath of our military. Do you really think our military would stand for that? NO WAY
490 posted on
03/23/2009 3:37:48 PM PDT by
( Idiots elected a Marxist ideologue with narcissistic personality disorder & America is dying.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson