To: softwarecreator
Head south. Climate is important. You might get hot but you won’t have to worry about freezing to death if there is no electricity. The ocean will always be a source of food. With a cast net and a well stocked tackle box and some fishing rods, a spear gun, you are set. You can also grow fruits and vegetables year round.
425 posted on
03/23/2009 2:17:08 PM PDT by
( Idiots elected a Marxist ideologue with narcissistic personality disorder & America is dying.)
To: mojitojoe
If something happens I am heading either to Texas or South Carolina. I have family in both places, they are warm and I am pretty sure our political ideology will match.
431 posted on
03/23/2009 2:22:13 PM PDT by
(Definition of a sucker: Pay your bills like a responsible adult to compensate for those who didn't!) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson