Thanks for the heads up. I also accept the "Nicene Creed" as my statement of faith, as well. However, at that point we diverge. It uses the term catholic in it's proper form, recognizing ALL BELIEVERS, universally.
any BELIEVER can consecrate bread and wine. It is the symbol given to us by the Lord. His Blood and His Body are not in the bread and wine, nor is there any basis for that claim, Scripturally.
There is no need for ANY earthly intercessor, and the only forgiveness found in Scripture is in the Grace of God, not Rome. We are all priests, according to Scripture. Thrre are overseers, but they have unique toles, not including the decisions concerning other people's sin. There is something in there about judging others. Jesus made it very simple to be part of His body, the church. Faith, rested in HIM, and nothing more...
I do not recognize a Pope. I do not see any role for Cardinals, or church secretaries, nor historians. Historry was completed on the cross. All else is anticlimactic, and we are just biding time until His return.
Sorry, believe as you will, but put your faith firmly in Jesus Blood, and take Him down from the altar crosses. Your RC church organization is just that, another organization. It can't make any priority claim to the Grace of God. Sorry, it is NOT written!
He is risen. All power is His, not Rome. Mary was a woman. Saints are Christians, not RCatholics, and certainly have no power to give out party favors. or grant wishes.
He is risen. He is not speaking to Rome, if that is what you believe, He is speaking to YOUR heart. He is risen!
Amen to that, and your post...