I’m not glad about it, except that it’s our money—bonus money to Fannie, Freddie, AIG—it’s all our money. Those bonuses were not earned income. It’s not the same thing as someone working 40 hours and getting paid for 40 hours. Bonuses are completely arbitrary, based on nothing usually.
Here’s what I mean: If the government is going to be punitive, let’s see them be punitive across the board—not protecting their pet projects (like Fannie and Freddie) from punishment, as is usually their case. That’s all I meant. I’m sick of them calling the kettle black when they’re all boiling in the witch’s pot themselves. I’m sick of them throwing a fit over this piddly amount of money in comparison to the trillion they’ve wasted in the stimulus. I was only glad to see that they didn’t continue to finger point about the AIG bonuses and completely ignore the Fannie and Freddie bonuses.
I’m also glad that they’re getting spanked because of their failure to be thorough and actually READ the spendulus porkulus package before they all signed on. The back pedaling is actually pretty entertaining.
No actually it's not. It belongs to those citizens that received the bonuses. Once $$ changes hands possession and the legal protections ON that money change.
If people don't like it then use regulatory power differently.
This is no different than a bill of attainder.
Wow- you’re clueless AND ignorant