I understand that; but we only have this man’s word that the dog was loose on it’s own. This whole thing smells. If this father was so concerned about his 3 year old daughter and he knew about this dog; why did he leave his daughter like bait unprotected in the backyard? I say he was going to kill that dog and that was his goal.
but he didn’t leave his daughter unprotected in his (and her) backyard. She was protected, hence the shooting.
yeah, you’re right...got a big dog next door, so lock up the kid and never let her outside to play...i was in my garage last summer, and heard a growling behind me. when i turned around, the neighbors damn black lab was crouched down in my garage growling at me... i grabbed the shovel next to me and went after it( this is not the first time this damn dog came after me ) i told my neighbors about it ( they let the dog run loose, and jump the fence into my yard ) and stated if it does that to me again i will bash it’s brains out...they said they were going to have it put to sleep, as it had become “ out of control “ a year later they still have the dog, and it still runs free....