LOL what moral problems? Dancing? Wild Sex? Unprotected Wild Sex? No Sex? Sin? Mental Derangement? The Munchies? Bad Skin?
Pot smokers don't have sex- ever, except for masturbating occasionally. Ask any woman who has spent some time with a pothead how 'energetic' of a lover a pot head is.
As for the bad skin, yes, thats because they are too lazy to wash, take a bath. They get pot bellies from eating too much while laying sideways on the couch.
Dancing? HAHAHAHAHAHA! to what, Hang on sloopy?
Potheads are usually loners, "between girlfriends" from 1969 to present, and have few friends except other potheads.
If they are fortunate enough to have a house, (usually it was left to them when their parent died) the grass is a foot long and it needs painting badly.