Liberals can never win an argyment against a conservative and they know it. They can never defend the indefensible no matter how hard they try but they are relentless nevertheless. So they dont bother to win arguments anymore. Instead they ridicule insult and when that fails they libel and slander and if that fails they resort to physical violence. Liberals especially the ones on the far left are the most intolerant bullying fascists on the face of this earth.
Shouting ridicule and presenting "Straw Man" or ad hominem fallacies. And fear mongering or scapegoating.
If you break it down logically and rhetorically basically the argument is:
"Rush Limbaugh says mean things about us."
It doesn't have to be true factually but they will just keep repeating that mantra. It's a variation of Hillary's 1998 Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy theory which basically was: "Mean Republican white guys say nasty things about my husband." Which was a variation of the early 1960s "right-wing extremists" tactic used against Barry Golwater in the '64 election, elaborated in the Professor Richard Hofstadter book on the subject (The Paranoid Style in American Politics). Students of logic anc rhetoric will recognize the "Straw Man" fallacy in the caricature of the conservative opposition in this game, the debate is manipulated from one of disagreements on issues to issues of personality.
The informational content presented is basically:
"We really don't like Rush Limbaugh."
"I thought we were talking about the economy..."
They did the same thing with Palin in the campaign.