“Acar, a 40-year-old native of Turkey...”
Global CIO: The $200-Million-A-Day Man: Our New Federal CIO
With his staggering federal IT budget, Vivek Kundra needs to address these six crucial questions.
Follow-up to Question #2: “If your boss is not President Obama, then how sharp are your elbows?” As you attempt to get all the deeply entrenched Washington institutions to follow your IT vision, and as conflicts arise as they most surely will, what if those “auspices” under which or whom you operate lack the clout to face down the chair-warmers at the IRS or FBI and other federal agencies with histories of serial IT disasters? What leverage do you have? Whose authority will allow you to steamroll the decision-makers (well, status-quo-preservers) who have somehow found ways to devour $200 million of taxpayer money every single day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year?