Another one! Lookie what DanDan has on his profile page:
“lets leave religion where it belongs - at home and in church. keep it to yourself.”
An all around religion-hater. I’ve been thinking about this ‘leave religion out of the public sphere’ thing lately.
There are two world views, to make it very simple:
1. Theist
2. Atheist
One of them has to be the cultural standard. Which one? Theists are in the vast majority, always have been, and this country was explictly founded on the Theist world view, specifically what is called the Judeo-Christian view or standard. So people like this newbie, Purple Man and others wnat to destroy this country’s moral standard (what’s left of it, people like them have been busy for a couple of generations) and have their atheist world view dominant.
There is no neutral, there is no third “default”. It’s either Godly morality or ungodly immorality, there is no other way.
DanDan and Purple Man - if you want atheism to dominate and be the cultural standard, if you want homosexuality accepted and actually enforced on others as acceptable, normal and just as good as normal sexuality, if you want no mention of God or prayer in public life, then find some place that is already like that. Our country was founded on basic moral principles and standards that are based on eternal religious principles, since they are common to all monotheist religions (and some that aren’t, like Buddhism).
Quit trying to destroy this country, you will not succeed. If you think that FR is a good place to promote your godless immorality, you are wrong.
I think DanDan went ByeBye.
Besides your arguments being flawed (not you position on this just your arguments) I can understand why you are upset. Having a black and white world-view in a grey world causes consternation.
I don’t recall saying it should be overturned. I only pointed out the those who made the decision admittedly used no empirical data to study the effect, period.
But then again, their using empirical data would assume that they are atheistic in their world-view since this is a theistic subject that does not need empirical data?
One hopes that in government policy decision the “God said it; I believe (my interpretation of it); and that settles it” mindset does not become a default to theonomy.