True, sometimes two good teams get to a tie. But at some point you just have to call it. Especially for “regular” games (not playoffs). I mean I love a quintuple OT NHL playoff game, I especially love them because I’m on pacific time by the time the playoffs start and I can watch a 5 OT game and still get to bed by midnight if it’s an east coast game. But part of what makes them cool is that they are a playoff thing. If regular season games could go into 5 OTs it would get dull, and that dullness would reflect on the playoff marathon games.
Regular season games should be able to end in a tie. Get it over with, it’s just a regular season game, most sports have too many of them anyway.
That’s an excellent business case for the tie regular season game, but it hinges on the notion that what’s REALLY important is the meta-game, not the game itself.
I think playing each game to a decision is more logically coherent in terms of game theory, if not always the best business theory.
Your mileage may vary.