here they go shoving shamnesty up our rears whether we like it or not
it just happens due to the border local, that most illegals happen to be mexican.
This is Eric Holder, the despicable de facto traitor who released Puerto Rican terrorists to help Hillary win her New York Senate seat. He is persecuting a man who is actually doing his duty to protect our citizens. What a low, vile, contemptible piece of garbage is this Holder.
And, don’t forget John McCain’s reply (regarding illegal aliens, and building the fence): “”I am not going to call up a soldier and tell him I am deporting his mother. ... I’m not going to do it. You can do it.”
What is with these people that either they don’t care what their constituents want - or those who follow the desires of their constituents (Arpaio) and are punished for it, and for abiding by the written law?