Yes, AgroBacterium has been proven to be able to make the cross kingdom jump between plant and animal, something they originally said was impossible, but AgroBacterium is but one thing they are using in GMO, I have done a lot of research in this are and could lay out a very good case for a particular “item” that lies at the cause.
Like Trisha said in the article, and I have been saying for two years, something “got in it” and made our skin seem like soil or a rotting log to insects, and it has nothing to do with a weak immune system.
Read this article
Billy Koch, a former Major League baseball player who was one of a handful of pitchers who could throw a ball at more than 100 mph was at the top of his game, then two years later was out of baseball. Why? Morgellons, its way more than a skin disease. And his entire family came down with it all at once. Not uncommon for family’s all the across the country I’m sorry to say.
I would be interested in your theories, and your case for the role of diet in development or exacerbation of this disease.