This is a useful article because it identifies one relevant aspect of Obama. His toxic agenda aside, he is a perfect example of a goobermint bureaucrat or a functionary for a Nonprofit NGO: what he likes most and does best is sit and have meetings. Talk.
He does little work, grabs credit from those who do more, and -- meets with other bureaucratic types who share his aversion to actual work.
Come to think of it, this is what a community organizer does--meets with people and jacks his jaws and talks ya-ya with the pols to milk some cash out of them.
As a former teacher, I spent many houses in “inservice” meetings where many bulls were shot. The public schools are filled with administrators who do nothing except talk and I don’t mean about academic subjects. People forget, and Republican businessmen are just as apt to forget, that a public schooldistrict is a governmental entity. It’s aims are political, both in the narrow and in the broader sense.