I think he may even be worse. At least Carter had been in the military and run a business... Obama has done nothing! Nada, Zip!
Carter had run the State of Georgia as Governor.
Obama has run ..... absolutely nothing. Not even a Boy Scout Troop.
Obama ran on the color of the skin of the polygamous father that abandoned him at the age of two.
If Obama's father had been a white, Norwegian graduate student that abandoned him at the age of two and his name was "Barry Olsen", nobody in the entire United States of America would have claimed that a man with his meager experience was qualified for the Oval Office.
Absolutely nobody.
Obama was black and, in Joe Biden's words, "clean and articulate (as long as he was reading a prepared text off of a Tele-Prompter) and Americans eager to "elect the first African-American President", because of the color of his skin and not the content of his character, voted him into office.
The Year 2008 A.D. may be recorded in History as the year that the United States of America jumped the shark.
Obama's even worse than Carter.