Not sure if our great candidate in Chicago, Pullido, can win, but even if she comes very close, that will shake the Obama bots to the core!
We should use that race to highlight the Chicago corruption.
One good commercial might break through for national publicity!
I do think Tedisco can and will win in New York. That will make the MSM and the public start to take notice, too.
Polls are usually not accurate. A couple of actual elections? Things will start to change quick, Dems in Congress will quit protecting Obama so much and start worrying about their OWN hides!
You point to two very important races and I think you accurately surmise that a close race is bad tidings for the Dems in two solidly blue states. Good points and we should be watching those races (as well as donating a couple of greenbacks that will be worthless in a few years anyway) with great interest.