Posted on 03/04/2009 6:39:43 AM PST by seatrout
You cant help but admire Rush Limbaughs talent for publicity. His radio talk show is probablyreliable figures only go back to 1991in its third decade as the number-one rated radio show in the country. And here he is in the news again, trading verbal punches with the president of the United States.
Limbaugh remarked on Jan. 16 that to the degree that Obamas program is one of state socialism, he hopes it will fail. (If only he had said the same about George W. Bush.) The president riposted at a session with congressional leaders a week later, telling them, You cant just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done. Outsiders weighed in: Limbaugh should not have wished failure on a president trying to cope with a national crisis; Obama should not have stooped to insult a mere media artiste, the kind of task traditionally delegated to presidential subordinates while the chief stands loftily mute. Citizens picked sides and sat back to enjoy the circus.
For Limbaugh to remain a player at this level after 20-odd years bespeaks powers far beyond the ordinary. Most conservativeseven those who do not listen to his showregard him as a good thing. His 14 million listeners are a key component of the conservative base. When he first emerged nationally, soon after the FCC dropped the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, conservatives for the first time in decades had something worth listening to on their radios other than country music and bland news programs read off the AP wire. In the early Clinton years, when Republicans were regrouping, Limbaugh was perhaps the most prominent conservative in the United States. National Review ran a cover story on him as The Leader of the Opposition.
Limbaugh has a similarly high opinion of himself: I know I have become the intellectual engine of the conservative movement, he told the New York Times. This doesnt sit well with all conservatives. Fred Barnes grumbled, When the GOP rose in the late 1970s, it had Ronald Reagan. Now the loudest Republican voice belongs to Rush Limbaugh. Upon discovering that Limbaugh had anointed himself the successor to William F. Buckley Jr., WFBs son Christopher retorted, Rush, I knew William F. Buckley, Jr. William F. Buckley, Jr. was a father of mine. Rush, youre no William F. Buckley, Jr.
The more po-faced conservative intellectuals have long winced at Limbaughs quips, parodies, slogans, and impatience with the starched-collar respectability of the official Right. American conservatism had been a pretty staid and erudite affair pre-Limbaugh, occasional lapses into jollification on Firing Line being the main public expression of conservatisms lighter side.
Now the airwaves are full of conservative chat. Talkers magazines list of the top ten radio talk shows by number of weekly listeners also features Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, and Mark Levin. Agony aunt Laura Schlessinger and financial adviser Dave Ramsey are both in the top ten too, though their conservatism is more incidental to the content of their shows.
Liberal attempts to duplicate the successes of Limbaugh and his imitators have fallen flat. Alan Colmess late-evening radio show can be heard in most cities, and Air America is still alive somewherethe Aleutians, perhapsbut colorful, populist, political talk radio seems to be a thing that liberals cant do.
There are many reasons to be grateful for conservative talk radio, and with a left-Democrat president and a Democratic Congress, there are good reasons to fear for its survival. Reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine is generally perceived as the major threat, but may not in fact be necessary. Obama is known to have strong feelings about localism, the FCC rule that requires radio and TV stations to serve the interests of their local communities as a condition of keeping their broadcast licenses. Local community invariably turns out in practice to mean leftist agitator and race-guilt shakedown organizationsthe kind of environment in which Obama learned his practical politics. Localism will likely be the key to unlock the door through which conservative talk radio will be expelled with a presidential boot in the rear.
With reasons for gratitude duly noted, are there some downsides to conservative talk radio? Taking the conservative project as a wholelimited government, fiscal prudence, equality under law, personal liberty, patriotism, realism abroadhas talk radio helped or hurt? All those good things are plainly off the table for the next four years at least, a prospect that conservatives can only view with anguish. Did the Limbaughs, Hannitys, Savages, and Ingrahams lead us to this sorry state of affairs?
They surely did. At the very least, by yoking themselves to the clueless George W. Bush and his free-spending administration, they helped create the great debt bubble that has now burst so spectacularly. The big names, too, were all uncritical of the decade-long (at least) efforts to build democracy in no-account nations with politically primitive populations. Sean Hannity called the Iraq War a massive success, and in January 2008 deemed the U.S. economy phenomenal.
Much as their blind loyalty discredited the Right, perhaps the worst effect of Limbaugh et al. has been their draining away of political energy from what might have been a much more worthwhile project: the fostering of a middlebrow conservatism. There is nothing wrong with lowbrow conservatism. Its energizing and fun. Whats wrong is the impression fixed in the minds of too many Americans that conservatism is always lowbrow, an impression our enemies gleefully reinforce when the opportunity arises. Thus a liberal like E.J. Dionne can write, The cause of Edmund Burke, Leo Strauss, Robert Nisbet and William F. Buckley Jr. is now in the hands of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity. Reason has been overwhelmed by propaganda, ideas by slogans. Talk radio has contributed mightily to this development.
It does so by routinely descending into the ad hominemFeminazis instead of feminismand catering to reflex rather than thought. Where once conservatism had been about individualism, talk radio now rallies the mob. Revolt against the masses? asked Jeffrey Hart. Limbaugh is the masses.
In place of the permanent things, we get Happy Meal conservatism: cheap, childish, familiar. Gone are the internal tensions, the thought-provoking paradoxes, the ideological uneasiness that marked the early Right. But however much this dumbing down has damaged the conservative brand, it appeals to millions of Americans. McDonalds profits rose 80 percent last year.
There is a lowbrow liberalism, too, but the Left hasnt learned how to market it. Consider again the failure of liberals at the talk-radio format, with the bankruptcy of Air America always put forward as an example. Yet in fact liberals are very successful at talk radio. They are just no good at the lowbrow sort. The Rush Limbaugh Show may be first in those current Talkers magazine rankings, but second and third are National Public Radios Morning Edition and All Things Considered, with 13 million weekly listeners each. It is easy to mock the studied gentility, affectless voices, and reflexive liberalism of NPR, but these are very successful radio programs.
Liberals are getting rather good at talk TV, too. The key to this medium, they have discovered, is irony. I dont take this political stuff seriously, I assure you, but really, these damn fool Republicans... Bill Maher, Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert offer different styles of irony, but none leaves any shadow of doubt where his political sympathies lie. Liberals have done well to master this trick, but it depends too much on facial expressions and body languagethe double-take, the arched eyebrow, the knowing smirkto transfer to radio. It is, in any case, not quite populism, the target audience being mainly the ironic cohortcollege-educated Stuff White People Like types.
If liberals cant do populism, the converse is also true: conservatives are not much good at gentility. We dont do affectless voices, it seems. There are genteel conservative eventsIve been to about a million of them and have the NoDoz pharmacy receipts to prove itbut they preach to the converted. If anything, they reinforce the ghettoization of conservatism, of which talk radios echo chamber is the major symptom. We dont know how to speak to that vast segment of the American middle class that lives sensiblyindeed, conservativelywishes to be thought generous and good, finds everyday politics boring, and has a horror of strong opinions. This untapped constituency might be receptive to interesting radio programs with a conservative slant.
Even better than NPR as a listening experience is the BBCs Radio 4. One of the few things I used to look forward to on my occasional visits to the mother country was Radio 4, which almost always had something interesting to say on the 90-minute drive from Heathrow to my hometown. One current feature is America, Empire of Liberty, a thumbnail history of the U.S. for British listeners. The shows viewpoint is entirely conventional but pitched just right for a middlebrow radio audience. Why cant conservatives do radio like that? Instead we have crude cheerleading for world-saving Wilsonianism, social utopianism, and a cloth-eared, moon-booted Republican administration.
You might object that the Right didnt need talk radio to ruin it; it was quite capable of ruining itself. At sea for a uniting cause once the Soviet Union had fallen, buffaloed by master gamers in Congress, outfoxed by Bill Clinton, then seduced by the vapid compassionate conservatism of Rove and Bush, the post-Cold War Right cheerfully dug its own grave. And there was some valiant resistance from conservative talk radio to Bushs crazier initiatives, like comprehensive immigration reform and the Medicare prescription-drug extravaganza.
But there was not much confrontation with other deep social and economic problems. The unholy marriage of social engineering and high finance that ended with our present ruin was left largely unanalyzed from reluctance to slight a Republican administration. Plenty of people saw what was coming. There was Ron Paul, for example: Our present course ... is not sustainable. ... Our spendthrift ways are going to come to an end one way or another. Politicians wont even mention the issue, much less face up to it.
Neither will the GOP pep squad of conservative talk radio. And Ron Paul, you know, has a cousin whose best friends daughter was once dog-walker for a member of the John Birch Society. So much for him!
Why engage an opponent when an epithet is in easy reach? Some are crude: rather than debating Jimmy Carters views on Mideast peace, Michael Savage dismisses him as a war criminal. Others are juvenile: Mark Levin blasts the Washington Compost and New York Slimes.
But for all the bullying bluster of conservative talk-show hosts, their essential attitude is one of apology and submissionthe dreary old conservative cringe. Their underlying metaphysic is the same as the liberals: infinite human potentialYes, we can!if only we get society right. To the Left, getting society right involves shoveling us around like truckloads of concrete; to the Right, it means banging on about responsibility, God, and tax cuts while deficits balloon, Congress extrudes yet another social-engineering fiasco, and our armies guard the Fulda Gap. That human beings have limitations and that wise social policy ought to accept the factsome problems insoluble, some Children Left Behindis as unsayable on Hannity as it is on All Things Considered.
I enjoy these radio bloviators (and their TV equivalents) and hope they can survive the coming assault from Left triumphalists. If conservatism is to have a future, though, it will need to listen to more than the looped tape of lowbrow talk radio. We could even tackle the matter of tone, bringing a sportsmans respect for his opponents to the debate.
I repeat: There is nothing wrong with lowbrow conservatism. Ideas must be marketed, and right-wing talk radio captures a big and useful market segment. However, if there is no thoughtful, rigorous presentation of conservative ideas, then conservatism by default becomes the raucous parochialism of Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity, and company. That loses us a market segment at least as useful, if perhaps not as big.
Conservatives have never had, and never should have, a problem with elitism. Why have we allowed carny barkers to run away with the Right? __________________________________________
John Derbyshire is a contributing editor of National Review and the author of, most recently, Unknown Quantity: A Real and Imaginary History of Algebra.
” His point is that NPR is quite ably serving the “Middlebrow” liberal audience; whereas conservative talk radio is essentially “lowbrow.” We have no comparable “Middlebrow” offerings”
Think we could get some gov’t funding for such an endeavour?
Ooohhhh, I think you need to be very careful about such statements. You're confusing the liberal "operatives" with their political targets.
Considering the repeated thrashings liberals have administered to conservatives over the past several decades, it is obviously dangerous to dismiss them as you seem to be doing.
Liberal politics is very much about ideas and thinking. In the realm of goals, strategy, and tactics, "liberal politics" as a movement evidently has much better ideas and far clearer thinking than we conservatives do. The proof is in how they always seem to control the agenda: we're always in response mode.
You're looking at the targets -- and there, too, "liberal politics" generally has the upper hand. Liberal tactics certainly do appeal -- generally quite cynically -- to the emotions of the voting public; but the emotional appeal generally works because there's some real problem in play. We conservatives tend to spout theory at such times -- which is not only unhelpful to those who are actually hurting, but also extremely unhelpful to our own political viability.
He may espouse conservative principles but he abandoned Christianity and is a “Mysterian” which is described as a position with a ‘strong agnostic’ religious viewpoint.
No way I am betting the farm on him being right. Man’s smarts only get him just so far. I can see someone like him looking down on Rush and other religious conservatives because we’re stupid enough to believe in God. A little bit of jealousy the low-brow God-fearing conservatives seem to get more attention.
And I would also say that if there is a void in conservative talk radio and that people who want a more NPR-type conservative talk show format, I’d would say “go for it.” If it’s national and it’s not on the same hours Rush is on, I’d check it out.
But to me it seems more of a subtle sour-grapes I am not the conservative successor to Buckley, why won’t conservatives want me more than Rush, kind of thing. It sounds a little liberal-whiny to me.
Now I will point out in my own personal opinion, I do not place Rush in the same categories as Hannity and ORiley or even McLaughlin. Never heard Rush sound like Hannity geting into insult tossing with a liberal (I remember one with Alec Baldwin for ex.). That I don’t need to hear. Same with McLaughlin Group where everyone just goes nuts at each other. But Rush doesn’t do that kind fo stuff and that’s why I can listen to him the last 19 years (started in 1990).
Bushes problem was he waffled when the Rats attacked and never communicated with the American people connecting like he did after 9/11 Reagan laid down a blueprint of how to deal with these worthless RATs all W had to do was follow it.
How true!
Why not? Seriously ... why not?
Of course, Reagan, Buckley, et al. were able to do so mostly without gov't funding.
And you know ... given the difficulties faced by many MSM outlets these days, there's no fundamental reason why conservatives couldn't make a play for a commercial MSM niche.
The problem is that it would require patience and a willingess to look long-term (lack of which is our biggest flaw). And we'd have to present solid, truth-based news coverage; and morally sound but non-preachy entertainment -- which again is counter to the kind of propaganda we conservatives seem currently to be after.
Derbyshire ought to listen to Rush before critiquing. It was the lowbrow Rush & Hannity and other intellectual lightweights who opposed GWB’s obscene spending, and warned that Obama would be even worse.
It was Derbyshire’s intellectual heavyweights who supported both the spending and Obama.
? Are you missing my point?
I am college educated (only one in my family) from blue collar folks, so I do appreciate *those people*.. ;) In fact, I don’t think either of my husband’s parents had college degrees either. I consider both sets of parents to be very smart people, and all good conservatives. I think both sorts of folks can be conservatives, altho I DO admit I worry about what is coming out of the universities these days because of the serious brain washing that goes on. Honestly, it never occurred to me that the Republican party didn’t welcome both sorts of people.
And thank you for clarifying. :)
On an even playing field, NPR would fail. Period.
And by the way, I can't stand Rush or Hannity or any of those goofballs. I find them annoying. The only conservative radio host I can listen to is Praeger.
That's what the Rockefeller Republicans have been fighting against for the past 40 years!
No, I'm not skirting the issue at all. You, however, seem to be wishing away a current fact: that NPR is funded, is going to remain funded for at least the next four years, and that it fields two very successful and effective drive-time programs.
As a point of comparison in terms of quality, consider the topics covered on Morning Edition. Can you imagine conservative talk radio, in its current form, being able to match the breadth and depth? Me 'neither: the format simply doesn't support it.
I believe, by the way, that most local public radio stations "subscribe" to the various NPR offerings -- the money for it coming from periodic fund drives. Very often NPR is programmed on college-based radio stations, so the funding profile is considerably muddier than it seems.
And by the way, I can't stand Rush or Hannity or any of those goofballs. I find them annoying.
I invite you to make the application for federal funding for conservative radio. Explain to the powers that be you are seeking to raise the level of discourse by providing thoughtful, intellectual programming ala Buckley.See how far you get. Best of luck.
Gotta couple billion handy, we’ll start a network featuring conservative newsreaders and carve out a niche. Of course we’ll have to get the licenses necessary to broadcast on public airwaves. Good luck with that,too.
Oh, and if you need an example of propaganda, check out NBC,CBS,MSNBC,ABC,CNN,PBS, The NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Daily News, Newsday,and Miami Herald. Then come and tell me about all the conservative propaganda.
Maybe because I can fit into both camps (heck I am fluent in Redneck—they are my people!) it’s harder for me to see.
Do you think the fact that generation of revenue on commercial figures into the format of talk radio. Deep discussion constantly interrupted by necessary commercial breaks might make things a little difficult.No?
Yes. Which merely strengthens Derbyshire's point....
Bush is responding to Ron Pauls charge now.
Rush did pull away from GWB after 2006 election loss.
All you're doing is falling for the same trap that conservatives always seem to fall into: going for the Big Win, and nothing less will do.
There's no need to reinvent the wheel -- why not start a little lower, perhaps? One might more profitably take a page from the Democrat playbook and infiltrate their system.
A clever tactician (i.e., not me) might well parlay the current DNC vapors with respect to Mr. Limbaugh into an opportunity to offer "responsible" conservative viewpoints on Morning Edition or All Things Considered. A really clever fellow would be able to convince NPR that it would make them a better show with broader appeal.
Mr. Derbyshire very correctly notes that we conservatives lack intellectual respectability -- primarily because rantings of Messrs. Limbaugh, Hannity, et al. are emotional rather than intellectual.
You can fulminate against the liberal media all you want -- but it gets us nowhere to do so, unless there is some way to actually compete with them.
One effect of talk radio that I worry about is that I think that they impede the development of political voices on our side. They have so dominated the discourse that what could be great spokesmen defer to them. Eric Cantor at his best is seamless in his arguments and delivery. He seems to have difficulty getting a toehold as a leader because his message is dominated by talk radio. Ditto for Sarah Palin and a half dozen really compelling potential leaders. Talkers might discuss the messages of these folks but that is a far cry from having them deliver it themselves.
Of course it can't, who ever said that? Derbyshire is so myopic and you really needed a barf alert.
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