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To: kellynla; All

Someone in a previous thread (I think he went by Retired_Navy_Vet) posted a claim that Florida already filed its 10th Amendment resolution back in 1995. Can someone PLEASE elaborate on this?

30 posted on 03/04/2009 5:49:29 AM PST by prismsinc (A.K.A. "The Terminator"!)
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To: prismsinc

This is not the one you were looking for, but it sure does contain some fireworks!!

Florida House Bill hb0159 143-186C-10-4

HCR 159

House Concurrent Resolution

A concurrent resolution to urge the Federal Government to control the National

WHEREAS, our Pilgrim Fathers chose to secede from the Church of England and
flee to the American wilderness early in the spring of 1620 during the week
of Passover, to attain freedom in a new land and to escape the coercion and
compulsory welfare of a state religion that was set up by British politicians
to hide the tyranny of a feudal government, and

WHEREAS, more than half of our Pilgrim forebearers died during that first
harsh winter after their exodus to this new land, after sharing equally with
each other their meager food supplies without any federal food subsidies, and

WHEREAS, despite such awesome tests of faith during that first winter after
our Pilgrim Fathers seceded from the British Empire, every Pilgrim survivor
elected to remain on the sacred new soil where their kindred dead were buried
and valiantly refused to return to the British Empire when the Mayflower
departed from Plymouth on April 6, 1621, and

WHEREAS, ten years later, our Puritan and Protestant Fathers chose to secede
from the mighty British Empire and separate themselves from the orthodox
religion early in the spring of 1630 during the week of Passover and boarded
the Arbella and 16 other ships, led by their pastor, John Winthrop, and

WHEREAS, our Pilgrim, Puritan, and Patriot Fathers did only that which they
saw their ancient Fathers do when they seceded from the wicked world order to
establish the Kingdom of God within their own families, and

WHEREAS, our Fathers voted to declare their economic independence from Great
Britain in Philadelphia on April 6, 1776, and to send forth emissaries to deal
directly with foreign nations, after which they set forth their reasons for
separation and listed their grievances against the mother country, and

WHEREAS, our Fathers held certain truths to be self-evident, among which are
“Governments are instituted among men, deriving their powers from the consent
of the governed,” and “that whenever any form of government becomes destructive
of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and
to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to
effect their safety and happiness,” and

WHEREAS, following their formal Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776, our
Fathers formed a 13-nation confederation under a contract, or charter, they
called the Articles of Confederation, wherein they agreed to be bound in
perpetual union and, if any amendments or changes in these Articles were to
be made, such must be by unanimous consent of all 13 nations, and

WHEREAS, the Articles of Confederation, with experience, were discovered to
be weak and ineffective in providing peace, happiness, and domestic tranquility;
therefore, our Fathers determined to meet in Philadelphia in May 1787 for the
specific purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation, and

WHEREAS, after some 4 months, on September 17, 1787, they signed, not a
revision or amendments to the Articles of Confederation, but a totally new
proposal of confederation, a compact, contract, treaty or alliance between
nations, which they called a Constitution for the United States of America,
and on September 28, Congress sent a copy of said Constitution to each of the
13 free, independent, and sovereign nations which were allied under the
Articles of Confederation, including Rhode Island, which had refused to send
delegates to Philadelphia, and

WHEREAS, this proposal to unite under this Constitution, like the Declaration
of Independence of 1776, was a document of secession, wherein, upon the adoption
of the proposed Constitution by a mere nine of the 13 nations, states, or little
republics, the nine were declared to be joined in a new Union (Article VII),
these nine, in effect, declaring their secession or separation from the
remaining four. This in spite of the existing and continuing compact between
the 13 that all were joined in Union perpetually, and unanimous consent must
be obtained to change or amend their agreement, and most certainly would
unanimous consent be required to abandon the Articles of Confederation, or
dissolve the existing Union which was established under them, if nations were
held to the same standard of law under contracts or treaties as individuals,
which they are not, and

WHEREAS, only nine of 13 nations, less than three-fourths, formed a new
government under the Constitution, abandoning four who could choose to also
join or remain outside as sovereign and independent nations, these nine
eventually becoming 50, delegated to their new agent which they called a
Federal Government, certain very limited and specific powers, retaining all
other powers to themselves, or to their people. These states gave their new
agent the responsibility and authority to unite them against foreign invaders,
act as an arbiter among themselves when differences arose, and regulate commerce
between themselves and foreign nations, and

WHEREAS, these states as principals, creating an artificial corporate structure
to act as their agent, formally reserved to themselves the right to freely
leave, or abandon, their new creation, just as they had abandoned the old Union
under the Articles of Confederation, and

WHEREAS, Virginia, the tenth nation to join the new confederation on June 25,
1788, said in her official ratification: “ the name and in behalf of the
people of Virginia, declare and make known, that the powers granted under the
Constitution, being derived from the people of the United States, may be
resumed by them whensoever the same shall be perverted to their injury or
oppression...,” and

WHEREAS, New York, the eleventh nation to join on July 25, 1788, said, “That
the powers of Government may be reassumed by the people, whensoever it shall
become necessary to their happiness...,” and

WHEREAS, Rhode Island, the thirteenth nation to join, after remaining outside
as an independent nation for almost 2 years and finally joining May 29, 1790,
declared, “That the powers of government may be resumed by the people whensoever
it shall become necessary to their happiness,” and

WHEREAS, these formal declarations were superfluous and unnecessary to the
states as sovereign principals; nevertheless, our Fathers understood well the
tendency for governments to usurp undelegated powers, and they wished it
clearly understood that if or when their mutual agent should somehow get out
from under their control, they could simply walk away, or abandon their creation
to die a natural death, or to survive as the remaining agent of those sister
states who wished to remain in the confederation, and

WHEREAS, our Fathers embarrassed themselves by saying four times in the Articles
of Confederation that they were a confederation in “perpetuity,” and a short
time afterward abandoning that Union to die quietly, they said nothing of
perpetuity in the new Constitution, for they had realized that such indiscretion
and folly was a contradiction of their own declaration of July 4, 1776, and in
establishing this new “experiment in government,” they knew it was possible the
experiment might not work and, again, they might choose to let their federal
agent die a natural death, and

WHEREAS, under Article V of the Constitution, our Fathers agreed that
three-fourths of the states could amend the Constitution, and that, in fact,
three-fourths of the states could abolish the Constitution and thereby
automatically call an end to the alliance of states, thus ending the life of all
three branches of the Federal Government—the Executive, the Legislative, and
the Judicial. All agencies functioning under the Constitution would cease to
exist, including the Internal Revenue Service, the Central Intelligence Agency,
OSHA, MSHA, FDA, TVA, FBI, SS, SSI, foreign aid, the Federal Reserve System, a
private corporate agent of an agent of an agent, and along with it approximately
75 percent of the national debt, or over $3 trillion, along with numerous other
federal agencies, and about 3.1 million federal employees, and

WHEREAS, in recent decades the federal agent has attempted, and largely succeeded,
in reversing roles with its Principal, the states, telling them what they can and
cannot do, and threatening to withhold “federal monies” from states which do not
comply with federal laws and regulations, and usurping undelegated powers from
the states and the people, until now the people fear, rather than respect and
revere, their own government and are burdened with taxes some 67 times greater
than those placed on our Fathers by Great Britain, and

WHEREAS, our agent, some three decades ago, took prayer out of the public
schools and refused to further allow our children to be taught about God, values,
morality, or religion in the schools, which has caused our law enforcement
agencies to be overwhelmed with crime, our jails and prisons filled to
overflowing, our unmarried children to become sexually active and pregnant by
the millions, venereal disease and AIDS to flourish, and murder and rape to be
rampant to where many dare not walk our streets after dark. Child abuse, sodomy,
and pornography are commonplace. Greed and litigiousness have taken over, and
we scramble, lobby, and fight each other to “get our share” of “federal” dollars,
which is nothing more than our own money and credit coming back to us with
numerous strings attached, and

WHEREAS, it is now plain to everybody that the agent created by our Fathers on
June 21, 1788, when New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the
Constitution, has grown into an uncontrollable monster which, if we do not get
control of it, or destroy it, will destroy its own creators through bankrupting
them, merging them into a one-world government wherein the United Nations Charter
will replace the Constitution, or we will die by our own hand through moral
corruption, crime, and anarchy, and

WHEREAS, should two-thirds of the several states call a Convention for proposing
the abolishment of the Federal Government, under Article V of the Constitution,
it is highly unlikely that Congress would comply with said Article and faithfully
call such a Convention of States, for should such a proposal be sent out to the
states and three-fourths of them ratify the proposal to abolish Congress, the
Executive, and Federal Judiciary, and dissolve the Union, 535 congressmen, nine
supreme court justices, and one president would be out of jobs and would
automatically lose all of their lucrative pensions, perks, emoluments, and
grandeur of high public office, and

WHEREAS, our Fathers said it was right for the People to change or abolish
governments when it was for their happiness, or when government becomes the
tyrant rather than the protector, and every July 4, we honor our Fathers as
heroes and patriots for their secession from Great Britain in 1776 and nine
states for abolishing the Articles of Confederation and, thereby, dismantling
and destroying an existing Union of States as nine states seceded from four,
giving us our present Constitution which we hold high as the Supreme Law of our
land, and

WHEREAS, three-fourths of the states have the power to abolish the Federal
Government under authority of Article V, and

WHEREAS, the Federal Government is no longer a servant, but has outlived its
usefulness and become the master, and an agent tyrant, trampling not only the
rights of individual citizens, but the rights of the very states themselves and
usurping the rightful and reserved powers of the states, and

WHEREAS, should such be the desire of 38 states, said states have the right and
power inherently, without regard to Article V, and without consulting or relying
on Congress to call a Convention of States, when requested to make such a call by
two-thirds or 34 states; three-fourths of the states can, as Principals, without
consulting their agent, do as they please, including abolishing the federal agent
by dissolving the Charter which established said agent. It would be absurd to
hold that one’s agent could stop the Principal from doing whatever the Principal
feels is right, especially when the agent is a mere artificial corporate creation
of less than three-fourths of the principals, and

WHEREAS, if this Union were truly a democracy as the politicians and media almost
universally contend that it is, but which it is not because it is a republic, in
theory, being governed by law, not by citizen majority; but if a democracy, a
mere majority of 26 states, rather than 38, would have the power to dissolve the
Union and eliminate the entire Federal Government, and

WHEREAS, relying on the precedents of our Fathers whom we love and honor as
patriots brave and God-fearing men, as wise in the ways of government as any men
who ever lived, we find it appropriate to plan and take this course of action,


Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Florida, the
Senate Concurring:

That when, or if, Congress allows the national debt to reach $6 trillion, or if
Congress by way of treaty, resolution, or otherwise, or the President of the
United States by way of Executive Order or in any other fashion, attempt to
abolish or in any way make the Constitution of the United States ineffective, or
void, the State of Florida, when joined by 37 of her sister states, being
three-fourths of the states of the Union, hereby declares the United States
Government to be in violation of its constitutional authority, and the Federal
Confederacy and Union are hereby dissolved and without further power to act on
behalf of the states, with each of the 50 states of this Union resuming the same
sovereignty, independence, and freedom, and assuming that same condition in
which the 13 original States of America placed themselves from July 4, 1776,
through June 21, 1788, when nine of these 13 formed the Union currently in place.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that immediately upon dissolution of the Union,
representatives of the 38 states, along with representatives of the other 12
states, should they choose, shall meet in a designated location agreed upon by
the 38 states for the purpose of dividing and selling the assets currently
controlled by the government of the United States. All such assets shall be sold
or otherwise equitably distributed and the proceeds divided between the 50 States
according to the population of citizens of each state as of the last census prior
to dissolution.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the military forces of the United States shall, at
all times, remain in place until treaty arrangements are negotiated between all
states wishing to participate in mutual alliance for our common protection from
potential aggression, foreign or domestic. All present military commanders and
field personnel shall remain in place and be paid according to the negotiations
worked out among the participating states.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Constitution, insofar as it is applicable to the
states, shall continue to be the Supreme Law of the individual states, and all
individual rights and liberties guaranteed therein, and within the Bill of Rights,
shall be maintained in each of the 50 nations, until each nation, by a vote of a
majority of its own citizens, shall change or amend it.

NOW LET IT BE NOTED, that the constitutional union of these 50 States, under the
original plan our Founding Fathers enabled us to become the most powerful,
prosperous, wealthy, and free people on the earth, in spite of the interference,
intimidation, violations, and usurpations of the federal agent and its apparent
deliberate attempts to muzzle, hamper, slow down, and destroy much of the private
industry of these states, causing such to leave our borders and establish in
foreign lands; however, union with an obedient agent in the beginning proved to
be most desirable, and

IT IS THEREFORE the desire of the State of Florida, as soon as practical after
dissolving the Federal Government, that one or more new confederations be formed
under a Constitution substantially similar to that which presently binds us

EXCEPT THAT, during the last 204 years, we know from sad experience that it is
in the nature of almost all men as soon as they receive a little authority, as
they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion by
exceeding their authority as agents to act for their principals, and

THEREFORE, it may need to be that some changes are in order to better control
the tendency of human rulers to usurp undelegated authority and powers.

BE IT FURTHER NOTED, that it is the desire of the Florida Legislature that this
Ultimatum Resolution be debated and considered in every Legislature of our 49
sister states, and, if ratified as a joint resolution of another state
Legislature, an executed original shall be delivered to the Attorney General of
the State of Florida, who is commanded to hold, as agent, each and every
Ultimatum Resolution submitted to him, and

IF AT LEAST 38 states so submit these resolutions, and should any of the
above-listed conditions take place, he is authorized and commanded to immediately
serve copies of all 38 Ultimatum Resolutions on the Executive, Legislative, and
Judicial bodies of the United States Government, and the United States Government
in all of its various branches shall be declared to be dissolved, and each of the
50 states shall be restored to the same sovereign, independent, and free status
enjoyed by them before they created their federal agent, and each state shall
become a new and separate nation of the former United States of America.

126 posted on 03/04/2009 11:26:43 AM PST by NonLinear ( If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.)
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