"We have socialism, collectivism, Stalin([ism], whatever you want to call it, versus capitalism."
I thought Rush made the communist connection rather well. Good enough for me anyway. In fact, I thought Rush hit a home run with his speech at CPAC. As did Newt and several other rightwingers. What undercut Rush`s message and the overall conservative message of CPAC this year, was the split in the straw poll voting. Albeit, a meaningless poll. Nonetheless, this continued fracturing of conservatives that gave the Romney the chameleon a slight preference over the others, serves no good purpose in the end.
The goal today should stay focused on the 2010 election which is just around the corner. Congressional Republicans have remained united against Obama during his Honeymoon phase. Great. Hopefully that won't change.
Instead of offering mostly empty rhetoric, Rep Eric Cantor should spend more time deconstructing the Democrats overall plans for America. In this interview, Cantor came across a litle too PC and yes, he did repudiate Rush Limbaugh's speech at CPAC yesterday.
I just wish Cantor had a little sharper wit and said something like “I support the Commander in Chief, just not his mission”, but Cantor is a politician.. remember the parable of the scorpion and the frog.
I caught the bit about Stalin(ism) but, in my opinion, the name “communism” hits harder at folks.