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To: Delacon

Just by the sheer size of the natural generation of carbon dioxide from ongoing life processes, whatever feeble little amount that man produces shrivels to total insignificance.

Despite rulings to the contrary, carbon dioxide is NOT a pollutant, and attempts to picture the substance as being so, are either displaying willful ignorance, or knowingly propagating a falsehood. Carbon dioxide is so bound up in our very life processes, it cannot ever be disentangled. We are a carbon-based life form, for cat’s sake, and plants NEED carbon dioxide to even exist. Carbon dioxide is an essential part of the life cycle of all humanity, the entire animal kingdom, the entire plant kingdom and a great many inorganic reactions that take place in the earth’s crust, oceans, atmosphere, and the interior of the planet, and MUST be preserved at all costs.

Water vapor is from some twenty to over 100 times as potent a “greenhouse gas” as carbon dioxide could ever be. And it would be totally pointless to regulate water vapor.

Air Composition
The sea-level composition of air (in percent by volume at the temperature of 15°C and the pressure of 101325 Pa) is given below.

Name - Symbol - Percent by Volume
Nitrogen - N2 - 78.084 %
Oxygen - O2 - 20.9476 %
Argon - Ar - 0.934 %
Dioxide - CO2 - 0.0314 %
Neon - Ne - 0.001818 %
Methane - CH4 - 0.0002 %
Helium - He - 0.000524 %
Krypton - Kr - 0.000114 %
Hydrogen - H2 - 0.00005 %
Xenon - Xe - 0.0000087 %

Water vapor is a highly variable component of the atmosphere, ranging from less than 1% to more than 4% of the volume of a given amount of air, and is expressed as “relative humidity”.

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics
by David R. Lide, Editor-in-Chief

1997 Edition

Know this and know it for a certainty: Carbon dioxide is plant food. Without it, plants wither and die. It is our OBLIGATION to increase carbon dioxide to the degree we are able, to aid our plant life on this planet to grow and extend to its maximum limit.

There is no climate “cure”, because there is no climate “disease”. We rely on carbon-based fuel, and the excess carbon dioxide merely goes into accelerated and extended plant growth. So long as we encourage plant growth at every juncture, by cultivation and land management, the content of carbon dioxide shall never rise much above about 0.05% concentration in the atmosphere.

Plants require carbon dioxide to conduct photosynthesis, and greenhouses may enrich their atmospheres with additional CO2 to boost plant growth, since its low present-day atmosphere concentration is just above the “suffocation” level for green plants. A photosynthesis-related drop in carbon dioxide concentration in a greenhouse compartment can kill green plants.

16 posted on 02/28/2009 7:32:30 AM PST by alloysteel (The term "Islam" does not mean "peace", it means "gaining serenity through surrender".)
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To: alloysteel

It also needs to be pointed out that to define and enforce an arbitrary “ideal” environmental standard for our atmosphere is the ultimate in arrogance. Who is to say what is the perfect condition?

19 posted on 02/28/2009 7:42:45 AM PST by Delacon ("The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." H. L. Mencken)
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To: alloysteel

Well the current CO2 in Hawaii is averaging ~.04% so it has risen from the 1997 numbers you quote. Never-the-less, you are exactly right. This level means nothing anyway.

Indoor air concentrations of 2500 ppm are considered non hazardous so why not outside air? What I tell my deluded friends is that far from being a hazard, CO2 is the stuff of life. All the carbon is all of us was once CO2 converted into plant hydrocarbon and then by ingestion it became us. Cut it off and we die.

29 posted on 02/28/2009 8:34:46 AM PST by JeanLM
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To: alloysteel
When people irritate me with "global warmist" propaganda, I often ask them if they know what the percentage of the atmosphere is comprised of CO2. I prompt them with Oxygen is about 20%.

If they choose to guess, they inevitably get it wrong (guessing waaay high) before I tell them that CO2 is roughly 3.4 ten thousandths of our atmosphere.

Then, if I'm in a verbally combative mood, I'll ask if they know what percentage of the atmospheric CO2 is man-made.

(It's about 3.5%).

Many of my fellow "scientists" are blissfully clueless and unbothered by these simple, and demonstrable facts.


35 posted on 02/28/2009 8:57:02 AM PST by Seaplaner (Never give in. Never give in. Never...except to convictions of honour and good sense. W. Churchill)
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To: alloysteel
Water vapor is from some twenty to over 100 times as potent a “greenhouse gas” as carbon dioxide could ever be

True, but without the CO2 the atmosphere would be stone cold and little water vapor would exist. The earth's oceans would be frozen with only slush during the daytime near the equator. The CO2, albeit small, gives us a base GH effect that lets water vapor do the rest.

That basically jives with the article. Without CO2 we are screwed. With "too much" CO2, we might have some problems, but those pale in comparison and can be easily mitigated.

46 posted on 02/28/2009 10:23:51 AM PST by palmer (Cooperating with Obama = helping him extend the depression and implement socialism.)
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To: alloysteel

>. whatever feeble little amount that man produces shrivels to total insignificance.

It totals to a fraction of an ‘insignificance’ when only a portion of man’s behavior is charged with causing the ‘problem’.

78 posted on 02/28/2009 9:19:12 PM PST by Gene Eric
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To: alloysteel

I give up. I tell people, everybody, that man made global warming is a hoax. I can speak until my tongue tires and my lips go slack from exhaustion and the response I get is the same... “Thousands of scientists and politicians can’t be wrong. If they were, well we’d surely have heard about it.”

With that kind of lazy lack of intellect filling the space between the ears of millions and millions of adults, it is no surprise that they voted for Obama, and they continue to pretend that George W. Bush is responsible for every ill in existence in the world.

I even tell people that Bush tried to curtail the banks crazy lending scheme and that he got told to take a hike by Congress... and that this happened multiple times. The response is the same, “If this is true, how come we didn’t hear about it?” They don’t recognize that they had heard about it, although instead of hearing about Bush trying to limit damage to the economy by trying to put a stop to the crazy lending free for all, they heard that Bush was trying to implement racist measures to prevent minorities from getting loans... Yeah, well - they heard about that. They didn’t realize that the two were the one and the same just told from different perspectives.

82 posted on 02/28/2009 10:01:55 PM PST by coconutt2000 (NO MORE PEACE FOR OIL!!! DOWN WITH TYRANTS, TERRORISTS, AND TIMIDCRATS!!!! (3-T's For World Peace))
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To: alloysteel

Water vapor is from some twenty to over 100 times as potent a “greenhouse gas” as carbon dioxide could ever be. And it would be totally pointless to regulate water vapor.
I don’t hear that from even “our” talking heads.

86 posted on 02/28/2009 10:23:46 PM PST by TomasUSMC ( FIGHT LIKE WW2, FINISH LIKE WW2. FIGHT LIKE NAM, FINISH LIKE NAM)
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