I’m saying that if you act crazy, drunk, violent and make statements that can be understood to mean you have the intent to hurt or kill yourself they will strip you and lock you up naked to make absolutely sure you lack any means other than your own teeth and fingernails that could possibly be used to hurt yourself.
Brought to you by the Trial Lawyer’s Association by sueing “deep pocket” taxpayers everytime some darwin nominee finally wins an award while in custody.
This lady will get a smallish shut up and go away award from the city’s liability insurance, the lawyer she hired will take a goodish chunk of it for very little actual effor.
If she had actually been serious and managed to kill herself because she had not been stripped, the TLA wouldn’t have taken a settlement, they’d go for a nice fat jury award for the family’s pain and suffering caused by the wrongful death of their beloved because the negligent officers didn’t strip her naked and deprive her of the bra he strangled herself with or the panties she choked herself to death with.
It isn’t just the cops who are out of control, it’s lawyers and judges and juries that have brought us to this sorry state of affairs.
Stripping the dumb twit naked was a sane response to an insane tort system. TAANSTAAFL
I expect she will get a much larger award for being raped then she would have if she had managed to kill herself. In the one case the deputies did it to her, in the other she would have done it to herself. I expect this will be a jury trial and absolutely humongous award she wins.