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Romney's speech at CPAC
Politico ^ | 2/27/2009 | Mitt Romney

Posted on 02/27/2009 3:13:57 PM PST by sevenbak

"The Pursuit of the Difficult"

Thank you all very much. It’s good to see all of you, and to be among so many friends. Being at CPAC feels a bit like coming home. Your enthusiastic send off three years ago propelled my campaign to the top of the pack. That status turned out to be temporary, of course. And when the journey was over, both Ann and I were filled with gratitude for your friendship and loyalty. It warmed our hearts, and we thank you. A lot of you have been asking how Ann is doing. And I’m happy to say she’s doing great.

There are so many conservative leaders here this weekend. I was looking forward to seeing Governor Palin again. There’s a rumor that she has been offered an 11-million-dollar book contract. My publisher has been talking to me about an 11-millon-dollar deal as well. I’m just not sure I can come up with that kind of money.

It’s an honor to be introduced by David Keene. His commitment to conservative principles has been tested and proven, in many venues and over many years. Some of you were here with Dave for the very first meeting of CPAC in the 1970s. You’ve been involved long enough to know that like every great cause in America, the conservative movement has periods of success and moments of setback. And in 2008, we had more than our share of disappointments. But we haven’t come to CPAC to dwell on battles we’ve lost. We are here to get ready for the battles we’re going to win.

As conservatives, we face this new year with resolve, but without resentment. Our country has a new president, and he has our prayers and best wishes. In the last eight years, we saw how a president’s political adversaries could be consumed by anger, and even hatred. That is not the spirit that brings us together. We want our country to succeed, no matter who’s in power. We want America to be prosperous and secure, regardless of who gets the credit. At our best, that has always been the mark of the conservative movement – in good times and bad, the interests of this great nation come first.

Right now the interests of America will depend in many ways on the decisions of President Obama. Those choices are his to make, whether or not we see eye to eye. We won’t be afraid to disagree with him when we must. And we won’t be afraid to agree with him when we can. One thing the President can know is that when he takes strong action in defense of the United States, we will stand by him. And we will always support the brave men and women of our nation’s military that he now commands.

We make these commitments out of principle, and our principles don’t depend on elections won or lost. Contrary to what you hear from some commentators on the left, the 2008 elections did very little to settle the most serious differences of opinion in American politics. Some of those issues were hardly debated at all in the fall campaign. As conservatives in opposition, we have a duty to press on …a duty to state our case with confidence.

Some critics speak as if we need to redefine conservatism. I think that misses the mark. America’s challenges are different from year to year, but our defining principles remain the same. Conservatives don’t enter each new political era trying to figure out what we believe. Facing new and complex problems, we find the answers in principles that endure. Ronald Reagan used to say that “the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that what they know is wrong. ” Conservatives don’t claim to know everything, but what we know is right.

Conservatives believe in settling great questions the way the Founders intended – especially where the stakes are the highest. Courts that have undermined the fundamental right to life have shown an equal disregard for the rights of property and the rights of religious freedom. We’ve even seen them extend rights to terrorist combatants who have killed Americans and who would like to kill many more.

In the way of judicial nominees, these next four years aren’t likely to be encouraging. But we conservatives stand for causes that are too important to allow unelected judges to force their own biases on an unwilling nation. We may not always win at the polls, but we believe in democracy …we respect the will of the people …and across this country, we will not stand idly by as liberal judges try to re-write the constitution and override democracy.

I’m often asked these days what Republicans and conservatives have to do to recover. And I’ll bet my answer is the same as yours. Our first concern isn’t a political recovery – it’s the recovery of our country.

We‘re at one of those rare moments in history, when the biggest tests come all at once. We don’t have the luxury of taking them on one by one. We have to get a lot of things right, and all at the same time. We’re in the second year of a major recession, and if we don’t make the right choices, things could get worse. Americans have already lost some 12 trillion dollars in net worth. And the pool of our nation’s investment capital has also shrunk by trillions of dollars.

The President has already moved to stop our economy’s downward spiral. Parts of the stimulus will, in fact, do some good. But too much of the bill was short-sighted and wasteful. Every single Republican in Congress voted in favor of a better stimulus plan, one that focused on creating jobs immediately. But Congressional Democrats couldn’t restrain themselves from larding up their bill with tens of billions of dollars for their political friends. Republicans wanted to stimulate the economy, Democrats wanted to stimulate the government. Conservatives in the House and Senate stood their ground and voted no—and they were absolutely right.

So far, the Administration has been unclear on what it will do to address the huge decline in the pool of risk and investment capital. These losses will be felt in businesses that don’t start-up and grow, and in jobs that don’t get created. To grow the pool of investment capital, the last thing you’d do is to raise taxes on investment, as the President has proposed. The surest, most obvious course is to rule out higher taxes on investment. I would propose going one step further. For all middle-class Americans, we ought to abolish the tax on interest, dividends and capital gains.

This economic crisis has proven that government has an urgent obligation to address some awful abuses we’ve seen in the financial sector, particularly in housing finance. Free markets, properly regulated and allowed to work as they should, have propelled America to be the largest economy in the world. For years, Washington politicians did nothing to prevent the abuses at Fannie and Freddie, and in some cases they encouraged those abuses for political gain. Let’s be clear on this point: conservatives favor clear, streamlined and up-to-date regulations and laws that let the economy work, but we will vigorously oppose those politicians who are poised to use their own failures as an excuse to undermine the free enterprise system.

I know we didn’t all agree on TARP. I believe that it was necessary to prevent a cascade of bank collapses. For free markets to work, there has to be a currency and a functioning financial system. But we can agree on this: TARP should not have been used to bail out GM, Chrysler and the UAW. And this is personal for me, I want the U. S. auto industry to succeed. But as some of us pointed out last November, that can only happen if its excessive costs and burdens are restructured. And concessions are going to be few and far between if bondholders and unions already have your money when the negotiating begins. The right answer for Detroit is this: Fix it first.

All of these measures are meant to confront the current economic peril. Properly guided, Washington could in fact speed the recovery. So far, some of the actions it has taken will help, and some will hurt. But we can be certain that the American economy will recover. The invisible hand of the market is more powerful than the lumbering machinery of government. In the final analysis, we know that the private sector – entrepreneurs and businesses large and small – will create the millions of jobs our country needs.

Earlier this week, the President addressed not only the current economy, but also his broader goals. I was pleased that he put healthcare, education, and energy on the agenda. The direction we take on these issues will profoundly shape the future of the nation. I’m afraid I know where the liberal Democrats want to take us. And as they try to pull us in the direction of government-dominated Europe, we’re going to have to fight as never before to make sure that America stays America.

President Obama was awfully vague about some of his plans, but I think I heard him say that government is responsible for educating a child from birth—from birth—to its first job. Universal pre-school and universal college. And there were hints as well of universal healthcare and a universal service corps. It all sounds very appealing, until you realize that these plans mean universal government. That model has never worked anywhere in the world. America is great because our society is free and the power of government is limited by the Constitution.

For the last several years, we’ve heard liberals moaning about the 700 billion dollars that have been spent over six years to win freedom in Iraq. They have now spent more than that in 30 days. And with a government almost 12 trillion dollars in debt, any unnecessary spending puts at risk the creditworthiness of the United States. If the world loses confidence in our currency, that could cause a run on the dollar, or hyperinflation that would wipe out savings and devastate the Middle Class. President Obama says he hopes to cut the deficit in half after four years—does that mean a deficit in 2012 of 600 billion dollars? No president should accept such a staggering deficit, much less hold it up as a national goal. This is the time to pare back government spending. It is not the time to fulfill every liberal dream and spend America into catastrophe.

Congressional Democrats are gearing up to take over the health care system. We need to advance a conservative plan – one based on free choice, personal responsibility, and private medicine; one that doesn’t add massive new federal spending. I like what I proposed in Massachusetts when I was governor. And even though the final bill and its implementation aren’t exactly the way I wanted, the plan is a good model. Today, almost every Massachusetts citizen who had been uninsured now has private, free-market coverage, and we didn’t have to raise taxes or borrow money to make it happen. We may find even better ideas in other states. But let’s make certain that conservative principles are front and center. A big-government takeover of health care is the next thing liberals are going to try, and it’s the last thing America needs.

What America does need is a commitment to reforming entitlements. I believe that Medicaid should be capped and put in the hands of the states; Social Security benefits for high income citizens who are now age 55 or younger, should grow with the consumer price index, not the wage index; and Medicare should be reformed with a dose of free-market reality. These and other reforms are essential, because if we stay on the same road, the next generation could see tax rates 50 percent higher even than ours – and that’s to pay the bills we’ve racked up for ourselves. Passing on that kind of debt to our children is not only fiscally irresponsible, it is morally wrong.

I was glad that the President said he favors charter schools. Did you hear what sound came from the Democratic side of the chamber? Crickets. I hope the President will join all of us to expand school choice, reward better teachers with better pay, raise teacher standards in academic subject-matters like math and science, and enable school districts to remove teachers that don’t make the grade. It is high time to put America’s kids first and leave the union bosses behind.

We and the President agree that America must act to become energy independent. But his cap-and-trade proposal is exactly the wrong way to go about it. It would tax American citizens and employers and send businesses and jobs to high polluting and high emitting nations like China. Any carbon plan has to be worldwide in scope: they don’t call it America-warming, they call it global-warming.

Let’s also be the voice that defends the rights of workers – against coercion and intimidation. The working people of this country should be able to unionize the way their fathers and mothers did – by free choice and secret ballot. The Democrats’ plan to take away those rights is an insult to the dignity and common sense of working people. It would be calamitous for the economy. I know that the Democrats want to pay back the union bosses for all the money they gave them, but they must not do it by selling out the American worker – and democracy.

America voted for change. America did not vote for a boat-load of new government spending programs that would guarantee higher taxes and high deficits as far as the eye can see and that would threaten our currency, our economy, and our future. We must be the alternative course. We can’t be that if all we say is no. Our plans must be clear, compelling, and first to the table. Our plans must have at least one common thread—they must make America stronger. Better education strengthens our kids; better healthcare strengthens our citizens; and bringing our budget into balance strengthens our economy and preserves our future. Today, as much as ever, conservative principles are absolutely essential to keeping America strong and prosperous and free.

With all that is happening here at home, there are some who have forgotten that we are at war, that Iran and its jihadist surrogates are killing our sons and daughters abroad, and hope to do it here. I am pleased that our troops will be coming home from Iraq. But let there be no confusion: it is in spite of Barack Obama’s stance on Iraq, not because of it, that the troops are coming home in victory!

President Obama is barely a month into his term, and, of course, his biggest decisions on national security are still ahead of him. His administration has won the favor of liberal commentators by pledging what it calls reform in the treatment of terrorist detainees. He’s also promised to close down Guantanamo, without giving the slightest indication of the next stop for the killers being held there now. That decision, too, has received the predictable applause from certain law professors and editorial boards.

But here’s the problem. That is the very kind of thinking that left America vulnerable to the attacks of September 11th.

This is not a law enforcement problem. It is the gravest matter of national security, with thousands if not millions of lives in the balance. The jihadists are still at war with America. Our government has no greater duty than a vigilant defense, and no greater cause than victory for America and for freedom.

I had no objection when Barack Obama decided to give his first TV interview to an Arabic broadcaster. But when he said that America in the past has dictated to the world, he was misguided and naïve. And the next time our president speaks to a foreign audience I hope he will remember this basic fact of history: America is not a country that dictates to other nations. We are the country that has freed millions of people from the tyranny of dictators. Never in the history of a world has a single country possessed such great power, and used it for such good purpose across the world, as the United States of America.

I believe President Obama was also mistaken in backing away from our commitment to missile defense. And if he calculated that Russia would respond in kind by showing a little restraint and good will, he quickly learned otherwise. All Russia did to return the favor was bribe Kyrgyzstan to shut down our use of its airports, closing access we needed for our troops serving in Afghanistan. Gestures that communicate a lack of resolve only embolden America’s adversaries. With Iran seeking nuclear weapons, with North Korea already nuclear and selling its technology to the Syrians, it is essential that we construct a missile defense, now.

A lot of you have the memory of coming to CPAC in its early days, when America had challenges so big that many in the world – and even a few in our own government – thought we were in decline. They doubted our ability to compete economically, to face down the dangers of the era, or even to defend our ideals. Today we’re hearing echoes of that era once again, from those who speak of America as if our day has passed.

Some of these critics never cared much for our belief that America occupies a special place …that there is work in the world that only we can do …and that Americans have the heart and the courage to get it done. But we know these things to be true. And to those who question the character of our country, including the new attorney general, let us remind them that America has never been, is not now, and will never be a nation of cowards.

I don’t deny that America’s challenges are great, or that overcoming them will require the best that we have to give. But I know as well that times of difficulty always bring out the essential character of our fellow citizens. When I was a boy, my dad used to say that the pursuit of the difficult makes you strong. Well, the pursuit of the difficult will make America strong. We welcome the challenge. It will call on us, once again, to draw on the incredible resilience, ingenuity, and faith of the free men and women of America.

We don’t get to choose the tests and trials ahead. But we’re entirely free, you and I, to choose how we will meet those tests. We will meet them as conservatives have done before. We will find strength in each other, and answer our opponents with good will and honest words. And we will go forward – confident in our beliefs, and certain of victories to come. "

Thank you. ####

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2012; 2012gopprimary; cpac; mitt; rino; romney; romneyantipalin; romneyattacksquad; transcript
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To: greyfoxx39

You’re gonna jump on the same bandwagon also, purposely twisting what Romney said? If you’re gonna attack him for the millionth time, at least be honest about it. You’re just being a disingenuos hater here.

221 posted on 03/04/2009 9:33:31 AM PST by NYC Republican (This Too Shall Pass- in 8 years.. how much destruction will they create?)
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To: jeltz25

Wow, you’re shallow. Can’t admit you were totally wrong? Really? Get over yourself

222 posted on 03/04/2009 9:34:27 AM PST by NYC Republican (This Too Shall Pass- in 8 years.. how much destruction will they create?)
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To: NYC Republican called me a "HATER"....OOOOOOO...I guess I'll have to slit my wrists or something, ROTFL!


223 posted on 03/04/2009 9:36:50 AM PST by greyfoxx39 (buckle in for 4 more years of detached, grandstanding flourish left untethered by an incurious media)
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To: luckystarmom
I just read the speech, and the swipe at Palin was uncalled for.

Why don't you read it again. He has nothing but admiration for Palin... It was a swipe at HIMSELF, saying for his story, HE'D have to pay someone $11 million... Self-deprecating humor... Ever hear of it???

224 posted on 03/04/2009 9:38:21 AM PST by NYC Republican (This Too Shall Pass- in 8 years.. how much destruction will they create?)
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To: greyfoxx39


225 posted on 03/04/2009 9:38:49 AM PST by txnativegop (God Bless America! (NRA-Endowment))
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To: Antoninus
Any conservative who follows him is a fool.


Oh, you mean like these guys? Um, yeah, OK... I guess I'm a fool.


Editors of National Review Endorse Romney For President:
… "Romney is an intelligent, articulate, and accomplished former businessman and governor. At a time when voters yearn for competence and have soured on Washington because too often the Bush administration has not demonstrated it, Romney offers proven executive skill. He has demonstrated it in everything he has done in his professional life, and his tightly organized, disciplined campaign is no exception. He himself has shown impressive focus and energy.

… "We believe that Romney is a natural ally of social conservatives. He speaks often about the toll of fatherlessness in this country. He may not have thought deeply about the political dimensions of social issues until, as governor, he was confronted with the cutting edge of social liberalism. No other Republican governor had to deal with both human cloning and court-imposed same-sex marriage. He was on the right side of both issues, and those battles seem to have made him see the stakes of a broad range of public-policy issues more clearly. He will work to put abortion on a path to extinction. Whatever the process by which he got to where he is on marriage, judges, and life, we’re glad he is now on our side — and we trust him to stay there.

… "As he argued in his College Station speech, his faith informs his values, which he has demonstrated in both the private and public sectors. In none of these cases have any specific doctrines of his church affected the quality of his leadership. Romney is an exemplary family man and a patriot whose character matches the high office to which he aspires.

"More than the other primary candidates, Romney has President Bush’s virtues and avoids his flaws. His moral positions, and his instincts on taxes and foreign policy, are the same. But he is less inclined to federal activism, less tolerant of overspending, better able to defend conservative positions in debate, and more likely to demand performance from his subordinates. A winning combination, by our lights. In this most fluid and unpredictable Republican field, we vote for Mitt Romney." (the entire editorial is a Must Read)

Judge Robert Bork, Leading Conservative Jurist, Nominated By President Reagan To The Position Of Associate Justice Of The U.S. Supreme Court:
"Throughout my career, I have had the honor of serving under several Presidents and am proud to make today's endorsement. No other candidate will do more to advance the conservative judicial movement than Governor Mitt Romney. He knows firsthand how the judicial branch can profoundly affect the future course of a state and a nation. I greatly admired his leadership in Massachusetts in the way that he responded to the activist court's ruling legalizing same-sex 'marriage.' His leadership on the issue has served as a model to the nation on how to respect all of our citizens while respecting the rule of law at the same time."

"Our next President may be called upon to make more than one Supreme Court nomination, and Governor Romney is committed to nominating judges who take their oath of office seriously and respect the rule of law in our nation. I also support Governor Romney because of his character, his integrity and his stands on the major issues facing the United States."
(Listen to a Romney for President radio ad featuring Judge Robert Bork: "Important Times")

Dr. John Willke, a Founder of the Pro-Life Movement Nationally and Internationally, Served for 10 Years as President of The National Right To Life Committee and Helped Found the Organization:
"Unlike other candidates who only speak to the importance of confronting the major social issues of the day, Governor Romney has a record of action in defending life. Every decision he made as Governor was on the side of life. I know he will be the strong pro-life President we need in the White House. Governor Romney is the only candidate who can lead our pro-life and pro-family conservative movement to victory in 2008."

Dr. Walid Phares, world renowned expert on Jihadism, prominent Terrorism Analyst and author:
"The two leading contenders on the Republican side, McCain and Romney, both recognize that there is an enemy, are committed to defeat it, but identify it in different intensities. Senator McCain says it is “Radical Islam,” and pledges to increase the current level of involvement. On Iraq, the former Navy Pilot says he will continue to fight till there are no more enemies to fight. To me that is a trenches battlefield: We’ll pound them till they have no more trenches. Governor Romney says the enemy is Global Jihadism, and it has more than the one battlefield of Iraq. And because the Jihadists are in control of regimes, interests and omnipresent in the region and worldwide, the US counter strategies cannot and should not be limited to “entrenchment” but to counter attacks, preemptive moves and putting allies forces on the existing and new battlefields. far Governor Romney has readied himself better in the realm of strategizing the defeat [of] this enemy. ... In short, if elected, Romney will try to destroy the mother ship, McCain will supply the trenches, Clinton will pull the troops back to the barracks and Obama will visit the foes’ bunkers. ... Hence, as is, I have recommended Governor Romney for the Republican Primaries as first among equals while considering Senator McCain as a genuine leader. If Romney is selected I believe America may have a chance to try new strategies. If his contender is selected, we will have four or eight more years of the past seven years." (read more in "The Candidate Who Can See the Enemy, Can Defeat It")

Retired Major General James "Spider" Marks, U.S. Army:
"Governor Romney has been outspoken in his commitment to our men and women in the military. Our troops need more support from Washington and Governor Romney will ensure that they have the resources they need to defend this country. I am proud to be joining Governor Romney's campaign. On national security issues, the Governor has distinguished himself as a true leader ready to invest in our national defense."

Paul Weyrich, Chairman and CEO of the Free Congress Research and Education Foundation, current National Chairman of Coalitions for America, founder and past director of the American Legislative Exchange Council, the founding president of the Heritage Foundation, and co-founder of the Moral Majority with the late Jerry Falwell:
"As he travels across the country, Governor Romney has outlined a blueprint to build a stronger America rooted in our common conservative principles. With a clear conservative vision to move America forward, he will strengthen our economy, our military and our families. More importantly, he already has an exceptional record of putting conservative values to work. Because of his experience, vision and values, I am proud to support Governor Romney."

David A. Keene, Chairman of the American Conservative Union:
"In recent months, Governor Romney has emerged as the single candidate most worthy of conservative support. That's why I'm endorsing him and intend to spend as much time as possible in the weeks ahead convincing my fellow conservatives that if we are serious about electing a conservative president in 2008, it's time to unite behind his candidacy."
(Audio Clip From Laura Ingraham Show On 11/29/2007: David Keene On His Endorsement Of Governor Mitt Romney)

Robin Hoffman, Former Florida Right To Life President:
"As we face unprecedented domestic and global challenges, it has never been more critical to elect a viable conservative Republican nominee that can bring together social conservatives, fiscal conservatives and defense conservatives. Governor Romney is the one candidate that can unite all these elements of our party to lead us to victory in November."

Wendy Long, Chief Counsel, Judicial Confirmation Network, former clerk of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas:
“Our country faces a new generation of challenges, which has presented our courts with a new generation of legal issues. As Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney witnessed firsthand the impact our courts can have when facing these new challenges. I believe that he, better than any other candidate for President, understands the need for our courts to respect democracy and the will of the people. I believe that he, better than any other candidate for President, would nominate judges and justices of the highest caliber, who would be faithful to the text, history, and principles of our Constitution. I look forward to working with the Governor.”

U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC), National Co-Chair of Romney for President Campaign:
"I believe that he is exactly the leader America needs to secure our future. Americans are tired of the same old ideas that keep coming out of Washington. They are hungry for a leader who will draw on America’s strength. I would like Governor Romney to know that key Republicans like you want him to run for President."
(Ivy J. Sellers, "Jim DeMint's Letter Endorsing Mitt Romney," Human Events, 1/09/2007) • (Listen to a Romney for President radio ad featuring Sen. DeMint: "Stop Spending")

Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA):
"In a few short days, Republicans from across this country will decide more than their party's nominee. They will decide the very future of our party and the conservative coalition that Ronald Reagan built. Conservatives can no longer afford to stand on the sidelines in this election, and Governor Romney is the candidate who will stand up for the conservative principles that we hold dear. Governor Romney has a deep understanding of the important issues confronting our country today, and he is the clear conservative candidate that can go into the general election with a united Republican party."

U.S. Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH), National Co-Chair of Romney for President Campaign:
"I am proud to stand alongside Governor Romney as he campaigns to build a stronger America. For months, the people of New Hampshire have had the opportunity to meet Governor Romney all over the state and listen to his ideas for bringing change to Washington. Mitt Romney embodies New Hampshire's values – values that stress government living within its means, lower taxes, a stronger military and stronger families. Governor Romney is the strong leader we need to lead America forward. He has the experience, vision and values needed to be our next President."
(Mitt TV Clip: Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) Endorses Gov. Romney)

U.S. Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS):
"It is an honor to join Governor Romney and his campaign for our nation's highest office. At this moment our nation faces unprecedented challenges, and Governor Romney has the experience, vision and values needed to strengthen our country for future generations. Governor Romney is a man of outstanding judgment and strong character. I look forward to working with him and helping to implement his conservative vision when he is elected our next President."

U.S. Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO):
"While several of the candidates appear to be committed to our cause [immigration reform], there are others whose records as public servants are abysmal on this issue. They have been on the other side of the battle for years and encouraging and even inviting, in a way, illegal immigrants into the country. I fear that remaining in this race, when I know I cannot win, could contribute to the nomination of one of those candidates. We have done too much. We have come too far. The stakes are way too high for me to allow that to happen. And so today I’m doing two things that I believe are in the best interests of this cause, and that cause is, of course, a secure America. I am withdrawing from the race and I’m endorsing Governor Romney for president of the United States."
(Video: Rep. Tancredo describes in detail why he endorses Governor Mitt Romney for President)

Kris Kobach, Noted Immigration Expert, Professor Of Law And Head Of The Kansas Republican Party, Litigated A Number Of High-Profile Immigration Lawsuits Including Representing The City Of Hazleton, Pennsylvania:
"Of all the Republican presidential candidates, Governor Romney has outlined the clearest vision for how we are going to end illegal immigration in this country. More importantly, he has the record to back up his words. When he was Governor, he vetoed a bill that would have rewarded illegal aliens with in-state tuition rates, and he also increased cooperation between state and federal law enforcement. In one of our country's most liberal states, he stood up for the enforcement of immigration laws. He will do the same as President."

Bay Buchanan, most recently headed Congressman Tom Tancredo's (R-CO) presidential campaign, currently serves as President of The American Cause:
"I am proud to be supporting Governor Romney. Throughout this campaign, he has distinguished himself as the one Republican presidential candidate who not only speaks to the challenges confronting the American people, but can also win. He will secure the border, strengthen the economy and ensure that America remains strong. I believe that with Governor Romney's vision, values and experience, our nation will be stronger for future generations."

Sheriff Joe Arpaio - Maricopa County, Arizona:
“I like him,” Arpaio said of Mitt Romney. “He’s a man of principle, of good character. He did a great job in Massachusetts and I feel he’s going to make a great president.” “I’m sure the governor believes in my philosophy too,” Arpaio said. “He sure would not be asking for my endorsement if he didn’t believe in what I’m doing.”
(Sara Bonisteel, "Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Tells FOX News Why Mitt Romney Picked Him for Presidential Campaign," Fox News, 2/28/2007)

U.S. Congressman Phil Gingrey (R-GA):
"We are a nation of immigrants, but we also have an obligation to protect our national security, economic wealth and citizens. With an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants now residing in the United States — and hundreds of thousands of more arriving every year — Americans are sick of political rhetoric and thirty second sound bites. We are looking for someone with a record and reputation to solve this situation, and I emphatically believe Mitt Romney is our man." (read more)

Rush Limbaugh, nationally syndicated conservative radio-talk-show host and author:
"Now, I think now, based on the way the campaign has shaken out, that there probably is a candidate on our side who does embody all three legs of the conservative stool, and that's Romney. The three stools or the three legs of the stool are national security/foreign policy, the social conservatives, and the fiscal conservatives. ... I think right now Romney probably — as the campaign has coalesced and as the campaign has progressing on down the highway — I think the one candidate of the three still out there on our side matter (and actually it's just two, because Huckabee doesn't, in terms of a chance to win) in saying who more closely embodies all three legs of this conservative stool, you'd have to say that it's Mitt Romney. There's actually no choice in the matter. It certainly isn't Senator McCain."
("Rush Limbaugh Radio Show," 2/04/2008)

Ann Coulter, conservative columnist and author:
"...My thinking was that Romney would be our nominee because he is manifestly the best candidate. ... The candidate Republicans should be clamoring for is the one liberals are feverishly denouncing. That is Mitt Romney by a landslide." (read more)

Sean Hannity, nationally syndicated conservative radio-talk-show host, Fox News political commentator, and author:
"I'll tell you right now, and I've not announced this, but I will be voting for Mitt Romney in this campaign. It's the first time I've stated it publicly. I'll state it now."
("Sean Hannity Radio Show," 1/31/2008)

Mark Levin, nationally syndicated conservative radio-talk-show host, political and legal commentator and author, constitutional lawyer and former senior Reagan Justice Department official:
"The only one left standing who can honestly be said to share most of our conservative principles is Mitt Romney. ... If conservatives don’t unite behind Romney at this stage, and become vocal in their support for him, then they will get McCain as their Republican nominee and probably a Democrat president. And in either case, we will have a deeply flawed president." (read more)

Laura Ingraham, nationally syndicated conservative radio-talk-show host, author, and former clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas:
"February 12th is the big [Washington] D.C. primary. I'm pulling the lever for Mitt Romney. No doubt about it, no hesitation."
("The Laura Ingraham Radio Show," 2/01/2008)

Lars Larson, conservative radio-talk-show host on NewsRadio 750 KXL in Portland, Oregon and nationally syndicated show on Westwood One:
"It's time for the GOP to pick a real Republican standard bearer. I've been keeping my powder dry on this question for months till I had the chance to talk to all of the potential nominees. I've done that now, and I'm left with only one conclusion. Governor Mitt Romney is the best choice for 2008."
("The Lars Larson Show," 2/01/2008)

Craig Sandler, former Director of General Operations of the National Rifle Association and former Nashua Police Chief:
"Throughout his career in both the public and private sectors, Mitt Romney has demonstrated exceptional leadership ability, integrity, and commitment to principle. As a New Hampshire resident, former law enforcement officer, and avid sportsman, I am supporting Governor Romney because he is the candidate who will protect our Constitutional rights and strengthen our nation."

Liz Cheney, former U.S. State Department Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, formerly National Campaign Co-Chair for the Fred Thompson presidential campaign:
"I am proud to support Governor Romney. Throughout this campaign, he has distinguished himself as a leader who can guide our country with a clear vision for overcoming the threats we face today. Dedicated to the success of our missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, Governor Romney is the only candidate who has outlined a comprehensive strategy for defeating the global Jihadist threat. I look forward to working with Governor Romney, because he is the leader our country needs."

Dr. Bob Jones III, Chancellor of Christian fundamentalist Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC:
"This is all about beating Hillary [Clinton]. And I just believe that this man has the credentials both personally and ideologically in terms of his view about what American government should be to best represent the rank and file of conservative Americans. As a Christian I am completely opposed to the doctrines of Mormonism, but I’m not voting for a preacher. I’m voting for a president. It boils down to who can best represent conservative American beliefs, not religious beliefs."

Dr. Robert R. Taylor, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Bob Jones University:
"We’re not electing a pastor — we’re electing a president."

Dr. Wayne Grudem, professor of Theology at Phoenix Seminary, a former president of the Evangelical Theological Society, and a hugely influential thinker in Christian academia:
"As an evangelical professor of Bible and theology, I have decided to support Mitt Romney for President (even though he is a Mormon) for two old-fashioned reasons: First, he is the best-qualified candidate, and second, he holds moral and political values consistent with those in the Bible." (read more)

Dr. Robert Wolgemuth, former Chairman of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association and best-selling author:
"Governor Romney has demonstrated that he is the one candidate in both parties who can represent the three pillars of the Reagan coalition — a strong military, a strong economy and stronger families. Most importantly, he has laid out a vision for strengthening American families through championing a Federal Marriage Amendment and defending the sanctity of human life. Governor Romney has the experience, vision and personal values to lead our county as we face ongoing and new domestic and global challenges, and I am proud to support his candidacy."

Mark DeMoss, president of The DeMoss Group, a public relations firm for evangelical Christian groups and causes:
"After spending months researching his life and his record, and hours with him (and his wife and staff) in his home, his office and on the road, I am convinced his values practically mirror my own—values about the sanctity of life, the sacredness of marriage, the importance of the family, character and integrity, free enterprise and smaller government. But more than one candidate shares my values..." (read more)

Rev. Lou Sheldon, head of the Traditional Values Coalition:
“When I give my support for a candidate, I am giving the green light, if he wins, all the way down the line in terms of so many moral and social issues...My thinking is that Mitt Romney is a person with the experience and with the Jude[o-]Christian moral values,” Sheldon told CBN’s David Brody, adding that he’d “been around Mormons long enough to know that when they pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ they are sincere about that-- that he is the Lord and the redeemer and the one that they have to be answerable to." (1, 2, 3)

Other religious-right activists on Romney’s committee include Jay Sekulow of Pat Robertson’s American Center for Law and Justice, Gary Marx of the Judicial Confirmation Network, prominent anti-abortion and Constitutional attorney James Bopp, Jr., Christian Coalition board member Drew McKissic, Jay Sekulow’s son Jordan, anti-immigration writer James Edwards, and leaders or activists associated with the Alliance Defense Fund, Iowa Christian Alliance (formerly the Christian Coalition of Iowa), Heartbeat International, Legacy Law Foundation, and Citizens for Traditional Values.

Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel, American Center for Law and Justice, Constitutional Attorney and Supreme Court Advocate:
"Governor Romney has a strong record of defending traditional values and supporting the faith community. He is the one candidate who has spoken to the importance of promoting stronger families. In Washington, he will stand alongside those defending our most important values."
(View important comments from Jay Sekulow in this video: Voices from the Values Voter Summit)

James Bopp, Jr., General Counsel, National Right To Life Committee and James Madison Center For Free Speech, Constitutional Attorney and Supreme Court Advocate, Prominent Advocate For Pro-Life Issues and Campaign Finance and Election Law:
"I believe that Governor Romney is the best qualified person for President. He is a fiscal and social conservative, he has impressive administrative experience in the private, non-profit and public sectors, and he is a proven and successful politician."
(View important comments from James Bopp, Jr. in this video: Voices from the Values Voter Summit)

Professor Mary Ann Glendon, Learned Hand Professor of Law at Harvard, Appointed by President George W. Bush to be U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See:
"In the aftermath of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court's decision redefining marriage, I had the opportunity to work with Governor Romney and see him in action. He knows the importance of defending principles of judicial restraint. I was proud to work with him then and am proud to work with him now as he pursues our nation's highest office." [Editor's Note: Professor Glendon served as Co-Chair of the Advisory Committee On The Constitution And The Courts for the Romney campaign before being appointed U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican]

Professor Douglas Kmiec, Holds The Endowed Chair In Constitutional Law At Pepperdine University Law School, former constitutional legal counsel to President Ronald Reagan:
"More than any other candidate, Governor Romney understands the importance of nominating 'honest constructionists' — that is, judges with a genuine appreciation for the text, structure, and history of the Constitution and the laws as enacted. There have been far too many examples of late where the public has been given reason to believe that those charged with dispassionately interpreting the law have relied on partisanship instead. It is as wrong to politicize the Courts as it is for the Courts to play politics. For this reason, Governor Romney strongly supported the nominations of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, and he will appoint federal judges and justices in the same mold. With Governor Romney as President, I am confident that we will have a judiciary that will respect our Constitution and not legislate from the bench."

Camille Solberg, past President of the Wisconsin Coalition for Traditional Marriage:
"Governor Romney has a strong record on the issues that matter most to social conservative voters. Facing unprecedented challenges to some of our most basic values, he acted to promote a culture of life, defend traditional marriage and strengthen the family. His is a record of action and a platform social conservatives can and are supporting. I am honored to be a part of his team."

Ambassador Thomas Melady, former U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican from 1989 to 1993:
"In Governor Mitt Romney, I have found a candidate who represents the family values that are so important to me. His appreciation for the value of a strong family is clearly exhibited in his vision for America. He understands that every decision he would face, affects the American family. I look forward to working to help Mitt bring his family friendly change to Washington."

U.S. Congresswoman Kay Granger (R-TX), Highest Ranking Republican Woman In The U.S. House Of Representatives:
“Governor Romney is a proven leader and natural problem solver. He has demonstrated the ability to turn problems into successes. As Americans, we need his leadership in Washington. He is the only candidate to demonstrate that he has a strategy to make America stronger by returning to our core conservative principles that have made this country so great. I am proud to join his campaign.”

U.S. Congressman Pete Hoekstra (R-MI), top Republican on the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence:
"Governor Romney understands that a President must focus on both current and emerging threats to our nation and that an agile and aggressive intelligence community provides America's first line of defense against those threats."

U.S. Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX), Ranking Republican Member of the House Judiciary Committee:
"Governor Romney is the only candidate in this race who has the ability to take Washington apart and put it back together, so that it works better for the American people. I am happy to endorse his candidacy for President. He understands the importance of getting America back to conservative principles and common sense leadership. Governor Romney is the right choice for Americans who want to see change in Washington."

U.S. Congressman Connie Mack (R-FL):
"Governor Romney is a proven problem solver with an unparalleled record of success in both the public and private sectors. Governor Romney is a mainstream conservative leader who will be a champion of hope and opportunity for every American, a catalyst for conservative change in Washington, and a staunch defender of our freedom, security and prosperity. I’m pleased to offer Governor Romney my endorsement and look forward to working hard to help elect him the next President of the United States."

U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA):
"Our country is facing great challenges. Among the most ominous is illegal immigration, which has been permitted to spin out of control for the last decade and a half. The safety of our country and the prosperity of our people are at great risk because of the magnitude of this problem. Mitt Romney is the candidate I trust most to take the steps necessary to secure our borders and protect the American people. Governor Romney can also be expected to provide strong economic leadership because he is the only candidate with private sector experience and a successful track record of creating jobs and managing a major corporation. I'm confident in Governor Romney's character and commitment to the principles at the heart of the Republican party. I cannot say that about the other candidates vying for the Republican nomination. Mitt Romney is the best candidate available for our party's nomination, and I'm going to vote for and support him. I encourage my fellow conservatives to do the same."

U.S. Congressman Vernon Ehlers (R-MI), former research physicist, member of the Science and Technology Committee:
"When I evaluate candidates, I look first for integrity, competence, and a good, common sense philosophy of governance. Mitt Romney scores astoundingly high on all points. Governor Romney is a candidate with an innovative vision for America. In the course of his impressive career, he has earned a solid reputation for successfully solving enormous problems that others thought couldn't be solved. With Governor Romney in the White House, we will have the strongest possible leader to enhance America's competitiveness through science, technology, engineering and education. I proudly endorse his campaign."

Missouri Governor Matt Blunt, National Co-Chair of Romney for President Campaign:
“Mitt Romney's strong conservative principles are right for America. He is a strong leader and a proven problem solver - in private business, the Olympics, and as Governor. Governor Romney lives the American values that we cherish. I believe he has a great vision for the future of the United States.”

Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman:
“In his campaign for the presidency, Mitt Romney has outlined the clearest vision to move our country forward. With exceptional leadership experience and outstanding values, Governor Romney is the only candidate who can bring true conservative change to Washington. I am proud to be a part of his team and look forward to joining him as he travels across this country discussing his strategy to build a stronger America.”

Rhode Island Governor Don Carcieri:
“Governor Romney has a strong record of results for the people of Massachusetts. In his four years as chief executive, he erased a deficit and provided health care without raising taxes. Our country faces a new generation of challenges that requires a leader ready to call upon the strength of the American people. With the leadership experience he brings from the private and public sectors, Governor Romney is just that leader.”

Former Governor of Colorado Bill Owens:
"Well, I think he's one of the brightest people I've ever seen in public office. He's a businessman, he's a manager. He understands markets, he understands the private sector. He is a conservative, he wants to cut taxes. You know, he's a Republican who was elected in Massachusetts, which has about 12% of its voters who are Republican. He was able to win that election, and we saw what he did at the Olympics."

Former Governor of Massachusetts William F. Weld:
"This is a real record of achievement that Romney is running on across the country. I am proud to endorse his candidacy for president of the United States." Read Governor Weld's endorsement in an editorial published 12/14/2007 in the Boston Globe, "Romney is the kind of leader we need"

Former Governor of Nevada Kenny Guinn:
see video

Virginia Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling:
“Mitt Romney also has the right vision for the future of our country. We can trust him to keep America safe at home by defeating the Jihadists abroad; and keep America strong by reigning in government spending, keeping taxes low, protecting the values we believe in, and confronting head on the new generation of challenges currently facing our nation.”

Former Lt. Governor of Michigan Connie Binsfeld:
"Governor Romney is the leader our country needs. He is committed to strengthening our economy and adding jobs to the workforce, critical issues for the people of Michigan. Additionally, Governor Romney has a proven record on the issues facing our nation. He'll keep taxes low, cut government spending, and reform health care. With Governor Romney, Americans know they have an exceptional leader with a proven record of results."

Former Lt. Governor of Florida Toni Jennings:
"I have been very fortunate to get to know Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann, on a personal level. Mitt and Ann live their private lives in exactly the same way they live their public lives – with compassion, honesty, faithfulness, and an optimistic and hopeful belief in the strength of the American people. I look forward to telling Floridians about Romney, and why they should believe in him – because I know that Mitt Romney is the strong conservative leader right for the job." (read more)

John Peyton, Mayor Of Jacksonville, Florida:
"In Massachusetts, Governor Romney applied conservative principles and successful private sector practices to grow the economy and restrain state spending. As President, Governor Romney will bring this same strong and innovative leadership to the White House as America faces new global and domestic challenges."

Deon Long, Statewide Chair of Romney for President Florida African American Steering Committee:
"Governor Romney is the only candidate that is presenting substantive policies and reforms to address the problems Americans face today. With a record of innovative leadership, it is clear that he is uniquely qualified to provide the leadership we need to expand access to affordable health care, keep our taxes low, raise the bar on education and keep our country safe."

State Senator Kevin Coughlin (R-OH):
"Our nation needs a leader like Governor Romney, a candidate with a proven record of accomplishment and success at governing using conservative principles. I am confident he can build a stronger America by reforming health care, improving education, restoring fiscal responsibility, and keeping our nation's military strong. I look forward to joining Governor Romney as he discusses his ideas to bring change to Washington with Ohians."

State House Representative Shannon Jones (R-OH):
"Governor Romney is a dedicated leader who understands the needs of everyday Americans. Like many Ohioians, he believes we need to bring conservative change to Washington by reducing government spending, keeping taxes low, and governing with the highest ethical standards. Unlike any other candidate, Governor Romney has laid out a comprehensive strategy to prevent a nuclear Iran. He understands that the best ally for peace is a strong America and he is the best choice to keep us safe from the threat of terrorist sponsored regimes."

Ambassador Sichan Siv, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Economic and Social Council:
"Unprecedented challenges from abroad and at home are too great to leave to an inexperienced executive. We need someone ready to provide steadfast and innovative leadership. Throughout his career, Governor Romney has proven his ability to take on difficult situations, analyze all variables, and find the right solution. I am excited to work with him."

California’s oldest, largest and most conservative Republican volunteer organization, the California Republican Assembly, endorsed Mitt Romney for President on November 11, 2007 with an overwhelming 148-73 vote during the group’s annual convention held in Sacramento. The Board of Directors for the Young Republican Federation of California also voted to endorse the Romney campaign.

View a list of U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives endorsing Gov. Romney (46 as of 2/05/2008, the most for any GOP candidate) compiled by

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226 posted on 03/04/2009 9:40:19 AM PST by sevenbak (He that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and truth is not in him.1 Jn 2:4)
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To: txnativegop
Couple of things... IMHO... If you or anyone cares...

1. Romney was NOT my candidate initially... I also wanted Thompson... When he got no traction, and it was McCain, Huck, or Romney, Romney was my choice.

2. Romney will not win the primary, nor is he a shoo-in to run... If he does run, the ONLY way I'd support him is if he was the most conservative candidate running... If Barbour ran, Barbour has my support... Pence, same thing... DeMint, absoluteley... Sanford, of coursre... So would dozens of other candidates... So far, it doesn't look pretty...

3. My beef is with folks that twist every possible thing about him... We all know how the MSM destroys the GOP and conservatives... Usually, the good folks here will tear apart these lies... When it comes to Mitt, they'll jump on the bandwagon... Here's a case where Mitt uses self-deprecating humor--- anyone seeing it as a shot at Palin is an absolute DOLT--- and folks here blast him... Read the comment again...

227 posted on 03/04/2009 9:46:24 AM PST by NYC Republican (This Too Shall Pass- in 8 years.. how much destruction will they create?)
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To: Retired Greyhound

If she can make them forget, I’ll be 100% behind her, every way possible... I just have my real concerns... and whether she really wants to deal with all of that, in the first place (my bet is no)

228 posted on 03/04/2009 9:47:54 AM PST by NYC Republican (This Too Shall Pass- in 8 years.. how much destruction will they create?)
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To: NYC Republican

A really bad joke, given in the wrong venue. Palin is the darling of the conservative movement right now. This shows a lack of judgment IMHO.

Yet another reason, he should just go away. If he runs, he might be popular in Northeast and West Coast.
In the south and mid-west, however, Romney will seriously piss off the conservatives and he will get his clock cleaned.

As this thread indicates, Romney has far too many negatives in the Republican party.

229 posted on 03/04/2009 9:51:24 AM PST by txnativegop (God Bless America! (NRA-Endowment))
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To: sevenbak
You could add okie01 to your list of Romney supporters, as well. After Thompson ceased to be a factor, I switched to Romney.

But that was then.

As it happened, neither Romney, nor Huckabee, nor Guiliani, nor Ron Paul, nor Duncan Hunter could find a way to defeat John McCain -- the weakest, most unrepresentative Republican candidate in my lifetime.

In my opinion, that immediately disqualifies every one of them from any consideration for the 2012 race.

Because, if they couldn't defeat McCain, how can we expect them to prevail in a general election?

230 posted on 03/04/2009 9:52:53 AM PST by okie01 (THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA: Ignorance on Parade)
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To: okie01
I wonder how many Presidents were elected after unsuccessful primary runs in earlier elections. I bet the numbers would surprise.

Anyone know?

231 posted on 03/04/2009 10:01:51 AM PST by sevenbak (He that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and truth is not in him.1 Jn 2:4)
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To: NYC Republican

I read that, and I didn’t take it as self-deprecating. I took it as a cheap shot.

232 posted on 03/04/2009 10:02:28 AM PST by luckystarmom
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To: NYC Republican

I would be offended if anything I said in that post was a lie.

233 posted on 03/04/2009 10:04:50 AM PST by Ingtar (Americans have truly let America down. A sad day.)
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To: luckystarmom
How was it a cheap shot, because she was offered 11 million and he would have to pay that much?

That was admiration and bolstering of her popularity among conservatives.

234 posted on 03/04/2009 10:05:11 AM PST by sevenbak (He that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and truth is not in him.1 Jn 2:4)
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To: sevenbak
I wonder how many Presidents were elected after unsuccessful primary runs in earlier elections. I bet the numbers would surprise. Anyone know?

Ronald Reagan, for one. But he lost to an incumbent president, Gerald Ford, who was also a better Republican than John McCain.

235 posted on 03/04/2009 10:14:38 AM PST by okie01 (THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA: Ignorance on Parade)
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To: luckystarmom

You HAVE to be kidding... Really... Read it again... You really HAVE to be kidding me... It’s as plain as day

236 posted on 03/04/2009 10:26:39 AM PST by NYC Republican (This Too Shall Pass- in 8 years.. how much destruction will they create?)
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To: txnativegop

Nope... Too many negatives within the fringe loons of the right... Yes, we have them too.

237 posted on 03/04/2009 10:27:50 AM PST by NYC Republican (This Too Shall Pass- in 8 years.. how much destruction will they create?)
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To: NYC Republican

the fringe loons of the right? The base of the GOP is, and I must stress this:

Conservative on Social Issues
Conservative on Fiscal Issues

Romney miserably fails the first test, but passes the second.
Given this: Romney must go away.

He has only been elected once, and failed miserably in his re-election attempt. He is damaged goods, I don’t care what CPAC straw polls say, he can’t even capture the base (a la McCain) in an election.

238 posted on 03/04/2009 10:35:12 AM PST by txnativegop (God Bless America! (NRA-Endowment))
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To: okie01

That’s 1. There are so many variables in the issue that it’s not comparing apples to apples.

The obamanation of the current administration and the ensuing destruction of our country and freedoms as we know it will certainly make for an interesting 2012.

239 posted on 03/04/2009 10:35:41 AM PST by sevenbak (He that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and truth is not in him.1 Jn 2:4)
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To: txnativegop
Conservative on Social Issues...Agreed

Conservative on Fiscal Issues...Agreed...

I'm referring to the single-issue voters, who won't support a candidate unless every (or a single issue) won't go their way

240 posted on 03/04/2009 10:48:17 AM PST by NYC Republican (This Too Shall Pass- in 8 years.. how much destruction will they create?)
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