Get a federal college loan, go default and never see another tax refund until it’s paid off.
That is what does indeed happen; people with defaulted student loans, and who don’t pay, have their tax refunds (if they don’t withhold correctly!) applied to the debt, as well as their social security payments. The gov’t does wage garnishment too.
I suspect the Dept of Ed does a better job collecting debt than the IRS does, as the Dept of Ed uses private collection agencies (not sure if the IRS does yet).
Every single thing Obama proposes is designed to make a citizen beholden to the Federal government for their this case, beholden to the Feds for their entry into higher education.
Then, once they are paying the bills, the Fed. govt. can decide what school you can go to, what studies you can pursue, etc.
One constant in life, one that will never change, is.....”he who pays the bills makes the rules.”