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To: Steelfish
The List

First president not to attend The Inaugural Medal of Honor Ball
Many exectutive orders the first week in office. Including
*Giving Gaza Arabs more than 20 million in aid


- Scrapping the Mexico City Policy that protected taxpayers from involvement in overseas abortions for eight years. Obama will send hundreds of millions of dollars to groups that aggressively promote abortions on a worldwide scale.
Obama issued Executive Order "Use of Project Labor Agreements for Federal Construction Projects", revoking Bush Executive Orders 13202 and 13208. The new order encourages federal executives to require government contractors and subcontractors to use union-organized labor.
Obama issues Executive Order "Amendments to Executive Order 13199 Establishment of the President's Advisory Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.". Neighborhood partnerships" have equal footing with faith-based ones. The local Planned Parenthood or ACORN center will be treated like a house of God, in the eyes of the federal government.

First official phone call to Abbas

Insults China

First interview, with foreign news outlet- for Muslims

Talks about his muslim family

Picks fight with Limbaugh

Won't take question from press

Allows to FDA approve first human embryonic stem cell safety trial (3 days after Pres. Bush left)

Excludes any compromise with GOP on Stimulus bill Massive pork in stimulus bill

5% of stimulus bill to actually go to infrastructure

Offers to negotiate directly with Iran

Puts 5 millionairs on his cabinet

Makes a tax cheat the Sec. of the Treasury

Bombs Pakistan

Argues with the Pope on abortion

Signed the SCHIP bill, that gives health care to illegals

Won't allow a video of his retaking of the oath of office

Ordered the closure of Gitmo

Halts all pending Bush regulations

Second week:

Appoints extremist Samantha Powers to head foreign policy team

Secret nuke talks with Iran/Syria

Appoints tax cheat for commerce secretary

Illegal alien aunt, granted a "stay" of deportation Daschle the tax cheat/lobbiest proposed as secretary for health care

Nancy Killefer for candidacy to be the first chief performance officer for federal government fails to pay household help taxes ...withdrawn

Obama brings the U.S. Census Bureau under White House jurisdiction under protest from Republican lawmakers

12 lobbyists (or more) appointed to high gov't positions within the first 14 days of his administration (up to 17 by another source)

Administration demands defense cuts of 10% during wartime

Obama envoy George Mitchell tells Palistinians " they believe can extract from Israel concessions reaching "much further" than during talks held under the previous administration

The European Union warns the US yesterday against plunging the world into depression by adopting Obama's “Buy American” policy, intensifying fears of a trade war Obama immediately backs down from policy

After stating her priority would be "mum-in-chief", Michelle Obama goes on listening tour and then makes political speeches with her husband not yet one month in office...

George Mitchell resigns from a Saudi Lobbying firm, two weeks into his appointment as "Special Middle East Envoy"

Obama administration says it will cancel 77 drilling leases near Utah parks

Ogden, President Obama's pick for deputy attorney general, used to represent Playboy

Steven Chu, Obama's secretary of energy (not a climatologist) states: California's farms and vineyards could vanish by the end of the century, and its major cities could be in jeopardy, if Americans do not act to slow the advance of global warming,0,7454963.story

Obama names “most fined” Washington State bureaucrat Ron Simms to the #2 position in HUD

Hilda Solis, Obama's pick for labor secretary's husband is found to be a tax cheat just before the confirmation vote

Directed military prosecutors to revoked charges pending against mastermind of USS Cole bombing: Al Nashiri

Adding insult to injury: speaks to families of USS Cole dead, after decision to free Al Nashiri- not before

Third week in office

Obama changes the setup of the National Security Councel by executive order

Shauna Daly, professional “dirt digger” hired as “White House councel research director”

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel got free housing from House rep (D) Rosa DeLauro for 5 years . DeLauro is married to Stan Greenberg; a pollster (Quinlin Rosner Research) with lucrative contracts from both that representatives.

A Syrian paper reported that the Obama U.S. Dept. of Commerce agreed to sell plane parts to Syria

A lawyer for the Obama administration surprised a panel of federal appeals judges by making an argument to preserve state secrets in a trial regarding terrorism subjects. This argument was made, after repeatedly attacking the Bush administration for doing the same thing.

President Obama said Monday that "only government" can shake the country out of recession, as he tried to settle doubts about his administration's costly economic recovery package during a prime-time press conference. Obama reverses Bush policy on 'warming' Federal agencies settle long-standing case in favor of environmentalists. The U.S. will now refuse to help finance development overseas if the environmental establishment claims that it would contribute to 'global warming

Deborah Burlingame, a 9/11 family member who lost her brother Chip during the 9/11 attacks, spoke to media at the National Press Club about her meeting with President Obama.
He said he was not at all worried about the security of the American people in bringing the detainees here. Not in the least worried about that. His reasoning was this:
‘ Al Qaeda doesn’t have conscience they’re not interested in going back and springing these guys. They’re forgotten once they are put away in our federal facilities. He said, furthermore there are so many soft targets in the United States, like a shopping mall, why would Al Qaeda go after a hard target like a federal lock up or military prison, when they could choose a soft target.’

Burlingame later added that Obama was “non-committal” about visiting Guantanamo Bay when she asked him

Interior Secretary Salazar Kills Bush Offshore drilling plan Saying “we need bring sanity back into our energy policy….

Obama gave two high level positions to former Citibank executives (Jacob J. Lew, and Michael Froman) who helped run Citibank into the ground and raises questions of conflict of interest .

Republicans are shut out of the Stimulus conference negotiations.
Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-Ind):“(the stimulus package…)is being crafted without a single House Republican in the room.”

Obama in 2007:End the Practice of Writing Legislation Behind Closed Doors: (from Obama’s website:

Defense lobbyist William Lynn approved as deputy defense secretary. Obama waives ethics regulations by putting the ex-defense lobbyist in charge of day-to-day operations at the Pentagon. Obama violates promise to keep lobbyists out of the federal government. On his first day in office, Obama issued an executive order forcing individuals to wait two years before they could be hired for the agencies they had lobbied, violating his own executive order less than three weeks in office.

Obama appoints Gil Kerlikowske to be the nation’s new drug czar. Kerlikowske has established himself as a devoted lobbyist for every restrictive gun law proposal.

Obama controls the press core at the White House: Chicago Sun Times Writer Carol Marin writes: “The press corps, most of us, don't even bother raising our hands any more to ask questions because Obama always has before him a list of correspondents who've been advised they will be called upon that day.”

Obama demonstrates dangerous ignorance of the Classified Information Procedures Act or CIPA by the president. This was witnessed by Debra Burlingame, sister sister of Charles Burlingame III, the pilot of American Airlines Flight 77 that was flown into the Pentagon on 9/11, at White House meeting of families of terrorism victims

President Obama today repeated the claim that Jim Owens, the CEO of Caterpillar, Inc., "said that if Congress passes our plan, this company will be able to rehire some of the folks who were just laid off." But after the president left the event, Owens said the exact opposite.

Defending the White House in the wake of Sen. Judd Gregg's withdrawal as Commerce Secretary, Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said it is not "amateur hour"

Obama Now Believes Iran Is Nuke Threat. In 2007, Obama said the opposite, “"It is absolutely clear that this administration and President Bush continues to not let facts get in the way of his ideology."
"They need, now, to aggressively move on the diplomatic front."
"They should have stopped the saber rattling -- should never have started it," said Obama.

Obama interfering with Israeli Government Formation

The U.S. official position is that it looks forward to "working with any government," but in back-channel messages the Obama administration has made it clear it would like to see a unity government in Jerusalem over a narrow right-wing government which would in all likelihood result in a freeze in peace talks with the Palestinians.
Aides to Likud chairman Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed on Friday that Washington officials did indeed relay the message while associates of Kadima chief Tzipi Livni denied receiving such a message.

Obama brakes campaign promise to wait 5 days before signing any legislation on stimulus bill. Second time he broke this promise in his first month in office

Fourth week in office

the White House is looking to install a small video or computer screen into the podium used by the president for press conferences and events in the White House. "It would make it easier for the communications guys to pass along information without being obvious about it," says the adviser.

Obama is disses the Brit's most famous and stalwart leader, Winston Churchill by returning the most famous bust of the man loaned to this country by the United Kingdom in the aftermath of 9//11

Obama has begun to indicate that he's willing to reconsider the Bush administration’s push to deploy a ballistic missile defense system, contrary to his repeated campaign promises to the contrary.

Obama's main advisor David Axelrod changes his goes back on Obama's position on the Fairness doctrine. He would not give definitive answer and left room for the Fairness Doctrine to be revisited.

Obama administration will participate in planning for a UN conference on racism dubbed "Durban II," despite concerns that the meeting will be used by Arab nations and others to demonize Israel. The Obama administration pledges to the Palestinian Authority it will closely monitor Jewish construction in the West Bank and will protest any new housing developments in the biblical territory.

Obama wants to drop sanctions against the murderous military junta in Burma (Myanmar)

The Environmental Protection Agency says that it will consider whether to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from coal plants, in a potential reversal of Bush administration policy.
Lisa Jackson, the new E.P.A. administrator under Obama, has granted its petition that the agency reconsider a controversial decision in December by Stephen Johnson, the Bush administration’s E.P.A. administrator, stating that officials weighing federal applications by utilities to build new coal-fired power plants cannot consider their greenhouse gas output.

Obama states his opposition to the Fairness Doctrine while historically supporting the suppression of talk radio by FCC “Ownership Diversity”

The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to act for the first time to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that scientists blame for the warming of the planet, according to top Obama administration officials. The decision would have a profound impact on transportation, manufacturing costs and how utilities generate power.

Obama Stimulus Saves Microsoft Billionaire Hundreds Of Millions

Chas W. Freeman Jr. former US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia is about to be named as Chairman of the National Intelligence Council. Freeman is noted for his belief that that ALL MUSLIM TERRORISM stems from Israel's battle with the Palestinians.

Obama’s Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says he wants to consider taxing motorists based on how many miles they drive rather than how much gasoline they burn — an idea that has angered drivers in some (every) states where it has been proposed.

Obama orderes an in-depth study of the prison camps to decipher whether the terrorists and alleged terrorists at Gitmo are properly treated and that U.S. troops are abiding by the Geneva Conventions. The report,shows that Gitmo “complies with the humanitarian requirements of the Geneva conventions” and that the prisoners are treated with dignity.

Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder described the United States Wednesday as a nation of cowards on matters of Race President Barack Obama said Friday that residents of the US Gulf Coast still are trying to rebuild three years after Hurricane Katrina and have not received the support they deserve from Washington. The White House is lashing out publicly and personally at a CNBC reporter whose attack on President Barack Obama’s anti-foreclosure plan caught fire on the Internet on Thursday. Robert Gibbs jumped at the chance to go after the CNBC journalist, Rick Santelli. “I’m not entirely sure where sure where Mr. Santelli lives, or in what house he lives…”.

Obama’s Fifth week in office:

*Obama will propose a massive business tax on greenhouse gases in his FY 2010 federal budget to be presented this week.
The massive tax increase and power grab was buried at the end on article on Obama's forthcoming budget proposal in The New York Times:

*Obama Upholds Detainee Policy In Afghanistan:
The Obama administration told a federal judge military detainees in Afghanistan have no legal right to challenge their imprisonment there, embracing a key argument of former President Bush’s legal team

*Obama appoints "The Vacuum Cleaner" to be the new US ambassador in London. Obama has been embroiled in a cronyism row after reports that he intends to make Louis Susman, one of his biggest fundraisers, the new US ambassador in London.

*Obama's administration attended four full days of negotiation at the "Durbin II" conference. During that time his people sat and passively watched the following: the failure to adopt a proposal to act against Holocaust denial, a new proposal to single out Israel, which will now be included in the draft without brackets, broad objections to anything having to do with sexual orientation, vigorous refusal by many states to back down on references to "Islamophobia" (the general allegation of a racist Western plot to discriminate against all Muslims), and numerous attacks on free speech.

*In response to the backlash against the bailout for failing home owners, triggered in part by Rick Santelli on CNN's rant on the floor of the Chicago stock exchange, Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan responded publicly; "the Obama administration's efforts to help struggling homeowners will aid "responsible" borrowers, not deadbeats or speculators."

*Obama gives his blessing to Sheik Sharif Ahmed's appointment as President in Somalia. The UIC was viewed as a terrorist organization by the Bush administration, but is viewed as moderate by the new US Obama administration.

*President Barack Obama now likes to talk at commissions" and summits” after making fun of Sen. John McCain for proposing a commission to look at the economic crisis facing the country. In the "Fiscal Responsibility Summit" at the White House, the President listens "to the best and the brightest on the subject of the budget as well as the larger issues related to the economy".

*Among the eight members named Friday to the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry and the 10 senior policy aides who will assist them in their work, two own American models. Add the Treasury Department's special adviser to the task force and the total jumps to three.

*Obama’s Homeless Woman Is Actually Real Estate Investor
New information about Henrietta Hughes has come to light. It appears that the desperate homeless woman owns real estate she shifted into the name of her son to avoid taxes and acquire government aid. Henrietta Hughes also apparently sold real estate at a significant profit in 2005.

*The United States (Obama) plans to pledge more than $900 million to help rebuild Gaza after Israel's offensive against Hamas and strengthen the Palestinian Authority, a U.S. official said on Monday.

*Vice President Joe Biden's Son and Brother Marketed Hedge Fund Through Stanford Company: The fund was marketed exclusively by companies controlled by Texas financier R. Allen Stanford, who is facing Securities and Exchange Commission accusations of engaging in an $8 billion fraud. The $50 million fund was jointly branded between the Bidens' Paradigm Global Advisors LLC and a Stanford Financial Group entity and was known as the Paradigm Stanford Capital Management Core Alternative Fund

*Thomas Perez, current Labor Secretary for the State of Maryland, and former board director for Casa de Maryland, is Obama's choice to take over as the Head of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). CASA is affiliated with the National Council of La Raza. CASA has also received a two-year grant from George Soros's Open society Institute.

*Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano avoids mention of the terms "terrorism" or "Sept. 11" in remarks prepared for her first congressional testimony since taking office, signaling a sharp change in tone from her predecessors.

2 posted on 02/24/2009 9:06:27 PM PST by Nachum (Obama theme song: Ball of Confusion by the Temptations)
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