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To: roamer_1
bought into the NeoCon dream

Perhaps you could define, in detail, what the 'neocon dream' is? Specifically in regards American foreign policy in Iraq, Afghansitan, and the root cause of the attacks on 9/11.

And voting for Sarah, btw, her lack of Conservative credz aside for the moment

Sarah Palin doesn't lack conservative credentials. You know who lacks conservative credentials? I'll give you three hints:

1)Unlike Reagan, he opposes the War on Drugs

2)Unlike Reagan, he opposes military intervention abroad.

3)He is pitured below.

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838 posted on 02/25/2009 9:30:55 PM PST by death2tyrants
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To: death2tyrants

And he is opposed the CLEAR Act, The Border Fence and rounding up illegals.

839 posted on 02/25/2009 9:33:37 PM PST by NoLibZone (To preserve this nation a strongly worded email is in order!)
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To: death2tyrants
Perhaps you could define, in detail, what the 'neocon dream' is? Specifically in regards American foreign policy in Iraq, Afghansitan, and the root cause of the attacks on 9/11.

If you are looking for a Libertarian reply, you are barking up the wrong tree. I am generally in favor of the GWOT, certainly in favor of the war in Afghanistan, and fairly in favor of the war in Iraq, though not for the stated reasons (though I believe I understand the actual reasons). That being said, I am generally against Geo. Bush's foreign policy as being disjointed, unfocused and half-assed.

And having never supported Ron Paul specifically because of his position on the GWOT, your pictures have no particular effect upon me.

Sarah Palin doesn't lack conservative credentials.

Sarah Palin is not a Conservative. She is a moderate populist.

As to Ron Paul's Conservative credentials, He is very small "c" conservative with a hard Libertarian bend. He is FAR to the right of Palin, Bush, and McCain on most issues, and there are very many things I can agree with him on. The sole reason I could not support him was the WOT, and that largely because we were already in it.

Regarding military intervention abroad, that is typical of the Libertarian mindset, and it is not to be discarded out of hand. Their distaste of foreign entanglements keeps us honest. If you are wholly without the Libertarians' support, especially when we were attacked, you had better look to your conduct. They are prone to bitching in any foreign war- That is their job. But you will find no greater patriots anywhere, providing there is just cause.

As far as the "War on Drugs" is concerned, if Republicans were in the least bit serious about it, that damn border would not be wide open, I can tell you that, so get down off your high horse.

Reagan's table has a chair for the Libertarians- I will not disrespect their views, no matter how popular it may be in the Republican party to do so. That it is so popular is a good indication of how far from Reagan the Republicans have devolved- And that is why I am a Republican no longer.

842 posted on 02/26/2009 2:55:49 AM PST by roamer_1 (Proud 1%er... Reagan Conservatism is the only way forward.)
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