Did you even read the original posts that prompted my reply? I was talking about and attacking the RINO McCain.
No, you're just whining out of anger and spite because I wouldn't drink the McCain Kool-Aid during the election.
Given a choice between McCain and Obama, you and the other Paulistinians favored Obama, because he subscribes to the blame-America-first foreign policy of Ron Paul.
If you are so in favor of interventionist foreign policy, then you are a hypocrite if you dare to speak up against interventionist foreign policy, including bailouts and porkulus bills.
That's dandy, but I'm talking about you being a disrupter who wanted Obama to defeat McCain.
No, you're just whining out of anger and spite because I wouldn't drink...
Your strawman arguments have no value. I would never expect a Paulistinain to favor the GOP over the DNC, particularly when the DNC has been taken over by Pelosi, Reid, Obama and the rest of the far left, who just happen to share the same blame-America-first mindset of your surrender-monkey hero, Ron Paul. Your accusations against me have no basis in fact. I'm not whining and I'm not angry. I just like debating with the left. Since you and your Paulistinain friends share the same foreign policy veiws as the far left, you are the same in my eyes. You even favored Obama over McCain, just like the far left.
If you are so in favor of interventionist foreign policy, then you are a hypocrite if you dare to speak up against interventionist foreign policy, including bailouts and porkulus bills.
You're not even good at using non seqiuturs. The disconnected, incoherent babbling above doesn't even come close to making any sense.