Immigration is not just a financial burden but a natural resource burden as well.
The state of Georgia has been facing a drought for the past several years. Especially hard hit was Atlanta with its population and limited water sources.
A news report early last year stated that Hispanics were the fastest growing population in the state.
Another report a month or two later said the drought had a much greater impact on water resources then it normally would have and was made worse due to the influx of people moving into the state of Georgia.
Hmmmmm...Put the two totally separate news stories together and what would your conclusion be?
It has gotten to the point in some parts of Georgia where you can hardly go to a federal, state or local park and enjoy the day due to all the “familias” overcrowding!
I know some would say that this is a racist thing to say, but if you live in Georgia and like the outdoors, you know what I mean.
Wait till your state is overrun before you point a finger and call someone else a racist. You just have to fund it and not have to live with it....yet.
Oh and by the way, the proper term would not be racist but prejudiced or bigoted there is a difference.
The term racist is used so often and accepted that today it shows most people could not even begin to tell you the difference in meaning.